
Use reusable bags!

Thursday 7 June 2012 | Published in Environment

In the spirit of National Environment Week, the National Environment Service (NES) is encouraging people to tote their groceries in reusable bags. Two shop owners have been obliging and on board with NES’ efforts to phase out plastic bags for months now, and in return have received 100 reusable bags apiece to sell to customers. […]


Cloth bag show open

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in Environment

The Art Studio in Arorangi is kicking its Environment Week display into gear. Associate minister for the environment and Ngatangiia MP Atatoa Herman, with support from and in conjunction with the Cook Islands Sustainable Land Management Project and the National Environment Service, will formally open the SLM Cloth Bag Exhibition tonight at 6pm. While the […]


Toa tanks run dry

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in Local

Toa Petroleum has run out of fuel. Company director Brett Porter is currently in Auckland, but confirmed via email that Toa has no petrol on account of shipping irregularities and expects its next supply to arrive on June 16. ”The Southern Express was originally scheduled to arrive on the third of this month. Our fuel […]


Co-operation with China promoted

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in Local

Minister of health Nandi Glassie met with Chinese Ambassador Xu Jianguao in Wellington last week to discuss possible future co-operation in the health sector. Glassie, who has just returned from the World Health Organisation (WHO) General Assembly in Geneva, was following up earlier discussions on possible co-operation with China in the health sector. ”The Cook […]


French Navy vessel visits Rarotonga

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in Local

A French naval vessel is due in Rarotonga today on its first voyage to the Cook Islands. The ship, named L’Arago, replaced an older French vessel in Tahiti last year. L’Arago arrives at Avatiu wharf at 8 o’clock this morning, and will stay in port until Sunday afternoon. According to French honorary consul Nathalie Rossette-Cazel […]


Crew changes, high speeds and a great time in Samoa

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in National

Cook Islands vaka Marumaru Atua was yesterday passing the first island in the Fiji group (Wailangi Lala) and planning to arrive at its destination this morning. Below is part of the latest instalment from crew member Alex Olah’s blog. In Raro we unfortunately had to say goodbye to three of our older crew members, Harry […]


Cook Islands fights for voice at Rio+20

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in National

The Cook Islands and Niue will continue to battle for speaking rights at the United Nations Rio+20 Conference to be held in Brazil this month despite moves to exclude these Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) from doing so. The removal of speaking rights for the Cook Islands follows a UN General Assembly Resolution 66/197 […]


CI contributes to information sharing

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in National

Cook Islands immigration services have been involved in a three-day workshop with law enforcement experts from across the Pacific in order to strengthen the information flow between countries and agencies in the region. Head of Cook Islands Immigration Kave Ringi travelled to Fiji last month to join the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat meeting, which brought […]


Cyber Safety Pasifika website launched

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in National

Cyber Safety Pasifika has launched a new website that is aimed at helping young members of the Cook Islands and other Pacific Island communities to be safe online by providing information, advice and assistance on cyber safety. Cyber Safety Pasifika is a programme which equips police in the various Pacific Island countries including the Cook […]


Aitutaki kicks off cloth bag comp

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in National

Aitutaki took the lead in the Environment Week celebration this year, beginning its campaign on Monday. Aitutaki vainetini got together in a cloth shopping bag art competition as part of its ‘Say YES’ to reusable bags campaign under the Taau Taku Tita banner. The vainetini used their own cloth bags or made their own out […]


Transit of Venus a high

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in National

Cook Islands students – literally – witnessed an exciting slice of history yesterday afternoon. They were the last lot of students until December 2117 to watch Venus transit across the sun, and their enthusiasm was palpable. Tereora College science students gathered around department head Des Duthie’s telescope from midday. Duthie arranged the telescope in such […]


Reef sub ready and waiting

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in National

A photo was in Saturday’s paper of the Raro Reef Sub ”high and dry“ –this is incorrect. The Reef Sub is ready to continue its trips if the water clarity improves and if coral reef and sea life can be seen. Owners Sheryl and Huw John will let everyone know when they are back in […]


Queen's birthday celebration for pastor

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in National

Tevai ‘Bobby’ Matapo – pastor, leader and promoter of tertiary education – received a Queen’s Honours Award on the Queen’s birthday. His extended family and members of government attended a ceremony on Monday morning, at which Matapo was honoured with a rank as an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for […]


Tokelau aims for 100% renewable energy by 2012

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in Environment

Tokelau is following the Cook Islands by declaring a 100 percent renewable energy goal. Pacific island countries are among the most petroleum-dependent nations and territories in the world. However, Tokelau, a group of three small atolls in the South Pacific, will be the first to meet its electricity needs entirely through renewable energy by the […]


Seeking green answers for green economies

Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in Environment

Yesterday the world celebrated World Environment Day. Below is a message from Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, in commemoration of the occasion. The Cook Islands is celebrating Environment Week this week in honour of World Environment Day. We know the future we want for all. We want a future where every girl and boy can […]


Judge will hear jury trial

Tuesday 5 June 2012 | Published in Crime

Justice Hugh Williams is scheduled to arrive on Rarotonga June 17 to preside over a two-week-long session of the criminal and civil court. On his first day Justice Williams will hear a jury trial in relation to money laundering charges brought against Christopher and Akisi Mussell, who are represented by lawyer Tony Manarangi. The trial […]


Visitor numbers up 6% for April

Tuesday 5 June 2012 | Published in Local

Asian tourists are coming to the Cook Islands in increasing numbers, with the group spearheading an increase in visitor figures for April 2012. The number of Asians coming to Rarotonga in April is up by 40 percent compared to the same month last year, with the statistics office recording 56 inbound tourists compared to 40 […]


Police vehicle in crash

Tuesday 5 June 2012 | Published in Local

A police crash investigation team is looking into the cause of a collision on Saturday morning between a police vehicle carrying three police officers and a parked car. Police report that at 4.23am on Saturday, a mobile police patrol which included three officers crashed into an unoccupied parked vehicle on the main road at Kavera. […]


Murray's monster wedding present!

Tuesday 5 June 2012 | Published in Local

Despite weighting in at 262kg – the monster blue marlin caught aboard Akura yesterday didn’t win the Queen’s Birthday Weekend fishing competition – one especially for tuna. Not that it bothered the charter crew or their ecstatic anglers from New Zealand who were beaming after hauling in the monster. Kiwi angler Murray Broughton thought the […]


Lonely two months as an 'observer'

Tuesday 5 June 2012 | Published in National

Adrift on a Taiwanese vessel (its facilities designed for crew of Taiwanese stature) with no English-speaking companion, local Corey Fisher lived a fairly solitary life for the better part of two months. He’s glad to be back on Rarotonga, but says he would do the whole thing over again. He was selected by the Ministry […]


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