
Carter helps troubled youth

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National

New Zealand High Commissioner John Carter is trying to help the country’s troubled youth. His interest in the pressing matter was piqued by the “constant flow” of newspaper articles about the number of youth in the country that continually fall foul of the law, he has written in a letter to local businesses. “It does […]


O3b internet equipment on its way

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National

The Cook Islands is one step closer to faster internet as freshly-made telecommunications equipment left a United States factory bound for Rarotonga last week. The equipment, including satellite antennae, was loaded from the O3b factory last Wednesday into containers ready for shipping and then on to a big rig truck. Telecom expects to take delivery […]


CEOs defend cheap TV imports

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National

Last week a smoke signaller wrote in concerned about two major Cook Islands businesses importing cheap televisions into the country for their staff and wondered whether VAT was being paid. The reader worried that both Te Aponga Uira and Telecom Cook Islands were importing cheap televisions into Rarotonga for their staff, which effectively undercut local […]


Teachers entice year 8's to Tereora

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National

Last week Tereora College principal Bali Haque and other senior staff went to local primary schools to meet year 8 students, who are likely to attend the country’s biggest high school next year. College staff went to Avarua School on Monday, Nikao Maori School the next day, Avatea and Arorangi Schools on Wednesday, and Te […]


$35,000 media studies grant to Tereora

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National

Tereora College’s media studies department has been awarded a $35,000 grant by Australian organisation PACMAS (Pacific Media Assistance Scheme). The first milestone payment has just been paid and the funds will go toward equipping media studies students with laptops and editing equipment. Phil Jones, head of media studies and senior dean at Tereora College, is […]


Cooks honour and salute elderly

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National

Acknowledging the important role the elderly play in society was behind the Cook Islands’ inaugural reception to acknowledge Global Day for the Elderly yesterday. Held at the Te Atukura grounds, the function was held in beautiful sunlight and saw Prime Minister Henry Puna, internal affairs minister Mark Brown, NZ High Commissioner John Carter as well […]


Fun for all dressing up at Mauke school

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National

Students at Mauke School joined in the fun across the Cook Islands, taking their turn to dress up at their favourite book character at the end of September. Students and teachers worked together to create costumes that matched their chosen character, a celebration which concluded the school’s term long Literacy Programme. The colourful students marched […]


WHO director in Cooks

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National

The regional director of the World Health Organisation is currently in the Cook Islands, in order to sign a regional health agreement. This afternoon, director-general of WHO Western Pacific Region Dr Shin Young-soo will sign a country corporation strategy with Health Minister Nandi Glassie. This is a medium-term vision for technical cooperation between WHO and […]


Art show

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in Local

The very best of tivaivai quilts, handcrafted baskets and local shell and seed jewellery created by Cook Islands women will go on display for three days starting today at the BCA Gallery in Taputapuatea. Pictured here are (from left) Mokopuna Smith, Mavis Brown, Fiona Broadbent, Tungane Broadbent and Teina Etches with some of the crafts […]


Doctor reflects on successful Forum

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National

The Pacific Leaders Forum is now only a happy memory for most Cook Islanders, with little thought given to all the work that took place behind the scenes to ensure it was a successful and safe event for all. One part of this was providing medical care, to cope with any potential scenario, to some […]


Lucky to be alive after sea wall crash

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in Local

An underage male motorist is lucky to be alive after he crashed his scooter into the concrete sea wall in Nikao early on Sunday morning. The accident was one of six motorbike accidents attended to by police at the weekend and while there were no fatalities on the road – the number of accidents is […]


New govt leave policy

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in Local

Greater flexibility around maternity leave and more assistance for those who suffer a miscarriage highlight the streamlined leave policy for ministries, crown agencies and ministerial support staff. The changes came into effect yesterday and are the third streamlined policy to be implemented by the Office of the Public Service Commissioner. The previous two were the […]


Tourism forum format refined

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National

The Cook Islands is gearing up for another forum – the Kia Orana Cook Islands Forum 2012, that is. Run by the Cook Islands Tourism Corporation, December’s forum is the tourism industry’s biggest opportunity to showcase itself to overseas holiday wholesalers. “In order to strengthen the Cook Islands presence and demand in key source markets, […]


Lyon still leads tourism industry council

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National

Members of the Tourism Industry Council voted to keep the incumbent president at their recent annual general meeting. Stephen Lyon, proprietor of the Muri-based Pacific Divers, remains at the council’s helm. He will be supported by vice president Greg Stanaway , treasurer Jan Mellor, and secretary Sue Fletcher-Vea. The council functions as a watchdog in […]


Strategist wanted at Tourism

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National

The Tourism Corporation is recruiting a chief executive – and a strategic management director to assist the new head honcho. The corporation has been without a chief executive since the end of July, after Carmel Beattie was fired by tourism’ board of directors largely due to differences in opinion over how the corporation should be […]


New manager for outer islands climate change

Monday 1 October 2012 | Published in Environment

Willie Tuivaga has just been appointed as the programme manager of the Strengthening the Resiliance of Island Communities to Climate Change initiative. Part of a team of four at the climate change division of the Office of the Prime Minister(OPM), Tuivaga started his new role three weeks ago. He didn’t have to move very far, […]


Vaka approaching

Monday 1 October 2012 | Published in Local

Cook Islands voyaging vaka Marumaru Atua is expected to arrive in her home port later today or early tomorrow. The vaka and crew have been heading in a south east direction towards Rarotonga and battling strong easterly winds on their final homeward journey. At 6 o’clock yesterday morning – Marumaru Atua’s crew were tacking towards […]


Bulk fuel deal likely

Monday 1 October 2012 | Published in Local

Government is planning to put out a tender for a contract to supply consolidated volumes of fuel to the Cook Islands. Consolidating volumes – lumping together fuels for Te Aponga Uira’s electricity generation and ground fuels for local consumption – would make bulk transport feasible. At present fuel arrives via tanktainers aboard Reef vessels, as […]


Vietnam veteran supports Bill Framhein

Monday 1 October 2012 | Published in Local

Local Rarotonga war veterans are sticking up for friend and fellow comrade Bill Framhein. Framhein currently receives the war disablement pension but is applying for the war veteran’s pension in New Zealand. In order to qualify for that assistance, the former soldier must live in New Zealand for five years after the age of 50. […]


Remembering our old people today

Monday 1 October 2012 | Published in National

The Cook Islands is set to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons for the first time today. This article submitted by the Kumiti Rauti Para calls on Cook Islanders to embrace and celebrate our older members of the community. On December 14, 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated October 1 as the International […]


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