Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in Local
Thursday 23: Approved sum was not spent in New York, say DPM’s office The office of deputy prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate says that $23,680 was spent on the minister’s delegation to carry out the country’s extension to its continental shelf claim handover in New York this month. And in a press release issued on […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in National
Monday 27: E-waste Cook Islands and Island Technology Ltd is reaching out to businesses and the community to help recycle and reduce e-waste by launching a programme that collects and recycles computer waste. Already over 20 businesses have signed up for the e-waste programme which collects computer and computer electronic items to be recycled safely. […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Local
Monday 20: The ministry of health is appealing for the return of a yellow bio-medical waste bin taken from outside the hospital maternity ward this month. The ministry’s maintenance manager Craig Miller says the bright yellow wheelie bin is an expensive one of a kind medical bin and has a code written on the side […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Wednesday 22: Local environmental group, Te Ipukarea Society, is urging the public to make their opinion known on the Seabed Minerals Bill by contacting the Parliamentary select committee today as they only have until Friday to make submissions on it. “Whether through lack of awareness or lack of belief in the project to collect millions […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 16: The recent Cook Islands Red Cross biennial general assembly 2009 was a very rewarding time for all, says secretary general Niki Rattle. With the theme for the week being ‘HIV and Governance’, Rattle says a lot was covered during the first three days. For the 10 branches, and the national office, Rattle says […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Local
Monday 20: The Cook Islands Christian Church 28th general assembly got underway yesterday morning with the opening ceremony at the Nikao CICC church, ‘Kanaana’. The ministers, observers and visitors were welcomed through a guard of honour set up by representatives from the uniformed organisations on Rarotonga. Yesterday’s sermon was delivered by the organisation’s president, Rev. […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 21: Arorangi Cook Islands Christian Church secretary Okirua Teokoitu described work carried out on the 160-year-old church as “a job well done” and “professionally accomplished”. In his address during the re-dedication service for the Ziona church, Teokoitu said this work was done with willing hearts from the ekalesia, community and private sector, and God’s […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 16: It’s the zappiest, smartest little car in New Zealand, and now it’s making a debut on the rock. The compact and perfectly formed Honda Jazz 2009 hatchback delivers a powerful driving performance with a cheeky attitude. This little beauty is only available from the good guys at the Cook Islands Motor Centre who […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Local
Monday 20: New Zealand media reported last week that travel agents say Kiwis are still planning to visit Fiji and Thailand despite unrest in both countries. Both countries are on the NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s travel advisory risk list, with Fiji at “some risk” and Thailand at “high risk”. Cook Islands Tourism […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 21: A house fire was reported in Manihiki on Sunday morning. Police say it started around 2am with all occupants uninjured. An investigation has been launched to ascertain what caused the fire. In other police matters, there were no car accidents reported on the weekend and only three motor vehicle crashes occurred last week. […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 16: The CISNOC general fund has recorded $34,273 in unidentified payments – the reason for unaudited financial statements presented to the annual general meeting on Tuesday night. Treasurer John Tierney said the statements are being audited, pending the outcome of further investigation into these payments. He said that two temporary staff had been taken […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Local
Saturday 18: Parliament’s speaker Mapu Taia was to have received a legal opinion on the status of Pukapuka-Nassau’s MP. Clerk of parliament Nga Valoa said that he received the opinion from the crown law office on Thursday afternoon, and was due to pass it on to the speaker who was due in Rarotonga yesterday. Valoa […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 21: Police are taking action to rectify a problem at the Avatiu intersection that has ruined the holiday of many tourists. The intersection will soon be getting a new stop sign placed closer to the seaside of the cross-roads, after Chief Justice David Williams urged that something be done. Last week in the high […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 16: A proposed amendment to the CISNOC constitution will now be addressed at a meeting for members on May 12. The amendment to article 9, which relates to the composition, election and appointment of the executive board, was put to the annual general meeting on Tuesday night. However, it was the clause referring to […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Crime
Monday 20: A 58-year-old man has been sentenced to two years in jail for attempted rape last month. Nooapii Williams Tauu attempted to rape a woman in Titikaveka on March 28. Appearing before Chief Justice David Williams, the court heard how Tauu had been drinking at a house with the victim and others. They all […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Local
Saturday 18: Nothing is more embarrassing than a senior government minister making uninformed, inconsistent and contradictory public statements says Opposition foreign affairs spokesman Norman George. George is once again lashing out at deputy prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate and repeating his claim that the minister is ‘out of control.’ “The DPM, who is not renowned […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 21: This year’s dancer of the year competition will start with the popular and entertaining papa’a event next week of the year for island visitors. This event will be held on Monday April 27 at the Staircase Restaurant and bar. The junior and intermediate dancer of the year finals will be held at the […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 16: The Esther Honey Foundation animal clinic is pleased with the community response to Vet Trek Rarotonga, the mass spay/neuter project currently under way. EHF clinic director Karen Galvan reports that EHF de-sexed 1123 animals in 2008, including 537 dogs. “This prevented hundreds of unwanted puppies and kittens from being born and improved the […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Crime
Monday 20: Grabbing and kissing a girl against her will, has landed Anthony Kakino back in prison. The 20-year-old was convicted of indecent assault last week by Chief Justice David Williams in the Cook Islands High Court. He was sentenced to two years in jail. Early Friday, October 23 last year, Kakino was driving his […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Local
Saturday 18: The Cook Islands is the first Pacific island country to lodge its extended continental shelf claim, one of the biggest that will be submitted to the United Nations. Deputy prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate has successfully submitted the Cook Islands claim to the Secretary of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental […]
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