
SPC's 'complex challenge'

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Politics

Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) director-general Dr Jimmie Rodgers says making the most of ocean resources is a “complex challenge”.


New phone book cover has eco message

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Technology

A graphic design with a message of protecting the environment has made the 2013 Cook Islands phone book cover.


Tourism 'overspending' a problem

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Economy

Cook Islands Tourism Corporation’s overspending has been condemned in an audit office management report on the financial transactions of the agency.


Coastal protection project underway

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Environment

An update on how half a million dollars of Australian grant money is being spent on climate change projects was given at a climate change and disaster risk management meeting on Tuesday.


Climate change adaption cost benefits under study

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Environment

The Cook Islands is sharing its analysis of climate change project costs at a workshop in Samoa this week.


Grant to help pearl farmers

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Environment

A Secretariat of Pacific Community (SPC) representative says a Cook Islands climate change project has made “significant progress” since its start last July.


School visit no waste of time

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Environment

A new generation of environmental champions was sparked into action at Avarua Primary School following a visit to the Rarotonga Waste Facility last Friday.


Raro Cars emerges from the ashes

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Local

Raro Cars owner Don Carlaw is hoping to see customers return to the Avatiu business 11 days after a blaze burnt down the company’s showroom and workshop.


Pipeline won't desecrate graves: Triad

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Local

An island mama contacted CINews concerned Triad’s pipeline may be running straight through the colourful Catholic cemetery in Panama – a worry no doubt others share.


USP assists Cook Islanders with scholarships USP Cook Islands is offering to assist Cook Islands students to apply for scholarships to study in Singapore and Hawaii.

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in National

The first scholarship on offer is for the Masters in Public Policy program at the Lee Kwan Yew School of Public Policy, in Singapore. The school is a Graduate School of the National University of Singapore and is the premier school of public policy in the Asian region. Instruction is entirely in English allowing Cook […]


Fraudulent passports detected

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Local

Fraudsters beware – Cook Islands’ border security is on your case.


2012 NCEA exams underway

Wednesday 14 November 2012 | Published in Local

The pressure is on for Cook Islands students sitting NCEA exams, which for most students began on Sunday.


The politics of politicking

Wednesday 14 November 2012 | Published in Local

The first call would come at around 8 o’clock in the morning.


Cook Islands women surveyed for health

Wednesday 14 November 2012 | Published in Health

Women in the Cook Islands are being asked to tell their stories for a survey.


Zimbabwean doctor volunteers in Aitutaki

Wednesday 14 November 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Doctors in Aitutaki will receive an opportunity for a break from their hard work, thanks to Dr Grahame Jelley.

Outer Islands

Atiu mayor responds to allegations

Wednesday 14 November 2012 | Published in Politics

The only “dirt” on Taoro Brown these days is from having to clean up the lingering mess left behind by Teenui-Mapumai MP Norman George, says the Atiu mayor.


Sharing not in the pipeline

Wednesday 14 November 2012 | Published in Politics

The two rival fuel companies on Rarotonga are both working on their respective pipelines – but suggestions they might share to reduce environmental impact does not go down well.


Technology camp for youth

Wednesday 14 November 2012 | Published in Technology

Local youth have the opportunity to become more tech-savvy thanks to a ‘Tech Camp’ running in Fiji this month.


Fraudster's helper sentenced

Wednesday 14 November 2012 | Published in Crime

The man who played a part in an elaborate Nigerian scam was sentenced in the High Court on Friday.


Rarotonga 'awash with burglars'

Wednesday 14 November 2012 | Published in Crime

Defence lawyer Norman George said it might give his client “time to think” should he be sent to prison.


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