Monday 8 February 2010 | Published in Local
The office of the public service commissioner has begun its investigation into financial secretary Sholan Ivaiti’s role into the Toa fuel farm affair. Public service commissioner Navy Epati says the inquiry will look into the role and impact of decisions made, and advice given to cabinet and finance minister, by Ivaiti. “I had earlier indicated […]
Monday 8 February 2010 | Published in Local
Plans to accept a donated CT scanner from Waikato Hospital are now on hold according to ministry of health secretary Tupou Faireka. A submission detailing the donation and the expected costs of installation and maintenance of the machine was supposed to be taken to cabinet by health minister Apii Piho last week. But it is […]
Monday 8 February 2010 | Published in Local
The US Navy Research Laboratory released this forecast map of tropical cyclone Pat moving towards the Southern group islands. sh142010_ “/> A tropical cyclone alert has been issued for the Northern Cooks. But it appears that the islands in the Southern group will experience the brunt of tropical cyclone Pat later this week. Yesterday Pat […]
Monday 8 February 2010 | Published in National
Maria Peach was studying to be a teacher when her grandparents, Moerau and Makiroa Luka died. Shortly thereafter, a friend of hers died of leukemia and some women she worked with began to develop alcoholism. “I thought it was time to do something, to give back in any way I could,” Peach said. So she […]
Monday 8 February 2010 | Published in National
Enhancing public health through physical activity and the role of sport in education are just some of the things 17-year-old school girl Raukura Ellison hopes to learn at the first Pacific Youth Conference next month. Raukura is a member of the Cook Islands Youth Ambassadors (CIYA) who will be attending the conference with 300 other […]
Monday 8 February 2010 | Published in National
Providing first class education with ever-decreasing resources is the overall challenge faced by the ministry of education. Secretary Sharyn Paio says the goal of achieving a high standard education system requires more thought and exploration. She hopes more ideas on how to approach this challenge will result from the opportunity to be part of the […]
Saturday 6 February 2010 | Published in Crime
Three bench warrants were issued at last Thursday’s criminal hearing in the High Court. Bobby Tekoronga was charged with excess breath alcohol. His failure to appear in court prompted Reid to issue a bench warrant. Tangatatutai Ngatupuna was charged with cultivating cannabis and assault on a female. He did not appear in court and a […]
Saturday 6 February 2010 | Published in Environment
Climate change is a global problem requiring a global solution. More importantly, it poses a direct risk to the Cook Islands, impacting many of our key development sectors such as agriculture, health and marine resources. The Cook Islands, therefore, led by the prime minister Jim Marurai, participated in the 15th session of the Conference of […]
Saturday 6 February 2010 | Published in Environment
Government has decided to continue lobbying for a binding climate change deal to be made at this year’s United Nations meeting in Cancun, Mexico. Like other small island states the Cook Islands will not support the Copenhagen Accord – the highly criticised document created by 25 countries at the United Nations climate change conference in […]
Saturday 6 February 2010 | Published in Local
Police returned escaped inmate Daniel Taura to Arorangi prison yesterday morning at about 8am. He will remain in custody until February 25, when he will appear in court for three outstanding charges and an additional one of escaping from lawful custody. Police received a number of calls from people who had sighted Taura on Thursday, […]
Saturday 6 February 2010 | Published in Local
The high incidence of burglary and theft in Puaikura is still one of the main concerns for tourism accommodation operators in the vaka. Puaikura contains the largest number of accommodation properties making it even more prone to crime. At infrastructure minister William ‘Smiley’ Heather’s meeting with around a dozen operators on Thursday, government was asked […]
Saturday 6 February 2010 | Published in National
A total of 24 scholarship awards for students studying in-country and overseas were announced this week. Seven have received awards to study overseas and 17 will undertake distance flexible learning while living on Rarotonga. Most of those studying in-country will work through the University of the South Pacific campus in Rarotonga. Those who have been […]
Saturday 6 February 2010 | Published in National
Atiu’s CIP MPs Norman George and Nandi Glassie will run in the next election following unopposed nomination by their constituencies to stand again. They met with the people of their electorates in Atiu last month. Glassie, 58, says there was unanimous, one hundred percent support for the two to stand again for the party. Rather […]
Saturday 6 February 2010 | Published in National
Dear Editor, Your front-page article on Thursday wrongly reported that I was at minister Robert Wigmore’s meeting to lobby for renewal of Bruce Manuela’s company licences. This is a total fabrication of either Helen Greig’s imagination or that of her ‘Deep Throat’ informer at minister Wigmore’s office. This was an official meeting between the minister […]
Saturday 6 February 2010 | Published in National
The country’s major retailer CITC has responded to news that the water tank subsidy scheme has run out of money, by reducing the prices on their tanks. The ministry of infrastructure & planning announced this week that it could not afford to dispense any more subsidies, after approving 82 out of 139 applications. Late last […]
Friday 5 February 2010 | Published in National
A 13-year-old girl was found yesterday morning after being on the run from her family for six days. Police alerted the public that Rosemary Tereau on Wednesday night with an announcement on television after her aunty, who she resides with in Avarua, reported her missing on Monday. Inspector Tere Patia said she was spotted at […]
Friday 5 February 2010 | Published in National
The Asian Development Bank project to improve infrastructure service delivery will provide initial advice on asset management to local agencies. In a presentation this week, consultant Graeme Hughson from AECOM in Wellington stressed the importance of asset management plans, and having a register of assets. Basically asset management, said Hughson, helps to ensure that asset […]
Friday 5 February 2010 | Published in National
The Cook Islands Tourism Industry Council says it applauds the good work of the Cook Islands Tourism Corporation, as highlighted at the recent industry forum hosted by the corporation. “Last year saw the achievement of many milestones in tourism, including a first in visitor numbers exceeding 100,000, growth in the Australian market, continuity of the […]
Friday 5 February 2010 | Published in National
Flies, thrip bugs and mynah birds are hurting the business of Puaikura vaka accommodation operators and they say they want government to help them control the pests. The pest issue was a big issue when accomodation operators in the area were invited to share their concerns with infrastructure minister William ‘Smiley’ Heather yesterday. A Rarotongan […]
Friday 5 February 2010 | Published in National
Tupapa pu tapere George Matutu says he was overwhelmed by the support on the first day of work on the Tupapa Nui meeting house last weekend. As well as a large number of men and women who turned up to lend a hand, Matutu says there were numerous donations of food and money made by […]
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