
Superannuation is a poor investment

Thursday 12 November 2009 | Published in National

Can members sue to recover the losses? Some members of the Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund have suggested suing the board of directors or the trustee or the fund manager for the losses. My advice is that such would be unsuccessful. The chance of success would be small yet expensive. I would not recommend even […]


Digital library celebrates 1st birthday

Thursday 12 November 2009 | Published in National

It has one year since Mangaia School’s library went digital. New books were purchased last year as part of education ministry’s programme to upgrade libraries in schools, and a computer with software for digitally scanning the books, along with a barcode reader, was also acquired. “Our students likened this to a supermarket, where the groceries […]


Armistice Day remembered

Thursday 12 November 2009 | Published in National

A handful of people attended Armistice Day ceremony at the monument inside the ministry of justice compound in Avarua. After a short service led by Bob Kimiangatau, wreaths were laid at the cenotaph by deputy prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate, first secretary Nicola Ngawati on behalf of the New Zealand high commission, maritime surveillance advisor […]


Reflecting on Armistice Day

Thursday 12 November 2009 | Published in Local

From left deputy prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate, New Zealand high commission first secretary Nicola Ngawati, maritime surveillance advisor commander John Navin and Cook Islands Returned Services Association president Henry Wichman pictured during the Armistice Day ceremony yesterday. Story on page 8. 09111126


Anti-hunger petition launched

Thursday 12 November 2009 | Published in Local

An online anti-hunger campaign was launched this week by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Next week the FAO will host the World Summit on Food Security at its headquarters in Rome. Prime minister Jim Marurai is attending the summit accompanied by his executive advisor Trevor Pitt. The pair left for Rome, Italy yesterday […]


Workshops to assist landowners

Thursday 12 November 2009 | Published in Local

Land court community workshops will be put on next week by the ministry of justice. The free meetings is for anyone wanting to know about succession, leases, occupation rights, meetings of assembled owners and the leases approval tribunal. Secretary of justice Mark Short says this is the first time a project of this nature has […]


Unlocked gate led to escape

Thursday 12 November 2009 | Published in Local

The escape from prison last weekend was caused by human error says secretary of justice Mark Short. Teremoana Saddler, 19, and Andrew Tonorio, 20, broke out around noon on Saturday. Tonorio was caught by wardens shortly after however Saddler was at large until Sunday morning. “I understand the security gate was not locked at the […]


SPIN cable system could be an option

Thursday 12 November 2009 | Published in Local

The high cost of connectivity for the country’s telecommunications services at present could be reduced by taking advantage of new technologies on offer. According to Forum Secretariat economic infrastructure advisor John Budden, it makes sense for government to consider new technologies that can reduce the cost of ‘connecting with the rest of the world.’ Present […]


Minister to China

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Local

Wednesday 26: Cabinet minister Tangata Vavia is heading to China on Friday to attend the 5th International Cooperation Summit and the 3rd Global Outsourcing Summit in Changchun City. Initially prime minister Jim Marurai and DPM Sir Terepai Maoate were invited to next month’s summits but due to prior commitments, they are unable to attend. It […]


Engara in Miss South Pacific

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Local

Thursday 20: Miss Cook Islands will be challenging the title of Miss South Pacific in November. A decision was announced this week to send Engara Gosselin to the event held in Suva from Novmeber 21 to 28. The pageant theme will be ‘Preserving our environment the Pacific Way.’ Miss Niue, Vanessa Marsh, is the current […]


Aotearoa Society to welcome Maori King

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in National

Friday 21: The Aotearoa Society will host the visiting New Zealand Maori king Te Arikinui Tuheitia Paki to a morning tea at the Aotearoa Centre in Tupapa during his week-long visit next month. Society secretary Helen O’Meara says they have been asked by NZ High Commissioner Tia Barrett to host the king and his entourage […]


Just move on Wilkie: Norman

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Local

Wednesday 26: Opposition MP Norman George says Penrhyn MP Wilkie Rasmussen should accept the Democratic Party decision to give him the boot. George says even if Rasmussen’s rights have been abused, the court action he’s threatened would only drain the Demo Party and the MP of their resources. “He would have to go for a […]


Penrhyn MP opposes transport option

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Local

Thursday 20: Penrhyn MP Wilkie Rasmussen is opposed to government doing a deal with Air Rarotonga and Taio Shipping for the Maeva Nui teams from the north. Rasmussen says he turned down an invitation to meet with culture secretary Sonny Williams and other northern group MPs at the DPM’s office yesterday because of hard feelings […]


USP wants Cook Islands input

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in National

Friday 21: The University of the South Pacific’s vice chancellor and president is on Rarotonga and is keen to hear how the USP can better serve the needs of the country’s residents. Professor Rajesh Chandra is here primarily to attend this morning’s graduation of Cook Islands-based students at the National Auditorium. But Chandra says that […]


PM in Tahiti for ship charter

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Local

Wednesday 26: Prime minister Jim Marurai is heading an urgent mission to French Polynesia for further talks on the charter of a ship to get the northern group tere parties to Rarotonga next month. Marurai left for Tahiti yesterday along with secretary of culture Sonny Williams and his private secretary Rosita Taikakara. The PM is […]


Govt explores options for Maeva Nui travel

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Local

Thursday 20: Newly appointed secretary of culture Sonny Williams is facing one of the first challenges of his role – finding transport for Maeva Nui northern group tere parties. Yesterday deputy prime minister and finance minister Sir Terepai Maoate met with Williams, financial secretary Sholan Ivaiti, Manihiki MP Apii Piho, Rakahanga MP Piho Rua, Taio […]


Westpac cuts penalty fees

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in National

Friday 21: Westpac today announced a range of exception fee reductions, some fees cut by 60 percent, across a number of their business and personal products and services. The reduced exception fees, sometimes known as penalty fees, apply to credit card and transaction accounts and come as part of the bank’s renewed customer-focused strategy. The […]


Power outage affects Avatiu-Nikao

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Local

Tuesday 25: A fault along a sea-side line caused a power outage in Rarotonga on Sunday night. Te Aponga Uira acting chief executive Elma Marurai says a fault was recorded from 9.30pm along the line from Avatiu wharf to the meteorological service office at the Nikao seawall. All households and businesses along the line would […]


Orientation concludes for HoMs and SIAs

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in National

Wednesday 26: Heads of ministries (HoMs) and island secretaries (SIAs) are into the last day of a two-day orie-ntation workshop on Rarotonga. Office of the public service commissioner CEO Priscilla Maruariki said yesterday that workshop will help new HoMs and island secretaries to better understand their roles and familiarise themselves with the legislation which applies […]


Calling home easy for Opo

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in National

Thursday 20: Born in New Zealand with strong family ties to the Cook Islands and Tonga, Aircraftsman Malina Opo is serving with No. 3 Squadron, Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF), in Samoa as part of Exercise Tropic Astra 2009. Opo loves his job and says he would encourage Cook Islanders to join the air […]


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