
Hawaiian gateway finished

Wednesday 8 August 2012 | Published in Technology

New telecommunications company O3B has completed work on the satellite gateway which will service the Cook Islands.


Ship causes internet issues

Wednesday 8 August 2012 | Published in Technology

Telecom had problems with its internet and international calling over the weekend – but it was not their new switch causing the issues this time.


CI project attracts high praise

Wednesday 8 August 2012 | Published in Technology

Biodiversity world expert and author Dr Daniel Robinson has hailed a Cook Islands’ project developed by Dr Graham Matheson, as ‘best practice’ to international experts. Dr Robinson acknowledged CIMTECH (Cook Islands Medical Technologies) and its practices at recent biodiversity conferences held in Nadi and Auckland. Dr Robinson, the author of ‘Confronting Biopiracy – Challenges, Causes and International Debates’ held up the CIMTECH model as an example to other countries for the development of products of biodiversity and traditional knowledge. The CIMTECH project is a venture between Dr Matheson, the Koutu Nui and the University of NSW, Sydney, Australia and has developed products from traditional Cook Islands plants. After nearly 10 years of research, the first product is due to be launched in August as premium, natural skin care brand, TeTika. TeTika is dedicated to honouring former president of the Koutu Nui, Dorice Reid who inspired and supported the project.


Te Tika's model sustainable

Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Published in National

A decade of research on traditional Cook Islands medicine has resulted in a sustainable supply of BioActive Cook Islands Oils being produced on Rarotonga for the new skin care range, Te Tika. Te Tika brand founder and creator Dr Graham Matheson says it was important the production remained true to the literal meaning of Te […]


Back to core business for airport?

Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Published in National

The airport authority could be scrapping its public fire service as attempts to overturn a million-dollar loss were discussed between CEO Joe Ngamata and a New Zealand airport corporation chairman. John Gilks spent last week with Ngamata as part of the Chamber of Commerce’s business mentoring programme and while he has been a member of […]


Reef shipping pool terminated

Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Published in National

One of the joint service arrangements Reef Shipping participates in is disbanding, causing them to review services to customers moving cargo between Australia and the Pacific Islands. For almost 15 years Reef Shipping has operated most of their services out of Australia within the Auspac pool, a joint service arrangement where six partners shared two […]


First CI language week in NZ

Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Published in Local

New Zealand is holding a week-long celebration of the Cook Islands language for the first time this week. The first-ever National Cook Islands Language Week is being held between August 6 and 12, with the theme of ‘okotai manako – coming together united’. This event came from the consistent advocacy of Cook Islands people living […]


Tamou i te reo Maori

Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Published in Local

Akamata’anga a te ra ono no Aukute ki te ra 10 – ka rave ia te epetoma mua no te akaepaepa’anga i te reo Maori Kuki Airani in Aotearoa. Kua tae rava e tai ngauru ma rua mataiti i te tauta’anga kia akatupuia teia epetoma reo Maori Kuki Airani i Aotearoa. Na te taokotaianga Cook […]


Constitution celebrated in song and dance

Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Published in Local

The vibrancy and colour of the Cook Islands culture, language and her people was evident during the official 47th constitution celebrations on Saturday at the national auditorium. Singing, dancing, drumming and lots of laughs were all part of the official celebration of 47th year of self governance by the Cook Islands. Prime Minister Henry Puna […]


Final curtain fall for 2012 festival

Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Published in National

Friday night’s Te Maeva Nui performance drew the curtain on what was a wonderful week of culture and dance. As has now become the format of the Te Maeva Nui prizegiving – all teams were recognised with ‘grades’ for their performances in the ute, ura pau, pe’e (reo metua) and kapa rima categories. No main […]


37 islanders celebrate

Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Published in National

While the bulk of the population of Penrhyn celebrated the 47th year of Cook Islands self governance on Rarotonga – the remaining 37 resident on the island held their own small celebration singing hymns. Tetautua community on Penrhyn were proud to have Mr Saitu Marsters as the main speaker and leader during the ceremony as […]


Flying wind chime helps Mitiaro win

Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Published in National

Hips were swinging and feet tapping at the national auditorium on Saturday when five Te Maeva Nui drumming teams took the spotlight. As the reigning champions for years – team Manihiki decided to sit this year’s competition out and instead support the budding young talent from the other islands and village drum teams. Vaka Puaikura […]


Call to keep culture alive

Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Published in National

In true Cook Islands style, the nation’s 47th year of self governance was celebrated island style with singing and dancing by the people of the Cook Islands led from the front by Prime Minister Henry Puna. Puna and wife Akaiti were welcomed to the national auditorium for the official commemorations with a traditional turou from […]


Te aroa

Saturday 4 August 2012 | Published in Local

Tearoa Kairua radiated on stage during the Rakahanga kapa rima on Thursday night. 12080337 Related article(s):


Officer discharged

Saturday 4 August 2012 | Published in Local

The on-duty police officer involved in a crash last June has been discharged without conviction. Kris Goodwin fell asleep at the wheel while on night duty on June 4, and crashed into an unoccupied parked vehicle on the main road at Kavera. He appeared in the High Court in front of Justice of the Peace […]


Bail denied

Saturday 4 August 2012 | Published in Local

The lawyer for the three Operation Eagle prisoners this week filed an application to appeal their sentences and get them released on bail. Lawyer Norman George sought leave of the High Court in front of Chief Justice Tom Weston on Thursday to appeal the sentences of prisoners Giavanni Marsters, Inano Matapo and Samuel Tangaroa in […]


Bag ban set

Saturday 4 August 2012 | Published in Local

The Cook Islands will ban the importing of plastic bags from September 19. As well as a ban on non-biodegradable plastic bags, the importing of biodegradable plastic shopping bags will also be monitored through a user-friendly permitting process. A release from the National Environment Service says the ban is of benefit to the community, who […]


Touch tourney to unify all islands

Saturday 4 August 2012 | Published in National

The inaugural constitution touch tournament will be held on Monday at Victoria Park field in Tupapa from 9 o’clock. The competition was initiated by the Rakahanga Sports Association and coordinated by Tuhe Piho in association with the Cook Islands Touch Association. Piho recognised a need to run an inter island type sports competition during the […]


Editor's story in anthology

Saturday 4 August 2012 | Published in National

A travel story written by the editor of this newspaper has been included in a New Zealand travel anthology. John Woods’ feature story The Happy-Go-Lucky Highway has been included in travel anthology Home & Away, a new collection of 35 award-winning travel stories by well-known New Zealand writers. The Happy-Go-Lucky Highway was first published in […]


Rest the reward for performers

Saturday 4 August 2012 | Published in National

It is the middle of the afternoon during one of the Te Maeva Nui trade days. The sun is shining, the temperature is climbing and music has just finished beating from many island’s performers. Across the road at the hostel where the Aitutaki group is staying it is the lack of activity that is the […]


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