Wednesday 12 June 2013 | Published in Politics
Prime Minister Henry Puna begins a two-week international trip tomorrow, with stops in the United States, France, and Belgium.
Wednesday 12 June 2013 | Published in Economy
The 2013-14 budget has allocated $5 million to improve the road from the airport through to Tupapa.
Wednesday 12 June 2013 | Published in Politics
A report with recommendations on the best candidates to fill four head of ministry roles will be tabled in cabinet in the coming weeks.
Wednesday 12 June 2013 | Published in Economy
Nikao-Panama member of parliament Ngamau Munokoa took a different tack in the budget debate in parliament on Tuesday.
Wednesday 12 June 2013 | Published in Crime
A Canadian senator and her prominent lawyer husband have formally launched a libel lawsuit against the publicly owned Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).
Wednesday 12 June 2013 | Published in Crime
Justice of the Peace Carmen Temata presided over the High Court on June 6 and passed judgements on the following cases: Cecil Samatua – Appeared on charges of common assault.
Wednesday 12 June 2013 | Published in Environment
They may be 8 millimetres in length but the oriental fruit fly is the most destructive fruit fly species.
Wednesday 12 June 2013 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands government is planning to spend a total of $12.8 million for health in the 2013-14 fiscal year.
Wednesday 12 June 2013 | Published in Local
Pacific Island Energy (PIE) has won the tender for Te Aponga Uira’s (TAU) fuel supply.
Wednesday 12 June 2013 | Published in Local
A new cook has been appointed on the Cook Islands-flagged ship Picton Castle for its two voyages to the northern group islands.
Tuesday 11 June 2013 | Published in Environment
A project by T&M Heather in Blackrock has resumed after being stopped by the National Environment Service (NES).
Tuesday 11 June 2013 | Published in Local
Members of an Arorangi family managed to escape from a house fire yesterday morning.
Tuesday 11 June 2013 | Published in Local
Water levels are low all around Rarotonga, leaving some schools running dry.
Tuesday 11 June 2013 | Published in Outer Islands
The Cook Islands flagged ship Picton Castle will set sail for the northern group tomorrow.
Tuesday 11 June 2013 | Published in Politics
MP George Maggie used the floor of parliament on Friday to retract his earlier statements and address speculation he may be looking to switch political allegiances.
Tuesday 11 June 2013 | Published in Politics
Prime Minister Henry Puna confirmed Kaota Tuariki on Monday as the Cook Islands Party candidate for the upcoming Murienua by-election.
Tuesday 11 June 2013 | Published in Politics
Experienced civil servant Helen Maunga has been getting her first taste of parliamentary debate as members have been gathering since June 4 to deliberate current orders of business, including the 2013-14 budget bill.
Tuesday 11 June 2013 | Published in Crime
A disagreement between Toa Petroleum and the National Environment Service (NES) is likely to go to court.
Tuesday 11 June 2013 | Published in Environment
The oriental fruit fly is now widespread across the islands of Rarotonga and Aitutaki.
Monday 10 June 2013 | Published in Economy
Two Cook Islands representatives will attend a training workshop in Vanuatu, which will focus on the social impacts of deep sea mining.
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