
Money doesn't make culture survive

Wednesday 18 July 2012 | Published in National

Dear Editor, I wanted to comment about the views expressed regarding the absence of a Cook Islands delegation at the Pacific Festival of Arts in Solomon Islands. I do agree that artists and crafts people should attend the festival and the country would have been better represented. But the real question is who should pay […]


A level playing field wanted

Wednesday 18 July 2012 | Published in National

”Government regulations and competition go hand in hand,“ a smoke signaller writes. ”To improve competition in the marketplace the government must be in a position to provide the right conditions so that all players such as wholesalers, retailers and consumers are given a fair and open playing field in order to carry out their business. […]


'Enriched' by arts festival

Tuesday 17 July 2012 | Published in National

I have been thinking about what I can say about the arts festival and how I can best describe this event in one word if I had to. A word that would accurately depict the experiences we’ve had, and the feelings we have felt by being here… The best word that springs to mind when […]


DPM at parliamentary assembly

Tuesday 17 July 2012 | Published in National

Deputy Prime Minister Tom Marsters is in Apia this week at the twice-yearly joint parliamentary assembly between the Africa Caribbean Pacific group and the European Union. Marsters is representing the Cooks at the eighth Pacific regional meeting in his role as foreign affairs and immigration minister. At the meeting, held from Wednesday to Friday, there […]


Glassie at human rights conference

Tuesday 17 July 2012 | Published in National

Deputy Prime Minister Tom Marsters and minister Nandi Glassie will both be away from the Cooks this week on official duties. Glassie, whose ministerial portfolios are health and agriculture, is in Brisbane attending a five-day consultation for regional members of parliament on advancing human rights. He is returning to Rarotonga on Sunday. Mitiaro MP Tangata […]


Mitiaro beckons for journalist and schoolboy

Tuesday 17 July 2012 | Published in National

Twelve-year-old Oliver Orr of Denver, Colorado, won’t be spending his school holidays at Disneyland or the beach. Instead, he’ll be staying in a kikau hut, eating fresh fruit and fish, and exploring the craggy makatea of Mitiaro. Oliver is accompanying his aunt Pip, a freelance writer and photographer, to Mitiaro, where he will be one […]


Water quality reports released

Tuesday 17 July 2012 | Published in Environment

The Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) has this year produced three separate water quality reports. Two show the trends over five years for lagoons and streams respectively, whilst one is the usual annual report for year ending December 2011, but also has the first quarter of this year. The reports are part of a monitoring […]


Lagoon Day welcomed to Puaikura

Tuesday 17 July 2012 | Published in Environment

The Cook Islands isn’t that bad but we are at the tipping point and it’s very possible to turn things around. These were the words of Lagoon Day coordinator June Hosking at the opening of the two-day event yesterday as she urged everyone to make a change to slow down the negative impacts humans have […]


Boat accident investigation

Tuesday 17 July 2012 | Published in Local

The boating accident on Saturday that has left Captain Moko’s Charters without a fishing boat is being investigated by both Cook Islands Police and the Ministry of Transport. Stephen Simpson of the Ministry of Transport says the main focus of their investigation is to find out exactly what caused the early morning accident, why it […]


Just 1 Raro team in Te Maeva Nui

Tuesday 17 July 2012 | Published in Local

Vaka Puaikura will be the only team representing Rarotonga at this year’s annual Te Maeva Nui celebrations which run for 12 days from July 26 to August 6 But there is full outer islands representation at this year’s annual show of national pride and celebration of self governance. Southern group island team members from Atiu, […]


Wifi woes

Tuesday 17 July 2012 | Published in Local

People who had problems with Telecom’s wifi hotspots over the weekend will be pleased to know Telecom has upgraded to a ”faster, cleaner“ system. While Friday, Saturday and Sunday saw disgruntled tourists locked out of wifi hotspots at times, Telecom’s business solutions manager Brendon Welsh said there will be no more problems as they have […]


Lagoon Day discovery

Tuesday 17 July 2012 | Published in Local

These Arorangi School kids discovered at yesterday’s Lagoon Day that this massive pile of crushed and bailed plastic bottles will not be shipped off the island because of the high cost of the process. 12071619 Related article(s): Lagoon Day welcomed to Puaikura


Solar unit gifted

Monday 16 July 2012 | Published in Environment

The Cook Islands could be using more solar energy in the future if Kiwi entrepreneur Baskhar Sharma has anything to do about it. Sharma, of trading group Pacific New Zealand, presented Prime Minister Henry Puna with a state-of-the-art hybrid solar air conditioning unit. The solar panel, which goes by the name of Sol Air, is […]


O3B internet experts explain plan

Monday 16 July 2012 | Published in Local

A special industry forum is being held today in order to discuss the new O3B internet service being launched in the Cooks. Telecom Cook Islands has invited people from key businesses, state owned enterprises and government ministries to attend the evening presentation given by Telecom and O3B representatives. The people chosen to attend the conference […]


Busy week: Lagoon Day, Careers Expo, Rippa rugby

Monday 16 July 2012 | Published in Local

Learning to improve lagoon health, picking the right path for a future career and lacing up rugby boots are all on the agenda for Rarotonga school students this week. Today the postponed Lagoon Day event will go ahead from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning office in Arorangi. Rarotonga schools would have received their revived […]


4 men survive boating mishap

Monday 16 July 2012 | Published in Local

For now, fishing has stopped at Captain Moko’s charters after the Avana fishing operator’s seven-metre fishing boat ‘Tangaroa-Jillymae’ sunk in Avana harbour on Saturday morning. An emotional Steven Kavana, known to everyone as Captain Moko, blames himself for the accident which resulted in a rescue of the charter’s three customers and skipper Andrew Bullen. ”I’m […]


Kiwi tour operator speaks for sharks

Monday 16 July 2012 | Published in National

Kiwi tourism operator Boyd McGregor knows more than most about the positive impact sharks have on the environment and is all for the proposed sanctuary in the Cook Islands. McGregor practically lives on the sea for a quarter of the year in Gisborne as the director of Surfit Enterprises, a company that offers deep sea […]


They never come back

Monday 16 July 2012 | Published in National

Diabetics who develop progressive kidney disease, or diabetic nephropathy, have three options – dialysis, transplant or death. In the Cook Islands resources are not sufficient to staff and maintain a dialysis machine, meaning that people who need its assistance must be transferred to New Zealand. In most cases they do not return to the Cook […]


Pa takes war against sugar to medics

Monday 16 July 2012 | Published in National

Pa Ariki continues to speak out against unhealthy behaviours and what she perceives as an unwillingness to change them. She spoke at last week’s health conference to a room of visiting doctors and professors about the way sugar and processed foods are destroying her people. Traditionally Cook Islanders ate what they caught, planted and harvested […]


New memorandum in the making

Monday 16 July 2012 | Published in National

Ties between the Ministry of Health and the Counties Manukau District Health Board (CMDHB) have been further strengthened after plans to reopen the Cook Islands School of Nursing were announced. CMDHB chairman Gregor Coster and secretary for the ministry of health Elizabeth Iro discussed the school and other opportunities under a new memorandum of understanding […]


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