Thursday 4 October 2012 | Published in Environment
The marine resources ministry has tentative plans in place to deal with increasing ocean acidification levels. According to non-profit environmental group Oceana, the Cook Islands are in the top five nations most likely to have food security problems caused by climate change and ocean acidification in coming years. An author of the study, Matthew Huelsenbeck, […]
Thursday 4 October 2012 | Published in Local
A visiting official from the World Health Organisation weighed in on the Cooks helmet debate this week – and it looks likely the government will pay heed. On Tuesday afternoon, WHO Western Pacific region director-general Dr Shin Young-soo signed a country cooperation strategy with health minister Nandi Glassie to help tackle the country’s health problems, […]
Thursday 4 October 2012 | Published in Local
After 18 months of voyaging Te Moana Nui A Kiva and 12 days of enduring harrowing sea and wind conditions on their final leg home – voyaging canoe Marumaru Atua and her weary crew finally returned home yesterday morning. The beating drums and waving family and friends welcomed the vaka to Avatiu harbour where a […]
Thursday 4 October 2012 | Published in National
He has won some of the highest accolades in the sport of rugby league but now, New South Wales legend Andrew Ettingshausen can add the Gary Parlour Trophy to that list. The former Australia and New South Wales rugby league veteran, who represented the Aitutaki Game Fishing Club over the weekend, had his name etched […]
Thursday 4 October 2012 | Published in National
The home-based Cook Islands under 13 rugby league team yesterday dominated all facets of their first test match against their visiting counterparts from New Zealand to comfortably win the match 44-12. The local boys were out to prove themselves after suffering at the hands of a classy visiting Samoan under 13 side earlier in the […]
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in Local
Yesterday at press time Cook Islands Voyaging Society president Ian Karika had received no word from Marumaru Atua crew, but was predicting the vaka would be coming in today. At about 8.30am yesterday he heard she was 45 nautical miles off Rarotonga and moving at a speed of 2.5 knots. As of press time there […]
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in Local
Police are stepping up their road safety campaign after six motorbike accidents last weekend. While none were fatal, two young men had a lucky escape after the scooter they were riding hit the Nikao sea-wall early on Sunday morning. The driver was underage and alleged to be under the influence of alcohol. Over the next […]
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands has signed an agreement with the World Health Organisation that will help the country combat health problems. Yesterday afternoon, WHO Western Pacific region director-general Dr Shin Young-soo signed a country cooperation strategy with health minister Nandi Glassie. Twenty-one other Pacific countries and territories have also signed the five-year plan, which supports the […]
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in National
The total visitor arrivals during July – 13,760 – are up very slightly from last year by 0.9 percent. Asian visitors accounted for the biggest increase at 67 percent – their arrivals jumped from 63 last July to 105 this year. Numbers from the USA also see a positive increase, up by 20 percent to […]
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in National
Work on a new regional tourism development plan is underway, with field work carried out in the Cook Islands. The South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) says work on the development of a Pacific regional tourism and hospitality human resources development plan (HRD) has started and is progressing well. The work was tendered and won by […]
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in National
A funding scheme in its second year is looking to reel in more people interested in fishing. Formally known as the Fisheries Development Facility Small Grant Fund (FDFSGF), the funding is being stumped up by the government with the intention of helping develop small scale private fisheries sector as well as supporting those in already […]
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in National
Consultations concerning the Cook Islands’ procurement system have finished, and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) is drafting recommendations to cabinet. First the ministry consulted with the chamber of commerce, then with heads of ministries, and its last round of meetings will be with civil society organisations. The focus of the meeting series […]
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in National
By implementing the recommendations contained within Sam Knowles’ banking review, government could effect significant changes within the Cook Islands economy. That’s why the University of the South Pacific encourages all members of the public who want to understand the banking review to attend a seminar at its MBA conference room from 7.30 this evening. Petero […]
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in National
World Health Organisation (WHO) regional director Dr Shin Young-soo re-emphasised the important relationship between the Cook Islands and the organisation at a historic meeting of the Ui Ariki at Atupare yesterday. Earlier, Young-soo – who represents 37 countries in the Western Pacific Region that includes New Zealand and China – was formally welcomed on to […]
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in National
Toa Petroleum petrol costs to the Cook Islands consumer have dropped 13 cents a litre. The Price Tribunal’s latest price order came into effect on September 28 and reflects the maximum that Toa can charge. The Toa price order before the latest one was made on September 22 last year and reduced maximum petrol prices […]
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in Crime
The High Court on September 27 was presided over by Justice of the Peace John Kenning, A young man with name suppression who has been charged with indecent assault of a woman could not come to court because he was sitting an exam at Tereora College. Kenning accepted this excuse. He has previously pleaded not […]
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in Environment
New Zealand’s Foreign Minister Murray McCully addressed the United Nations last week in New York, updating the general assembly on the recent Pacific Leaders Forum in the Cook Islands. In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), McCully talked of the responsibility New Zealand feels to small island states in the Pacific – […]
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in Environment
The Cook Islands is in the top five nations most likely to have food security problems caused by climate change and ocean acidification, international environmental group Oceana said last week. The non-profit group ranked the Comoros islands in the Indian Ocean as most vulnerable to the increasing acidity of the world’s water, which is caused […]
Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National
Members of the Tourism Industry Council voted to keep the incumbent president at their recent annual general meeting. Stephen Lyon, proprietor of the Muri-based Pacific Divers, remains at the council’s helm. He will be supported by vice president Greg Stanaway , treasurer Jan Mellor, and secretary Sue Fletcher-Vea. The council functions as a watchdog in […]
Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in National
The Tourism Corporation is recruiting a chief executive – and a strategic management director to assist the new head honcho. The corporation has been without a chief executive since the end of July, after Carmel Beattie was fired by tourism’ board of directors largely due to differences in opinion over how the corporation should be […]
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