
Diplomats renew ties before Forum

Wednesday 21 March 2012 | Published in Local

A recent spate of foreign diplomats arriving in the Cook Islands to present their credentials has members of the public wondering whether countries are rushing to establish ties with the Cook Islands before it hosts the Pacific Islands Forum in August, in an effort to be granted observer status. Foreign affairs secretary Jim Gosselin says […]


Colourful beauty on the catwalk

Wednesday 21 March 2012 | Published in National

This week in Pukapuka wheelbarrows and motorbikes became floats. The inaugural Miss Niua School Beauty Contest focused on climate change. Students decorated their floats with hand painted posters promoting an environmental message. Weed grass, banana plants, niu, uto, taro, flowers and balloons all became part of the catwalk. A few creative students made their float […]


Aitutaki adopts Earth Hour

Wednesday 21 March 2012 | Published in National

Parts of Aitutaki will go dark late this month to shine a light on climate change as part of the worldwide push Earth Hour. Aitutaki will join the global initiative a day after businesses and homes in Rarotonga do, switching off their lights between 8.30pm and 9.30pm on Saturday, March 31. Earth Hour will be […]


Extra 30 seconds for 'grab'

Wednesday 21 March 2012 | Published in National

The final CITC grocery grab competition winner will get an extra 30 seconds to wreak havoc on the CITC Supermarket this week. In addition to the regular, mad-dash three minutes that the winners receive in the grocery grab, the third and final contestant will get an extra 30 seconds in a special room to make […]


Mining expert advises on seabed

Wednesday 21 March 2012 | Published in National

The deep sea minerals sector has received another push along with the arrival of a new, resident natural resource adviser to the Cook Islands. New Zealand geologist Darryl Thorburn, the man who has taken up the job, is internationally acknowledged as an expert in mining activities and brings decades of experience in promoting economic development […]


New publication seeks BTIB approval

Wednesday 21 March 2012 | Published in National

The Business Trade Investment Board will next week consider a short-term business application from an Australian publishing company that has plans which split the local tourism industry. Industry members held an impromptu meeting on Monday afternoon to discuss the company’s plans to bring a compendium publication to the Cook Islands detailing the activities on offer […]


Daily drill!

Tuesday 20 March 2012 | Published in National

Brushing one’s teeth is a daily duty for kids at Takitumu Primary School where principal Engia Pate says is all about instilling healthy habits among the children. For many of the kids, the toothbrush drill, as it’s called at school, may be the only time they actually brush their teeth. Each class at the school […]


King leaves legacy: Puna

Tuesday 20 March 2012 | Published in National

Cook Islands Prime Minister Henry Puna has joined other world leaders in expressing his condolences at the recent passing of Tonga’s, King George Tupou V. King Tupou died in Hong Kong at the weekend aged 63. Puna said that since his coronation in 2008, King Tupou had ushered in landmark constitutional changes to the Kingdom […]


Rotterdam sails into Rarotonga

Tuesday 20 March 2012 | Published in National

Rarotonga’s population soared on Monday when the MS Rotterdam visited our shores. The ship caters for over 1500 passengers and 1000 staff, and makes long haul journeys of up to two months. Cruise ship passengers had a choice of markets, with the usual stalls set up wharf side, and Punanga Nui Market also opened especially […]


Manuia sale funds swallowed by receivership

Tuesday 20 March 2012 | Published in National

About 13,000 investors owed $400 million following the collapse of one of New Zealand’s largest finance companies will receive a small payout next month thanks in part to the sale of a Rarotonga resort. John Fisk, Strategic Finance receiver, said he had completed the sale of Manuia Resort earlier this month with the funds due […]


Secret report behind Toa action

Tuesday 20 March 2012 | Published in Crime

Apex Agencies continues to pursue an action it brought in 2010 against the secretary of internal affairs, minister of internal affairs, Triad Petroleum and Te Aponga Uira in relation to its competitor’s dangerous goods licence. In essence, Apex is challenging the ministry’s issuance of a dangerous goods licence to Triad in 2010. Represented by New […]


OIA request made for 'secret' report

Tuesday 20 March 2012 | Published in Crime

Cook Islands News yesterday issued an Official Information Act request for release of a public document describing compliance by 12 fuel outlets under the Dangerous Goods Act. The request was issued immediately after the High Court revealed the existence of the report dated November 2010. CINews managing editor John Woods wrote to Internal Affairs secretary […]


Toa injunction denied

Tuesday 20 March 2012 | Published in Crime

An application for an interim injunction brought by Avatiu landowners against Apex Agencies – parent company of Toa Petroleum – was yesterday denied. Chief Justice Tom Weston heard submissions from Tim Arnold on behalf of hundreds of landowners, who are being represented by Philip Nicholas, and from New Zealand barrister Paul Dale on behalf of […]


Think twice about aquaculture

Tuesday 20 March 2012 | Published in Environment

A new report on mariculture (marine aquaculture) has urged Pacific nations to think twice before embarking on sea-farming enterprises. It found that many mariculture projects had been undertaken in the past without proper economic studies, particularly of the costs involved and the potential markets for fish products, and suggests that the Pacific “get away from […]


PM rallies expats to come back to Cooks

Tuesday 20 March 2012 | Published in Local

Superannuation portability, the return of young people back to the Cook Islands and building unity amongst Cook Island communities in the South Island were some of the key topics Prime Minister Henry Puna discussed when he visited with officials in New Zealand last week. His visit to Christchurch, Ashburton, Dunedin and Invercargill was one of […]


Toa must be 'out' by April 30

Tuesday 20 March 2012 | Published in Local

The court yesterday denied an application by landowners for an interim injunction against Apex Agencies in relation to its Toa Petroleum depot. Chief Justice Tom Weston heard submissions from Tim Arnold on behalf of hundreds of landowners, who are being represented by Philip Nicholas, and from New Zealand barrister Paul Dale on behalf of Apex […]


Guarantee necessary

Monday 19 March 2012 | Published in Local

Tourism officials expect the Los Angeles-Rarotonga flight will never make a profit for the airline operating it, meaning it will stay reliant on the government underwrite that currently guarantees its existence. However, the direct Sydney-Rarotonga flight still has a potential to become more profitable as its popularity increases and if it was used more for […]


Lawyers concerned at debtor penalty

Monday 19 March 2012 | Published in Local

Members of the community last week cautioned a select committee against endorsing the Judicature Amendment Bill in its draft form. Appointed to consider the strengths and weaknesses of the bill, the select committee was this week chaired by opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen in chairman Henry Puna’s absence. Also on the committee are Norman George, Mona […]


Road crossing officially opened

Monday 19 March 2012 | Published in National

Children’s voices were raised in celebration at the official opening of the Takitumu School road crossing on Friday morning. Prinicipal Engia Pate said they identified the need for a crossing after observing some near accidents by the school back in 2009. She thanked Matavera MP Kiriau Turepu, and his election campaign manager Nga Jessie, Rescue […]


Marine pilot certificates awarded

Monday 19 March 2012 | Published in National

Ports Authority staff, maritime and police officers including (from left) Andre Tuiravakai, Tuariki Henry, John Teaurima, Tepaki Baxter, Saungaki Rasmussen, Papata Tangaroa, Tapiti Taringa and Roger Ua Ua (kneeling) with Police Commisioner Maara Tetava (centre) pose with the marine pilot certificates presented to them on Friday morning. The five police and maritime officers along with […]


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