
Lost Tribe disappointed, not surprised

Monday 24 September 2012 | Published in National

Dear Editor, I was dismayed to read of Bill Framhein’s unsuccessful bid to collect the NZ veteran’s pension (CINews Sept 22), and although I’m very disappointed for him, I’m not surprised, since it’s patently obvious that NZ politicians appear to be brain dead to the fact that Cook Islanders are NZ citizens. The outcome is […]


Tetava takes on another regional role

Monday 24 September 2012 | Published in National

Police commissioner Maara Tetava recently travelled to the Solomon Islands to attend the 41st Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police Conference. The conference was hosted by the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force in Honiara bringing together representatives from across the Pacific. At this conference, Tetava was elected as chairman of the Pacific Transnational Crime Network (PTCN) […]


Water upgrades to employ an 'awful lot' of locals

Monday 24 September 2012 | Published in Local

Rarotonga’s current water network loses about 70 percent of water through aging pipes before it even reaches people’s taps, according to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning. But the future water infrastructure upgrades, confirmed as part of a tri-lateral agreement signed by the Cooks, New Zealand and China recently, will bring potable water to all […]


'Rise above criticism'

Monday 24 September 2012 | Published in Local

Pride and passion was the key message at Friday’s police parade for the blessing of the department’s new fleet of vehicles. While the purpose of the early morning parade was to officially bless two new Mitsubishi double cab trucks and two motorbikes – the focus of the speeches was on motivating and encouraging local officers […]


No official list of threatened species

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in Environment

The Cook Islands does not have an official list of threatened species, which means there is a “marked absence” of detailed management plans, says the country’s National Heritage Trust’s director Gerald McCormack. In comparison, New Zealand is helping a record number of native species thrive, through the Department of Conservation (DOC) using an active management […]


October sitting

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in Local

Parliament will sit next in October. Before leaving for New York on Thursday, Prime Minister Henry Puna confirmed that Parliament will be sitting next month. His motivation for convening Parliament as a matter of priority is the “urgent” need to push two bills in particular through the house. “We have a couple of urgent bills […]


PM wants to learn about shark sanctuary

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in Local

The prime minister is keen to “hear more” about the local movement to carve out a shark sanctuary in Cook Islands waters, which started gaining real traction during the Pacific Leaders Forum. While they were in Rarotonga, leaders of American Samoa, Tokelau and the Marshall Islands were vocal about their governments’ intentions to protect sharks […]


Bishop to explain China deals

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in Local

Marine resources minister Teina Bishop has promised Cook Islands News a question-and-answer session on Tuesday after Cabinet to cover his recent trip to China and interaction with Luen Thai Fishing Ventures Ltd. Bishop returned from China on Tuesday, but left marine resources secretary Ben Ponia behind. The minister said Ponia remained in China to meet […]


Dawn start for 110 runners

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in National

By the time you pick up your CINews and have your coffee this morning – the Round Rarotonga Road Race for most runners will be over. More than 110 runners began the round island race at 5.30 this morning from outside the Banana Court in Avarua with the winner of the race expected in on […]


Puna chairs meet with Ban Ki-Moon

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in National

Prime Minister Henry Puna is currently in New York City to attend the 67th United Nations General Assembly and related meetings. He flew out of the country on September 20 and will return nine days later. As Puna was chair of the recent Pacific Leaders Forum, he has been invited to address the UN delegates […]


Puna to co-chair UN meeting

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in National

Prime Minister Henry Puna left on Thursday for New York, where he will be co-chairing a meeting alongside the secretary-general of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon. Puna was invited by the United Nations in his capacity as the new chair of the Pacific Islands Forum to New York, where he will remain until a week […]


A yodel-out for Aitutaki

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in National

An Austrian visitor has been so taken by the children of Aitutaki that he’s dedicated a yodel to them. Hans Aschenberger has been living in Aitutaki since the end of July, looking after Tauono’s Garden Cafe with his American-born wife Marcia. The couple first visited the Cooks two years ago, as part of a “retirement […]


A clear conflict of interest

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in National

A smoke signaller asks: “What does the Prime Minister mean there ‘might’ be a conflict of interest regarding the unbelievable decision by Marine Resources Minister Teina Bishop to appoint Sam Chou, the chief operating officer for Luen Thai Fishing Ventures Limited, as his honorary advisor? There is no ‘might’ about it – it is a […]


Fuel short and power cut on Mangaia

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in National

Mangaia breathed a sigh of relief when Tapi Taio’s ship appeared on the horizon yesterday. A series of issues converged this week to result in a shortage of diesel, which meant the island administration had to cut the power from midday for six hours and from midnight for another six. Island secretary Helen Henry says […]


Vietnam veteran's NZ assistance fails

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in National

New Zealand’s involvement in the case for former soldier Bill Framhein’s pension has ended in disappointment. In order for Framhein to get his war veteran’s pension, the former soldier has to live in New Zealand for six months of the year so he is able to claim it all year round. If he fails to […]


How to find leaky pipies

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in National

Dear Editor, If MOIP’s water division is committed to making certain that water is not wasted, rather than wait for disgruntled persons to ring in to complain about broken or leaking pipes, all they have to do is drive a couple of times around Rarotonga each day. Once along the main road and then along […]


Police supporters lash out at Dr Oxana

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in National

Dear Editor, I wish to raise some issues in regards to a story in your newspaper dated Saturday 15th September 2012 titled ‘Dr Oxana’s frustration grows’ by Matiu Workman. Reading Oxana’s story about her frustration, you went as far as mentioning these officers’ names and publicly criticise them for something you think you know, but […]


Forum costs still coming in

Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in National

Cook Islands News still has not received confirmation of the amount that the Pacific Islands Forum cost the country. Prime Minister Henry Puna says his government is awaiting figures and invoices. “As much as I’d love to be up front about it, the reality is we’re still waiting for costs and invoices.” he said. “There’s […]


Supermarket thieves' names suppressed

Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in Crime

Three female employees of CITC Foodland have pleaded guilty to theft as a servant – but despite this, have received interim name suppression. The offending happened on Saturday September 1, when all three were clocked in to work at the supermarket from 8am to 4pm that day. Defence counsel Wilkie Rasmussen defended all three in […]


Pacific nations share ideas for sustainability

Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in Environment

The Pacific Leaders Forum was not only a time for political connections to be made, but also on opportunity for sharing ideas on sustainability. Stephen Hazelman, production manager of Women in Business in Samoa, used his time in Rarotonga to visit businesses and industry that are part of the Pacific organic movement. One such visit […]


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