
Aussie trip builds group

Saturday 8 September 2012 | Published in National

Students from the Cook Islands Sports Academy (CISA) are setting their sights on a mixture of culture and sport when they depart for Sydney at the end of the month. The auction fundraiser held at the Rarotongan Beach Resort and Spa on Thursday night saw members of the sporting academy showcase their cultural dance item […]


Dangerous goods licence disputed

Friday 7 September 2012 | Published in Crime

The court last week declared Triad Pacific Petroleum’s provisional dangerous goods licence void, as labour director Helen Maunga was not legally authorised to issue it. Chief Justice Tom Weston instructed the appropriate authority – secretary of internal affairs Bredina Drollet – to re-issue a licence to Triad. (Drollet had issued Toa’s provisional licence when it […]


Campaign planned for suicide prevention

Friday 7 September 2012 | Published in National

This year the Cook Islands’ approach to World Suicide Prevention Day will be triple-pronged. The combined Te Kainga, Te Marae Ora, and Internal Affairs suicide prevention awareness steering committee is pitching in to spread the word about suicide and galvanise people into combating it. Monday September 10 marks the 10-year anniversary of World Suicide Prevention […]


Teacher studies in NZ

Friday 7 September 2012 | Published in National

Not all teachers were relaxing during the recent school holidays. Tereora College assistant principal Vae Papatua, spent the second week of the school holidays in New Zealand attending seminars run by the Global Connections Foundation. The foundation organises seminars around the world, to encourage school leaders to develop global consciousness and promote international co-operation in […]


Teachers trip to NZ

Friday 7 September 2012 | Published in National

Expanding their knowledge and their horizons was all part of a recent overseas trip by a group of teachers from Papaaroa Adventist College. All seven teachers from the school travelled to New Zealand for two weeks last term, and spent time both in the classroom, and also attending an Adventist schools retreat in Waikanae. Teachers […]


British student teaches and writes

Friday 7 September 2012 | Published in National

She went to Rakahanga with the intention of writing her Master’s thesis – but marine environmentalist student Gemma Galbraith has instead left the Cook Islands having written a children’s book. Galbraith left on Sunday for her native England but not before meeting with Ministry of Education representative Brendon Fiebig to discuss her newly-created educational resource, […]


Traffic lights for Tereora College

Friday 7 September 2012 | Published in National

Tereora College’s traffic lights are back in action this year. But these ‘traffic lights’ are not standing outside the college gates – they are to indicate to year 11, 12 and 13 students and their parents where they stand academically. Each student has been assigned a colour – red, orange or green – based on […]


2013 an exciting year at Tereora

Friday 7 September 2012 | Published in National

New learning centres, new courses and new computers are just part of what Tereora College has to offer students for 2013. The new options for students are all part of the school’s three-year strategic plan, says principal Bali Haque, which has highlighted three main goals for the school – to improve literacy, increase student motivation […]


Literacy volunteers busy in Rarotonga

Friday 7 September 2012 | Published in National

While International Literacy Day may be celebrated only once a year, volunteers across Rarotonga are working to promote literacy every week. Much of the work on literacy goes unnoticed by many, but for many children it is the gateway to a love of reading and education. Part of this is the ongoing work by Sister […]


New programme to enhance Manihiki pearl farming

Friday 7 September 2012 | Published in National

The Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) has joined forces with the Grand Observatoire du Pacifique Sud (GOPS) to enhance the Manihiki black pearl lagoon monitoring programme. Dr Serge Andrefout from the Institute of Research Development (IRD) in Noumea is in Rarotonga this week training local marine biologist Georgia Langdon. In-situ temperature sensors and pressure sensors […]


Free filling

Friday 7 September 2012 | Published in National

Whether it’s helping fill back road access lanes, levelling holes on people’s properties or even using it to form the foundations of a house, the dredged material from Avatiu port is making its way back into the community. A significant amount of fill from the recently-completed dredging project has been stored at a site in […]


George Maggie is angry over lay-offs

Friday 7 September 2012 | Published in National

The ‘action man’ George Maggie is angry – angry that five men lost their jobs recently from the the Cook Islands Investment Corporation without an explanation. The Tupapa member of parliament and assistant minister for CIIC is outraged that government workers have been laid off work despite both Prime Minister Henry Puna and minister of […]


Thoughts on island life

Friday 7 September 2012 | Published in National

Rose Dunn is the wife of Dr John Dunn, an endoscopic surgeon who spends a week of his annual leave working at Rarotonga Hospital. Dr Dunn left the island last week but his wife is here until Sunday. In this penned memoir she describes just what she has been getting up to during her time […]


CISNOC financials attacked

Thursday 6 September 2012 | Published in National

CISNOC’s troubled financial accounts were approved despite allegations of excessive spending, “stolen” money and questions around value-added tax (VAT). Triathlon representative Geoff Stoddard made the claim that money had been “stolen” at a tense annual general meeting. Seventy-two people were present for the meeting at the Takuvaine AOG Hall after the gathering had been deferred […]


Hugh buckles up for CISNOC role

Thursday 6 September 2012 | Published in National

With the conclusion of the Pacific Leaders Forum, new Cook Islands Sport and National Olympic Committee (CISNOC) president Hugh Graham is stepping out of one driver’s seat and moving into another. Graham was the Niue delegation’s assigned driver and also helped with the Japanese representatives while they were in the country. Their departure on Sunday […]


Office change and rally call at OPSC

Thursday 6 September 2012 | Published in National

The Office of the Public Service Commissioner (OPSC) has moved “closer to the money upstairs” – into the office just below the New Zealand High Commission. That was the punch line, anyway, of a joke delivered by Deputy Prime Minister Tom Marsters at a ceremony held yesterday morning to mark the OPSC’s umpteenth move. Marsters […]


Man not to inhale solvents

Thursday 6 September 2012 | Published in Crime

The High Court on August 30 was presided over by Justice of the Peace Carmen Temata, who passed the following sentences: Alberta Tutakiao – was charged with the burglary of Anchor’s Rest holiday house in Betela, Arorangi. Counsel Wilkie Rasmussen applied for the defendant’s bail, since he has been in custody for the last two […]


Allegedly tortured man invokes CJ's power

Thursday 6 September 2012 | Published in Crime

The Penrhyn fisherman who alleges torture by police, prison and probation services had to write to the chief justice before his case came before the courts for consideration. In May this year, Arumia Robert Samatua issued a detailed statement of claim against the attorney-general, with the basis for a claim to substantial damages said to […]


Pukapuka shooter back in court

Thursday 6 September 2012 | Published in Crime

A former street kid trying to turn his life around is again on the wrong side of the law. It was only the favourable character references given by people of high standing in the community that saved him from prison, said Chief Justice Tom Weston in sentencing him on drugs offences. Iorama Ngataua has appeared […]


George's lawyer never got paid

Thursday 6 September 2012 | Published in Crime

The hundreds of thousands of dollars awarded to MP Norman George after his Operation Slush acquittal went straight back into government coffers as part-repayment for him failing to furnish tax returns. After the longest running criminal trial in Cook Islands history finished, defendants Charles Koronui, Chris Vaile and George received a payout of $231,432 from […]


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