
Slow down and drive safely, say police

Wednesday 11 September 2013 | Published in National

The police had a busy weekend issuing notices to speed demons on the road those without a warrant of fitness.


Toa given dangerous goods licence

Wednesday 11 September 2013 | Published in National

Toa Petroleum has been issued its full dangerous goods licence.


BTIB to assess by-catch arrangement

Wednesday 11 September 2013 | Published in National

A BTIB decision to temporarily allow a foreign fishing company to sell by-catch to retailers as part of a three month trial will be reviewed in October.


Problem of inflation in the local economy

Wednesday 11 September 2013 | Published in National

In response to Saturday’s smoke signal ‘Invest seabed wealth locally’ (CINews, September 7, which questioned how investing money from seabed activities locally would distort the local economy); the Cook Islands has a stable and relatively low inflation rate predominantly because we use the New Zealand dollar.


Assault accused unfit to enter plea

Wednesday 11 September 2013 | Published in Crime

A man familiar to the court has been told not to enter a plea to a charge of common assault and released on bail.


Granting conditional licence 'defeats purpose of penalty'

Wednesday 11 September 2013 | Published in Crime

The High Court on September 5 was presided over by Justices of the Peace John Kenning and John Whitta, who made the following judgements: Ariki Akamoeau – 57, from Atupa, charged with excess breath alcohol pleaded guilty to the charge and sought to apply for a conditional licence.


Ombudsman to investigate crash

Wednesday 11 September 2013 | Published in Local

The Ombudsman has confirmed he is looking into the police actions surrounding the fatal crash which claimed the life of 16-year-old Pukana Piniata.


Road Safety Council has been reformed

Wednesday 11 September 2013 | Published in Local

The Road Safety Council has been reformed, and will hold its first annual general meeting next month.


Call for anti-corruption body

Wednesday 11 September 2013 | Published in Local

A government official said the establishment of an independent anti-corruption body is the key to improving governance.


Makea decision reserved

Tuesday 10 September 2013 | Published in Local

After a week of debate in court, the decision of who has the right to the Makea Nui Ariki title has been reserved.


Legal issues cloud MP's future

Tuesday 10 September 2013 | Published in Local

Different interpretations of recent legal judgements have put a stalemate on the political future of Atiu MP Norman George.


Taking the cake

Tuesday 10 September 2013 | Published in Local

It’s party week at Westpac, with staff happy to celebrate 25 years in the Cook Islands – complete with cake.


Mauke Day celebrations on Friday

Tuesday 10 September 2013 | Published in National

Te Atukura grounds in Parekura will be playing host to the Mauke Day celebrations on Friday and the community is being asked to support the event.


Luncheon for Toque d'or trio

Tuesday 10 September 2013 | Published in National

Following the success of the Cook Island trio in the Nestle Toque D’or competition last month in Auckland, the Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute will be holding a kaikai to show their appreciation for a job well done.


Cooks chef to compete in Guam

Tuesday 10 September 2013 | Published in National

President of the Cook Islands Chefs Association, Sam Timoko, will be competing in Guam for the Pacific Culinary Challenge from September 18 to 20.


Makeover for CITC Supermarket

Tuesday 10 September 2013 | Published in National

CITC Supermarket is putting the final touches on its recent makeover.


Westpac celebrates 25 years

Tuesday 10 September 2013 | Published in National

Westpac is celebrating its 25th birthday this week.


World suicide prevention day

Tuesday 10 September 2013 | Published in National

All around the world today, people in different communities will be contributing to suicide prevention day.


Rolls finalised for by-election

Tuesday 10 September 2013 | Published in National

With voting lists finalised, campaigns are in full swing to win the hearts and minds of voters in the upcoming Murienua by-election.


Keeping language alive

Tuesday 10 September 2013 | Published in National

The importance of speaking indigenous language to help its survival will be the focus of a talk tonight at the University of the South Pacific (USP).


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