
OIA to Penrhyn

Saturday 22 June 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

The community on the northern group island of Penrhyn is now better informed on the importance of efficient record keeping.

Outer Islands

Picton Castle northern-bound

Saturday 22 June 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

Wednesday June 12, 2013 - Captain Michael Moreland Picton Castle slipped her lines today from the wharf in Avatiu, nearly full with cargo and passengers bound for Palmerston, Nassua, and Pukapuka.

Outer Islands

Social impact projects signed off

Saturday 22 June 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

Ten non-government organisations signed on to receive grants from the Social Impact Fund (SIF) on Friday.

Outer Islands

First woman to head foreign affairs

Saturday 22 June 2013 | Published in Politics

The new secretary of foreign affairs and immigration is grateful for her promotion, and proud to be the first woman to head the ministry.


Opening homes to tourism

Saturday 22 June 2013 | Published in Economy

Dianne Andrews writes for Miran magazine, a monthly free-to-subscribers glossy magazine based in Sausalito, just north of San Francisco, which delivers local news, travel ideas and lifestyle trends to the affluent communities of Marin.


Pay rate increase a game changer

Saturday 22 June 2013 | Published in Economy

He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata! This proverb should be the starting point for all economic development planning.


PM to France, Belgium

Saturday 22 June 2013 | Published in Culture

Prime Minister Henry Puna, fresh off a busy trip to the United States where he participated in 2013 Pacific Day festivities at the New Zealand Embassy, will be in Europe for the bulk of the week.


Subsidies could hurt fishery

Saturday 22 June 2013 | Published in Environment

Subsidised Chinese fishing vessels have the potential to hurt Cook Islands fisherman and the tuna fishery financially, says an official at the Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR).


Water safety team elected

Saturday 22 June 2013 | Published in Local

A committee to oversee water safety in the Cook Islands was elected on Thursday.


Dragon's den

Saturday 22 June 2013 | Published in Local

Budding business tycoons will get a chance to pitch their bold business ideas in a chance to win big prizes next week at a special event.


Kai Tumeke on Sundays

Saturday 22 June 2013 | Published in Local

From tomorrow, locals and tourists will be able to nibble, eat and feast at a new cafe in Titikaveka that is offering local specialities to be lapped up on easy Sundays.


Toilet paper on lock-down

Friday 21 June 2013 | Published in Local

Toilet paper thieves have caused the public toilets at Punanga Nui market to be locked at night.


Master plan for new water system

Friday 21 June 2013 | Published in Local

The $60 million Te Mato Vai project was approved last year, but many of the details – including how much households will eventually pay for water – are still unclear.


Women's group attends US event

Friday 21 June 2013 | Published in Local

The president of the Pan Pacific South East Asia Women’s Association (PPSEAWA) International was pleased to meet Prime Minister Henry Puna at this week’s Pacific Day held in Washington DC.


Govt enemy No.1 now BTIB chair

Friday 21 June 2013 | Published in Local

In this column we are going to do some gossiping, not psst, psst type of gossiping but loud and upfront.


Tertiary committee launched

Friday 21 June 2013 | Published in Local

The inaugural meeting of the Tertiary Education Committee was held on Wednesday at the Ministry of Education.


Fundraiser for house fire victim

Friday 21 June 2013 | Published in Local

A fundraiser will be held today to help the victims of a house fire earlier this year.


New funding for vaka care

Friday 21 June 2013 | Published in Economy

Despite a 2013-14 budget cut, vaka maintenance will increase through funding for minor public works upgrades.


New HOMs announced

Friday 21 June 2013 | Published in Politics

Myra Patai has been appointed to head the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration after working at the ministry for almost 20 years.


Complaint received over stench

Friday 21 June 2013 | Published in Economy

An official complaint from a visitor to the Cook Islands has been received by tourism officials regarding a foul stench in the Muri area.


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