
Enuamanu recycling

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in Environment

Enuamanu School students can now practise good recycling habits thanks to new recycling bins now stationed at the Atiu island school.


Pacific tuna boats struggle for survival

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in Environment

Tuna boat operators targeting albacore in the South Pacific are under threat of being pushed out of operation altogether due to the steady growth in numbers of subsidised foreign fishing vessels.


Communication skills for life

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in Local

Communication skills that many of us take for granted, is the focus for three learning specialists that are visiting the Cook Islands.


New teachers get appointed

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in Local

The new school term has brought with it a number of changes in teaching roles across the island.


Fay hopes to find friend

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in Local

Kiwi woman Fay Aitken (nee Riley) is on a mission to find her college friend – a Cook Island woman she knew as Tai Are.


Henry family history traced

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

Howard Henry’s genealogy book has been a work in progress since the early nineties.

Outer Islands

Cabinet discuss budget recommendations

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in Economy

All cabinet ministers are in the Cook Islands this week in order to hold serious discussion about the 2013-2014 Budget, which is due to be tabled in parliament in June.


Pregnant woman sentenced for theft

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in Crime

Justice Judith Potter sentenced the woman on Friday found guilty by jury last week for stealing pearl pendants from her employer.


Dean goes to prison

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in Crime

A repeat offender was sent to prison for receiving a stolen camera, possessing a bong and breaching probation and community service conditions.


Gun thief a menace to society

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in Crime

A man who committed a string of burglaries – including stealing his neighbour’s gun – was told he is a menace to the community by the presiding judge.


Sentencing set for July

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in Crime

The former prison guard who helped prisoners escape in order to commit crimes will be sentenced in the July judge sitting.


Offender warned prison next time

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in Crime

Justice Judith Potter sentenced a young father to probation for cannabis offending and warned him if it happened again he would go to prison.


Cases set down for July or September

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in Crime

Justice Judith Potter presided over the High Court on May 9 and heard the following cases on call-over: James Estall – faces charges of manslaughter and excess breath alcohol.


Senior public servant named

Saturday 11 May 2013 | Published in Crime

THE NAME suppression of a senior public servant accused of injuring his wife with intent has been lifted by Justice Judith Potter, who found no compelling reason not to.


Man fined for cannabis possession

Saturday 11 May 2013 | Published in Crime

A man caught with a small amount of cannabis and a bong to smoke it received a hefty fine in the High Court yesterday.


Purse seining pact extended

Saturday 11 May 2013 | Published in Environment

THE FISHERIES agreement with the United States which grants purse seiners the right to fi sh in Cook Islands waters without licence has been re-signed.


Tree planting to celebrate nursing

Saturday 11 May 2013 | Published in Health

A tree planting ceremony was held yesterday to celebrate the hard work and achievement of nurses.


Judge says law needs updating

Saturday 11 May 2013 | Published in Politics

Justice Dame Judith Potter has just completed her first two-week sitting in the Cook Islands High Court and has enjoyed the experience.


Red soil threatens lagoon

Friday 10 May 2013 | Published in Environment

A project at Blackrock has been halted by the National Environment Service (NES).


Lead tutors sought for institute

Friday 10 May 2013 | Published in Local

The newly formed Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute is moving ahead with the filling of the several lead roles in the institute.


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