
Intense storms

Saturday 10 August 2013 | Published in Local

The Cooks can expect a higher proportion of intense storms this century, according to the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science Adaptation Planning Program (PACCSAP).


PM joins CI community in Wellington for celebrations

Saturday 10 August 2013 | Published in Local

With the formal conclusion of Te Maeva Nui celebrations, most cabinet members will be resuming regular schedules as part of their ministerial routines.


Papa Tom inaugurated as QR

Saturday 10 August 2013 | Published in Local

Queen’s Representative Tom Marsters was formally inaugurated yesterday during a grand ceremony at the National Auditorium.


Marine park researchers return

Saturday 10 August 2013 | Published in Local

Keep your eyes on the horizon in Raro this morning and you might spot the marine park research group returning from their expedition.


Youth day focuses on migration

Friday 9 August 2013 | Published in Crime

Migrating Cook Islands youth, community involvement and volunteerism are the themes for this year’s International Youth Day taking place on Monday, August 12.


Ngatiarua champs!

Friday 9 August 2013 | Published in Culture


Purse seine device found on Manuae

Friday 9 August 2013 | Published in Environment

A device from a large purse seine vessel that is not licenced to fish in the Cooks wound up on the shores of Manuae.


Research team surveys reefs

Friday 9 August 2013 | Published in Environment

The research team currently surveying some of the southern Cook Islands coral reefs polished up on their skills in Aitutaki early into the voyage.


EU describes purse seine fleet

Friday 9 August 2013 | Published in Local

An agreement being worked out between government and the European Union could see four purse seiners with a combined gross tonnage of 6500 tonnes fishing in the country’s waters.


Youth representative wanted

Friday 9 August 2013 | Published in Local

A young representative of the Cook Islands is invited to attend the 8th UNESCO Youth Forum starting October 29, as part of the 37th Session of the UNESCO General Conference, to be held in Paris, France.


QR inauguration today

Friday 9 August 2013 | Published in Local

All systems are go for today’s grand inauguration ceremony for Queen’s Representative designate Tom Marsters.


More options for tertiary study

Friday 9 August 2013 | Published in Local

The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute (CITTI), under the Ministry of Education with New Zealand Aid Programme support, is increasing the range of tertiary options in the Cook Islands.


Mauke celebrates Te Maeva Nui

Friday 9 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

There is only a small population on Mauke Island, but it didn’t deter everyone from enjoying their float parade to start off Te Maeva Nui celebrations on the island.

Outer Islands

Pension portability improved

Friday 9 August 2013 | Published in Politics

The New Zealand government has announced a new policy to improve pension portability for New Zealanders looking to retire in the Cook Islands.


Squid a potential new fishery

Friday 9 August 2013 | Published in Economy

Fresh diamondback squids may be the latest on our culinary menus after successful fishing trails were carried out in Aitutaki.


Ute and ura pau come alive

Thursday 8 August 2013 | Published in Economy

Live props and typical Aitutaki antics made for a lively night of ute singing and drum dancing at the Orongo Centre on Tuesday night.


Ministry apologises to kapa haka group

Thursday 8 August 2013 | Published in Culture

The Ministry of Cultural Development has extended an apology to the Amokura kapa haka group that visited during Te Maeva Nui.


Kua keukeu, kua maeva a Araura

Thursday 8 August 2013 | Published in Culture

Aitutaki correspondent Teva Simiona shares the joy and atmosphere of the Aitutaki constitution celebration which started on the island on Sunday evening with the traditional hymn (imene tuki) and choir.


Company qualifies for solar projects

Thursday 8 August 2013 | Published in Environment

Two Japanese companies tendered for solar projects in three islands in the northern group, but only one meets the requirements.


Where are all the fish?

Thursday 8 August 2013 | Published in Environment

The 6000 fish that were part of the Lagoon Day 2013 have all found different but appropriate final resting places.


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