Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Environment
Friday 7: “The outcome of the Pacific Island Forum is a disaster for the Pacific,” according to Greenpeace political advisor Seni Nabou. She says Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd has chosen big polluters over the very survival of Pacific Islands. “At the same time, Pacific Islands leaders have buckled to a watered down climate agreement […]
Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local
Friday 7: Cook Islands Canoeing Association is still holding on to hope that it can get New Zealand passports for its two athletes Vaea Melvin and Tupuna Amo to make them eligible to represent the Cook Islands in next month’s Pacific Mini Games. Both paddlers hold French Polynesia passports and have Cook Islands permanent residency […]
Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in National
Saturday 8: Saturday 8: At least one of the country’s offshore banks will be spared the axe created by the Banking Amendment Bill which awaits its final reading in parliament. Capital Security Bank was this week granted a licence to carry on domestic banking business within the Cook Islands. When the bill is passed, offshore […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Local
3 August: The ministry of health has proposed issuing an interim sewage construction permit for the recently-completed multi sports complex, but with conditions. Health secretary Dr Roro Daniel said that in order to move the issue forward, the ministry has proposed a conditional permit. However Dr Daniel said that first, advice would need to be […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in National
5 August: At the recent PPSEAWA (Pan Pacific South East Asia Womens Association) annual general meeting, Eleitino PaddyWalker was honoured with a life membership. This was in recognition of her dedication and service by love and example to PPSEAWA Cook Islands especially for the creation and implementation of Peace Programmes in the Cook Islands and […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 30: The Cook Islands Canoeing Association was served a double surprise when they took out two awards at the recent Air New Zealand Cook Islands Tourism Awards. When the canoeing association entered the annual Vaka Eiva Festival for the tourism awards it was with the intention of getting feedback from the industry to improve […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Local
3 August: Even after the multi sports complex has been handed over to the Cook Islands government, the venue has still not been granted a permit for its sewage/waste water system. And the health ministry believes that the treatment of waste from the complex could present a health risk during the two upcoming sports events. […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in National
5 August: Acting prime minister and deputy prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate, in his constitution day address, noted some of the issues the nation has faced throughout our 44 years of self governance. He began his speech by congratulating Sir Frederick Goodwin for having held the post of Queen’s Representative for a long time and […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 30: Air Rarotonga managing director Ewan Smith has been honoured this month with the lifetime achievement award at the inaugural Air New Zealand Cook Islands Tourism Awards. “I’m flattered,” Smith says of the award. Smith’s colleague Peter Heays nominated him for the special award. “Ewan Smith arrived from Rotorua in November 1973 to take […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Local
1 August: Machinery needed for the Nassau harbour was landed on the island last week. Pukapuka-Nassau MP Vai Peua said from Nassau that a ceremony was held on Sunday evening to formally bless and launch the start of work on the project. S&T Contractors have been given the contract to construct the harbour, and dynamiting […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in National
3 August: A group of intern chiropractors is on Rarotonga this week to offer its services to the community. New Zealand chiropractor Dr Bo Wong, who along with Gayle Hoffman from the New Zealand College of Chiropractic, are here with the 20 interns. A similar visit was organised last year. Dr Wong says that the […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 30: It was an upbeat five-star event under the stars when the Air New Zealand Cook Islands Tourism Awards were presented last Friday evening. “It all came together beautifully,” says awards chairman Steve Lyon. “The venue, the food, the beverage, the service, the atmosphere, the presentation of the awards, the performances, the weather — […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Local
1 August: Former manager of Cook Islands tourism office in Auckland has been sentenced to prison this week. Albert Numanga was ordered to serve three years and nine months in jail for defrauding the government of more than $1 million. The sentence was handed down by judge Anne Kiernan in the Auckland District Court on […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in National
3 August: Forum secretariat head of Pacific Plan division Ed Virkic was a guest speaker at the media workshop in Cairns, Australia, this week. Virkic says the Pacifi Plan is a statement designed to bring together regional initiatives. The plan is recognised by the United Nations and is the first attempt to articulate the challenges […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 30: The Cook Islands has made progress in relation to implementing an effective anti-money laundering system, and has one of the top assessments in the Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG). After the annual meeting of the APG in Brisbane, Australia this month, executive secretary Gordon Hook admitted there were “weaknesses” in Pacific […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Local
1 August: The Chinese workers from the China Civil Engineering Construction Company (CCECC) were the toast of yesterday’s handover ceremony of the Telecom Sports Arena. Around 200 people gathered at the arena site in Nikao including the 60-plus Chinese workers who had spent 10 months constructing the building. After a prayer by Rev Tereora Tereora […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in National
3 August: Most teachers can’t wait to see the back of their students. But for retired survey lecturer Garth Matterson meeting up with a couple of his Cook Islands students after 30 years, was a pleasure. Matterson recently visited Rarotonga where he planned to surprise two of his former students, Tereapii Charlie and George George. […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 30: Apii Rutaki might be one of the smallest schools on Rarotonga. But it certainly has the keenest supporters of the two major upcoming sporting events. On Tuesday the school of 64 students held a special flag raising ceremony for the two countries they will be supporting during the World Youth Netball Championships next […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Local
Friday 31: Despite being one of the smallest nations attending, the Cook Islands certainly made their presence felt this week during a regional media gathering. The nation has not only won the bid to host the next Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) meeting in 2011 but Cook Islands News managing editor John Woods was elected […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in National
3 August: The official ceremony to commemorate Constitution Day will be held tomorrow morning at the National Auditorium, beginning at 9.15am. Speeches will be made by the president of the House of Ariki, Tou Travel Ariki, the acting prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate, and the Queen’s Representative Sir Frederick Goodwin. Because of public holiday, there […]
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