
Woman of the year from Manihiki

Tuesday 23 July 2013 | Published in Local

Passionate and skilled Manihiki handicrafts creator and cook Rangi Mitaera Johnson was named woman of the year at the Cook Islands Business and Professional Women’s Association awards evening on Friday.


Te Ipukarea defends role

Tuesday 23 July 2013 | Published in Politics

Te Ipukarea Society (TIS) president Ian Karika is fighting back against accusations of the society being a puppet organisation of wealthy philanthropists who want to take away the nation’s sovereignty.


Vaka jumping decision reserved

Tuesday 23 July 2013 | Published in Crime

Justice Sir Hugh Williams has reserved judgement for two declaratory judgements that have the potential to significantly alter the Cook Islands political system.


Te Ipukarea hits back

Tuesday 23 July 2013 | Published in Environment

Te Ipukarea Society president Ian Karika has hit back at scathing criticism of his organisation by fisheries secretary Ben Ponia.


Do fish have an age?

Tuesday 23 July 2013 | Published in Environment

Knowing why the age of a fish is important was part of the message of Lagoon Day held last week.


Documenting the marine park

Tuesday 23 July 2013 | Published in Environment

David Hannon didn’t start out as a conservationist, but years of filming marine life made the impact of humans on the environment hard to ignore.


Expedition begins

Tuesday 23 July 2013 | Published in Environment

A research project to investigate the Cook Islands Marine Park began yesterday.


Tourism targets new demographic

Monday 22 July 2013 | Published in Economy

A recent addition to the nation’s tourism authority hopes to lure a unique and under-serviced market to the Cook Islands.


Tourism down from previous year

Monday 22 July 2013 | Published in Economy

Future bookings from the lucrative Northern markets are slightly down from a similar time period last year.


First sentence under new act

Monday 22 July 2013 | Published in Crime

The first person prosecuted under the newly passed Customs Revenue and Border Protection Act was sentenced on Friday.


Punanga Tauturu: sentence not right

Monday 22 July 2013 | Published in Crime

Punanga Tauturu believes a ruling to discharge without conviction given to a public servant accused of assault against a female is “disappointing” and he should have been convicted.


Whale of a time

Monday 22 July 2013 | Published in Local

Fifteen different types of whales were spotted off the coast of Rarotonga over a three day period recently.


Marmite back in the Cooks

Monday 22 July 2013 | Published in Local

The Marmite drought is over in the Cook Islands.


Inequality still alive in Cooks

Monday 22 July 2013 | Published in Local

Women and children’s safety is still an issue in society, says president of the Cook Islands National Council of Women (CINCW) Vaine Wichman.


Girl Guides meet in Japan

Monday 22 July 2013 | Published in Local

The newly elected national president of the Girl Guides Association Cook Islands attended the eleventh Asia Pacific Regional Conference held in Tokyo, Japan.


Pensioners vow to march to parliament

Monday 22 July 2013 | Published in Politics

Pensioner activist group Grey Power has made a vow to march to parliament if the government is unwilling to meet their demands The group reiterated their demands during a general meeting last Thursday.


Vaka jumping case before High Court

Monday 22 July 2013 | Published in Politics

Independent Atiu member of parliament Norman George will be in the political spotlight this week when his “vaka jumping” case goes before the High Court.


PM heading to Solomon Islands

Saturday 20 July 2013 | Published in Politics

The PM will be in Honiara next week, along with other Pacific Island Forum leaders to mark the 10th anniversary of Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI).


Careful growth and human dignity

Saturday 20 July 2013 | Published in Economy

Development economist Vaine Wichman has worked extensively throughout the Pacific and Cook Islands as a development economist.


Car driver denied bail

Saturday 20 July 2013 | Published in Crime

The young man behind the wheel of a fatal crash that killed three teenage boys was in court Thursday requesting bail while he awaits his trial.


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