Wednesday 19 December 2012 | Published in Technology
Kopu Tumutoa (left), Turua Peter (centre) and Ruhau Tamahunu are three of the latest computer whizzes in the Cook Islands.
Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Politics
An independent investigation is being made into possible misconduct in the form of mis-spending and lack of proper process in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning.
Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Technology
The first Cook Islander to renew his passport online is praising the virtual method after it took just five days for his passport to arrive.
Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Economy
Finance minister Mark Brown has provided responses to the five written questions he was asked by Teenui-Mapumai MP Norman George when parliament began sitting on November 8.
Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Economy
Miss South Pacific runner up Kate Ngatokorua says placing in the top two of the pageant surpassed her own expectations.
Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Economy
Companies stocking products and produce with a Pacific flavour are being encouraged to sell them at a Pacific-focused trade event launching on February 2, 2013.
Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Crime
A Foodland employee who used her supervisor’s password to steal cash from the till was sentenced to a year of probation.
Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Crime
A repeat drink driver who has not been deterred by past sentences was given a much harsher punishment in the High Court last Wednesday.
Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Environment
The Cooks Oasis Holiday Villas have taken the steps needed to become phosphate free.
Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands Sports Academy (CISA) held its graduation on Friday – its last, as the programme has been terminated by the Ministry of Education (MOE).
Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Health
A number of carolling Cook Islanders will assemble this afternoon at Rarotonga Hospital – and they’re looking for members of the public to join in.
Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Outer Islands
A meeting held on Friday gave local contractors a chance to ask questions about a new renewable energy project in Rakahanga.
Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Politics
An independent investigation is being made into possible misconduct in the form of mis-spending and lack of proper process in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning.
Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Local
Nukutere College’s high-performing junior students had their time to shine at a prizegiving held on Friday.
Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Local
Discovering how different strategies can help children improve in the classroom is behind the ‘teachers as researchers’ programme.
Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Local
Inmates at the Arorangi Prison did their part to ensure the future of island trees when they planted 200 seedlings in their grounds last Tuesday.
Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Local
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has donated over $14,000 of energy audit equipment to the Cooks.
Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Outer Islands
The prime Minister has furthered two Cook Islands’ agricultural projects while at a conference in Africa.
Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Retiring clerk of parliament Nga Valoa was given a moving farewell at the parliamentary grounds on Thursday.
Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Culture
Veteran visitor Elke Baeder swears by the medicinal benefits of turmeric, and applauds Maori medicine practitioners for continuing to recognise its value.
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