Saturday 9 June 2012 | Published in Environment
After a month-long information and advertising campaign, 75 percent of residential property owners in the Muri-Avana area have now signed-up to receive an upgraded sanitation system provided under the waste management initiative. Those signing up to the waste management initiative (WMI programme) are required to make a $1000 contribution towards the cost of the upgrade. […]
Saturday 9 June 2012 | Published in Local
The Budget discloses that by the end of this financial year the Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) expects to have sold an ”additional“ 20 fishing licences under its big-eye and swordfish exploratory programme. At present 17 Chinese fishing vessels are participating and their licences will be re-negotiated at the end of this year. Thirteen of […]
Saturday 9 June 2012 | Published in National
New import levies on sweetened drinks are likely to increase the cost of the average soft drink by 25 cents – and Pa Marie Ariki is thrilled. For months she has been trying to promote messages of healthy eating and living, and applauds the government for taking the initiative to discourage consumption of sweetened drinks. […]
Saturday 9 June 2012 | Published in National
Pa Marie Ariki is a woman on a mission, and her ultimate goal is to transform her nation into a fit and healthy one. She has been actively promoting healthful messages, emphasising the nutritional value of locally-grown fruits and vegetables – in particular the coconut – and liaising with doctors overseas about setting up a […]
Saturday 9 June 2012 | Published in National
Government has chosen to keep pa enua expenditure levels steady even as people continue to leave the outer islands. The Budget reveals that island administrations have access to funding totalling $10.8 million for this financial year. Funding comes from the pa enua capital fund ($2.7m), pa enua small capital fund ($110,000), pa enua equipment for […]
Saturday 9 June 2012 | Published in National
Government is offering $500 to the winner of a competition to design the logo for this year’s Pacific Islands Forum. The Government and people of the Cook Islands will be hosting the 43rd Pacific Leaders Forum in Rarotonga and Aitutaki in the last week of August 2012. The Prime Minister and 2012 Forum Chair Hon […]
Saturday 9 June 2012 | Published in National
Health minister Nandi Glassie recently met with Cuban Ambassador to New Zealand, Her Excellency Maria del Carmel Herrera Caseiro, to discuss possible health scholarships to Cuba for young Cook Islanders in the coming year. The discussions follow on from the visit to the Cook Islands of Ambassador Herrera Caseiro in March, during which she presented […]
Saturday 9 June 2012 | Published in National
Businesspeople raised concerns over VAT thresholds, the Cook Islands’ high cost of living, fishing licences, depopulation and forthcoming import levy increases at a ‘Budget breakfast’ with finance minister Mark Brown and finance secretary Richard Neves yesterday. Prime Minister Henry Puna opened the breakfast meeting, attended by about 80 people, applauding the Budget committee for balancing […]
Saturday 9 June 2012 | Published in National
French naval vessel L’Arago arrived in Rarotonga on Wednesday morning on its maiden voyage to the Cook Islands. The ship, which replaced an older French vessel in Tahiti last year, arrived at Avatiu wharf at 8am yesterday and will stay in port until Sunday afternoon. Senior sergeant Stu Tuariki Henry, operations officer and second in […]
Saturday 9 June 2012 | Published in National
Prime Minister Henry Puna is in Auckland from Monday to Thursday next week attending a tripartite meeting between Pacific leaders, the Pacific Island Forum, and the European Union. EU relations in the Pacific region will be discussed. The meeting will also be attended by New Zealand Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully and a minister from […]
Saturday 9 June 2012 | Published in National
The consumer price index has been revised upwards on account of increases in the price of fuel. The index, or CPI, relates to the cost of living and inflation, and indicates price changes for consumers. The most recent CPI data available relates to the March 2012 quarter, and is recorded at 121.84 for all groups […]
Saturday 9 June 2012 | Published in National
Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen yesterday issued this statement on the new Budget, which he perceives to be a document of ”zero hope and of bleak possibilities“. An annual Budget by any government is something that the people of the Cook Islands look into for hope of better things. But this Budget presented on Thursday by […]
Friday 8 June 2012 | Published in Environment
An aquafarm venture is currently being built in Titikaveka ready to open in time for the Pacific Islands Forum meeting in August. Aquaponics, which is new to the Cook Islands, combines aquaculture and hydroponics. For a simpler explanation, in the words of Pacific Islands Trade & Invest’s media and stakeholder relationships advisor Dev Nadkarni, ”it […]
Friday 8 June 2012 | Published in Environment
To coincide with Environment Week, Tania Temata has been chosen as recipient of Te Ipukarea Society’s Environment Award. ”This award is presented to either an individual or organisation or business who is a champion of environmental issues and Tania is very deserving of this award,“ says Ian Karika, president of the society. In citing the […]
Friday 8 June 2012 | Published in Local
After initially projecting a $2.1 million deficit, government has managed to balance its books. Accordingly, the Budget reflects a surplus of about $98,000 for the new financial year. The combined effect of the increased departure tax in the 2013-2014 financial year, the increase of import levies on tobacco, alcohol and fizzy drinks, and the 15 […]
Friday 8 June 2012 | Published in Local
Finance Minister Mark Brown wore a blue tie yesterday. It was a strategic wardrobe choice, one he said was symbolic of a surplus budget. ”If it were a deficit I would’ve worn a red tie,“ he told media, smiling. Brown applauded the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM), financial secretary Richard Neves and his […]
Friday 8 June 2012 | Published in National
Aitutaki medical student Bryden Nicholas is following in his father’s footsteps – and recently he returned to the island for a six-week trainee intern placement at Aitutaki hospital. In his sixth year studying medicine at Otago University, 23-year-old Nicholas decided to spend six weeks working in the Aitutaki hospital as well as another three months […]
Friday 8 June 2012 | Published in National
All things yummy will be on sale at today’s Avatea Primary School food festival fundraiser. The food festival, which runs from 10am to 2pm in the school hall, is to raise funds for school events and activities this year. The school hopes to raise $10,000 with energy saving lights at the top of the school’s […]
Friday 8 June 2012 | Published in National
By the end of this month, the Crown’s debt levels are expected to reach $93.6 million. Last year the gross debt level was recorded at $107 million. The $14 million reduction in debt levels is the result of a favourable movement in the US dollar to New Zealand dollar exchange rate. Currently the Ministry of […]
Friday 8 June 2012 | Published in National
Gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to grow 5 percent this year, driven primarily by a projected increase in tourist numbers. The economy grew moderately in 2009/2010 after contracting in 2008/2009, but the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) expects higher growth going forward. Nominal growth, which does not take into account the effect […]
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