Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 28: International Triathlon Week launches off this Thursday with the Trader Jacks sponsored round the Boiler Swim at 5pm. A practice swim of the course will be held this afternoon starting at 5pm from the pebble beach in front of Trader Jacks for those athletes wanting to suss out the best line in a […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 23: The outer island police officers are well into their five week training. Having arrived from their northern island home by the patrol boat Te Kukupa last month, the officers have been learning more on community policing and yesterday spent the day with government agencies. Held at the offices of the ministry of finance […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in Local
Wednesday 29: Pukapuka-Nassau MP Vai Peua has nothing to say about his meeting with opposition Cook Islands Party MPs on Monday afternoon. When contacted yesterday, Peua said that he did not want to make any comments to the media. Opposition leader Tom Marsters reiterated what he said after Monday’s meeting that nothing had developed after […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in Local
Friday 24: Some Returned Service Association members have expressed disappointment that some shops and the Punanga Nui market will open tomorrow morning. RSA vice president Henry Wichman says he understands that people have to make a living and that Saturday is the market’s biggest day, but he would like to see more locals come out […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 28: Seventeen tenders have been submitted for cleaning roadsides and drains around the island. Rarotonga community beautification programme coordinator Nga Teao says that the tenders will be opened at a gathering of prospective tenderers tomorrow, Wednesday. A panel will then look over the tenders and forward recommendations to the ministry of internal affairs The […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 23: Want to go scuba diving for half the normal price and do your part to conserve the underwater environment at the same time? Then get in touch with Cook Island Divers now to register for this Saturday’s PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) Project AWARE (Aquatic World Awareness Responsibility and Education) dive programme. […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in Local
Wednesday 29: Testing communications and operational capabilities in times of an emergency will be the focus of Operation Kura this week. Emergency Management Cook Islands director Charles Carlson says the exercise will be an opportunity for agencies to test communications and evaluate how well they are prepared for an emergency or disaster. “We want to […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in Local
Friday 24: The ministry of health has yet to confirm the dengue outbreak through lab tests, despite 390 probable cases being reported. Chief health inspector William Taripo says results of tests carried out in March and earlier this month should have been received and the ministry is now making enquiries as to the delay. Blood […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 28: Government has included a copy of its purchase agreement with Toa Petroleum company Apex Agencies in its statements of defence in the Triad Petroleum case against its fuel farm scheme. The document was filed by Crown Law with the high court last Friday as one of many exhibits referred to in an affidavit […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 23: As a lead up to the World Youth Netball Championships in August and the Pacific Mini Games in September, the youth of the country is being called together for youth service day tomorrow, Friday April 24. Youth service day is celebrated annually in April and the theme for the day is ‘youth changing […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in Local
Wednesday 29: Just one burglary was reported to police last week – Van’s store was broken into between late Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. Among the items stolen were eight cartons of Winfield red, three cartons of Winfield green, six packets of Winfield green, three cartons of John Brandon cigarettes and several bottles of spirits […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in Local
Friday 24: Two proposals put to government for use of stimulus funds Government is soon to decide how it will spend the $3 million it had set aside for the purpose of a small business stimulus package six months ago. Proposals are now being put to the ministry of finance and cabinet from at least […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 28: The World Health Organisation has declared a public health emergency of international concern in response to human cases of swine influenza A/H1N1 reported in Mexico and the United States. More cases have reportedly been confirmed in New Zealand, Canada and Spain. A Public Health advice notice issued on Sunday says all countries have […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 23: Cook Islands Library & Museum Society president, and former RSA executive, Gordon Sawtell (pictured at right) is passionate about the commemoration of ANZAC Day. This year Sawtell, 79, has put together a display at the library in Taputapuatea on the history of ANZAC day including maps of trenches used by the forces. Sawtell […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in Local
Wednesday 29: Rarotonga took the brunt of a torrential downpour yesterday which cut power, flooded buildings and closed schools. Meteorological Service director Arona Ngari says 88 millimetres of rain was recorded between 4am and 6am on Tuesday. Rarotonga’s previous rainfall last week had recorded only .2mm. He says the downpour was attributed to the South […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in Local
Thursday 23: Police are searching for the driver involved in a hit-and-run incident yesterday morning. Between 8.30 and 10.45am, an English couple were walking on the lagoon side from the Rarotonga Spa and Resort back to their accommodation at the International backpackers. About 50m before the road leading inland to the accommodation, the female tourist […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in National
Monday 27: The 94th ANZAC Day commemorations on Saturday started with a solemn dawn parade at the cenotaph in the courthouse complex. The dawn parade saw a large contingent of Returned Services Association members joined by local police officers and visiting members of the New Zealand armed forces for the short march to the cenotaph. […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 23: The local Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) office has hosted a three day workshop this week for technical experts on its East Polynesia Ecoregion project. WWF Cook Islands coordinator Mona Matepi says the aim of the project, which began last year, is to complete a comprehensive conservation plan for the ecoregion. The ecoregion […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in Local
Tuesday 28: Police say the driver that hit a child two weeks ago was not at fault. At around 4.30pm on Friday March 17 in front of the Convenience Store in Tupapa, a woman was driving towards Avarua when a 20-month-old boy ran in front of the vehicle and collided with the front left corner […]
Wednesday 29 April 2009 | Published in Local
Thursday 23: Environment minister Ngamau Munokoa has confirmed that National Environment Service director Vaitoti Tupa was reappointed for three years from April 1. Tupa’s reappointment has now become the subject of an audit office report. Director of audit Paul Allsworth says the whole process undertaken by government since last year when Tupa’s previous contract expired […]
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