
MP: Who disciplines the principal?

Wednesday 12 December 2012 | Published in Local

During parliamentary debate on the Education Bill yesterday, Vaipae-Tautu MP Mona Ioane said students need more protection when facing disciplinary action.


Holiday cheer or holiday fear?

Wednesday 12 December 2012 | Published in Local

The days are getting muggier and the flame trees are getting redder. As December propels us toward Christmas and New Year’s Eve, spirits are high and company parties nigh. Locals living overseas are planning to return home for the holidays and the outer islands are preparing for their populations to temporarily double.


Boat on reef after call to clear port

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Taio Shipping director Tapi Taio is blaming the Ports Authority for a ‘silly’ decision that resulted in his long-line fishing vessel the FV Ana ending up on the reef at Avatiu yesterday morning.

Outer Islands

Mitiaro supports shark protection

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Yesterday the island of Mitiaro joined in the growing movement of Cook Islanders who support the creation of a shark sanctuary in the entire Cook Islands Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Outer Islands

Was Numa paid out?

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen asked during parliament question time last Friday whether it was true that recently suspended ministry head Donye Numa was offered a payout to ease her out of the job. Rasmussen said he had heard that Public Service Commissioner (PSC) Russell Thomas had offered Numa a severance pay cheque before suspending her from the Ministry of Infrastructure and planning top job on Monday.


Stronger rights for workers

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Politics

“Long overdue legislation” in the form of the Employment Relations Bill was passed into Cook Islands law yesterday.


El Nino risk eases

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Environment

Rainfall should be near its usual levels across the Pacific over the coming three months, according to the latest release of the island climate update.


Coral seawall proposed for Kauvai section in Muri

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Environment

A piece of private land used to host Vaka Eiva Festival events in Muri is being developed into five studio units – complete with a covered coral seawall to protect it from further erosion.


Second in Miss South Pacific

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Local

Maine Purotu Kate Ngatokorua did her country proud at the Miss South Pacific Pageant on Saturday night where she placed second overall.


Stormy conditions batter coastline

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Local

Rarotonga residents can be forgiven for thinking a cyclone had hit the island early on Monday morning when winds gusting up to 100 kilometres and high seas had some coastal residents scrambling to tie down roofs and secure loose objects.


Fire appeal fun run raises $3150

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Local

The first of four events planned to raise money for families made homeless by four fires in Nikao raised $3150 on Saturday.


Te Kakaia grows parenting confidence

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Local

As the end of the year arrives, so does the completion of a number of contracts for employees of the Ministry of Education.


Seeking interest for visiting early childhood specialist

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Local

For Ainslie Duncan, a physiotherapist in the Cook Islands, early childhood development is something of a passion.


Specialist praises Cook Islands women

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Local

New Zealand urogynaecologist Dr Mairi Wallace says eating healthy and exercising is why so many of her Cook Islands patients have made swift recoveries from surgery.


Netters meet their idol

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Age grade netballers from Aitutaki met their idol Silver Ferns coach Waimarama Taumaunu at the Netball in Paradise wrap up function in Muri on Thursday. The inaugural three day tournament has been hailed a huge success and is expect to double in size next year to include around 60 teams. This year’s tournament included 30 teams in the under 13, 15, and under 17 age grade divisions as well as teams in the mixed, social and open divisions. More photos and story on page 12.

Outer Islands

Parents day celebration at Arorangi

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

There was laughter and smiles aplenty at the Arorangi school parents day on Wednesday morning.

Outer Islands

Rotarians rock at Vaitau!

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

“Adopt a Rotarian” was a concept put together by Vaitau Primary School on Aitutaki while seeking assistance for their school.

Outer Islands

'If you perform you are safe in your job'

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Cabinet members met with heads of ministries for a two day retreat last week to discuss next year’s budget.


'Multitasking' minister Mark Brown

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Finance minister Mark Brown is making the most of parliament’s wireless internet allowance to update the public on the House proceedings.


Workers right better protected in new legislation

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Politics

The rights of workers are to be better protected in groundbreaking legislation that includes protections around maternity leave, discrimination and termination.


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