
Waka Tapu heads to Rarotonga

Saturday 6 April 2013 | Published in Local

Rarotonga will be the next port of call for Waka Tapu voyagers aboard double hull canoes or waka hourua – Te Aurere and waka Ngahiraka mai Tawhiti.


Community workshops offer creative expertise

Saturday 6 April 2013 | Published in Local

Cook Islanders have been making the most of their creative talents, with places at the community education courses filling fast.


Glassie to agriculture meet

Saturday 6 April 2013 | Published in Politics

Agriculture Minister Nandi Glassie is flying to Samoa on Tuesday to represent the country’s agricultural interests to the region.


Panthers to host Bulldogs

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

The Arorangi Bears will be looking for a better result against the Aitutaki Sharks today when they go head to head at Arutanga field in Aitutaki.

Outer Islands

Hugely inflated salaries

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Politics

Dear Editor, Why is our government allowing Public Service Commissioner to bring in expatriate consultants at hugely inflated salaries in the public service? From what I have seen virtually none, except for a few notable exceptions, bring anything to the table to rate even half their salaries.


Cooks in offshore banking scandal

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Economy

The Cook Islands is embroiled in a worldwide investigation into offshore banking secrecy that has the potential to crack open political corruption, tax dodging and fraud on a scale hard to imagine.


Foreign investors must register: BTIB

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Economy

The Business Trade and Investment Board (BTIB) is looking to tighten the net on foreign investors coming to the Cook Islands without registering with the board.


NCW seeking TV production company

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Culture

Creating the script for a television drama to be set in the Cook Islands is well underway, with expressions of interest currently begin sought from television companies in the Cook Islands.


Call for young Pacific artists to display talent

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Culture

The Pacific Islands Society (PacSoc), an independent, non-governmental organisation that promotes people to people relations within the Pacific Islands region and beyond, is calling on young artists (20-30 years old) from the Pacific region to submit portfolios of their work.


Renewable energy assists economies

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Environment

While energy security challenges faced by the Pacific are significant, energy efficiency and renewable energy options hold great promise for the region.


Light bulb project underway

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Environment

The government’s light bulb project is in its third week, with about a quarter of the work complete – but contractors have found many households unoccupied.


Pacific tuna industry audited

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Environment

A co-operative audit report released last week identifies opportunities for Pacific island states to improve tuna fishery governance arrangements to help ensure they receive a fairer financial return from the sale of the tuna fishery resource while at the same time promoting the sustainable management of this valuable resource.


Paper for schools

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Local

Ministry of Education director of finance Anthony Turua (right) gratefully accepts 56 boxes of plain photocopy paper from HSBC general manager Taki Anaru, which are destined for all schools across the southern group islands of the Cooks.


The changing face of Cook Islanders

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Local

Several weeks ago a young professional Cook Islands woman and mother came to see me to talk about the immediate and long term implications of depopulation.


Search on for local movie stars

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Local

Ever fancied seeing yourself on the silver screen? Film Raro is now searching for talent for its short films.


ATMs back online

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Local

Two ATMs belonging to ANZ Bank were not fully operational over the long weekend, leading to a nearby ATM running out of cash.


Spell-a-thon exceeds target

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Local

A school spell-a-thon has raised more than $22,000 – thousands of dollars above the target figure.


Nukzpower to take on Hunters in finals

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Local

The feisty Nukzpower ladies edged out their equally talented Live Smart touch rugby opponents in Wednesday’s women’s touch semi-finals to book their spot in the grand finals next Monday.


Turangi site highlighted at tutaka

Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Health

Tutaka health checks have been taking place across the island this week, with the old recycling centre in Turangi identified as one of the areas of concern.


New post for island govts

Thursday 4 April 2013 | Published in Politics

The national government has promised to cede some control to island governments with the passing of the Island Government Act earlier this year – and a new job has been created in each outer island as a result.


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