
Woman placed on probation and banned from drinking

Monday 14 October 2013 | Published in Crime

The High Court on October 10 was presided over by Justice of the Peace John Kenning, who made the following judgements: Upoko Nelio, 30, appeared for sentencing on a charge of excess breath alcohol.


Reducing waste in the Cooks

Monday 14 October 2013 | Published in Environment

With September’s clean-up events done and dusted, it’s a good time to think about ways to reduce waste, said the Pacific Islands Conservation Initiative’s (PICI) programme manager Tiffany Straza.


Spike in illness noted - report

Monday 14 October 2013 | Published in Local

A spike in influenza-like illness and repeated incidences of diarrhoea have been noted in the monthly health report from Public Health.


Piriariki Maao – the 'Queens Man'

Monday 14 October 2013 | Published in Local

Sergeant Piriariki Maao of the Avarua Boys Brigade Company salutes Queen’s Representative and Boys Brigade patron Tom Marsters who presented the young man with his Queen’s Award badge for outstanding voluntary service.


O3b satellite launch delayed

Monday 14 October 2013 | Published in Local

High-speed internet service O3b has delayed a launch of its second set of satellites due to a minor glitch – but Telecom is still aiming to launch faster internet next month.


MAGS clean sweep on tour

Monday 14 October 2013 | Published in National

Mt Albert Grammar School (‘MAGS’) ended their tour at the weekend, winning their third and final game on tour 27-5 against a local Under 19 Residents XV.


Youth honour World First Aid Day

Monday 14 October 2013 | Published in National

The Cook Islands Red Cross Society recently held celebrations in honour of World First Aid Day.


Bridging the gap for isolated communities

Saturday 12 October 2013 | Published in National

Ensuring that students from every corner of the Cook Islands have access to excellent learning opportunities is the focus of an online educational programme at the Ministry of Education.


Students urged to strive for excellence

Saturday 12 October 2013 | Published in National

New graduates of the University of the South Pacific were urged to challenge themselves in their future endeavours by vice chancellor and president professor Rajesh Chandra.


70 new graduates celebrated

Saturday 12 October 2013 | Published in National

The scent of flowers filled the auditorium yesterday as new graduates were adorned with stacks of ei’s up to their ears by proud loved ones.


Whatever you do this month, do it in pink

Saturday 12 October 2013 | Published in National

October is breast cancer awareness month and the Cook Islands community is getting behind the cause.


18 people win in Creative Centre raffle

Saturday 12 October 2013 | Published in National

Eighteen lucky people were announced as the winners of the Creative Centre raffle draw at the Punanga Nui markets.


Cooks' economy more at risk from cyclones

Saturday 12 October 2013 | Published in National

A severe cyclone would damage the Cook Islands economy more now than ever, says a coastal engineer from Australia.


Disaster awareness focuses on disability

Saturday 12 October 2013 | Published in National

A local man is asking people to consider those with a disability for Disaster Awareness Day on October 13.


Angaanga kapiti mataora te katoatoa

Saturday 12 October 2013 | Published in National

Mataiti Mataiti explains in Cook Islands Maori his experience of walking alone from Arorangi to Nikao during the tsunami alert in 2009.


High achievers!

Saturday 12 October 2013 | Published in Local

Seventy students from the University of the South Pacific (USP) were awarded qualifications yesterday during a graduation ceremony at the National Auditorium.


Taxi drivers still overcharging customers

Saturday 12 October 2013 | Published in Local

Some taxi drivers are overcharging customers, despite signing a memorandum of understanding to standardise fares in June.


Collecting rainwater could save millions

Saturday 12 October 2013 | Published in Local

A local businessman is saying the government could save millions of dollars in future infrastructure costs by assisting households to catch rainwater.


Local merchants get into the Xmas spirit

Saturday 12 October 2013 | Published in National

Merchants on Rarotonga are getting ready to spread Christmas cheer in December.


Regular visitor aims to 'give back'

Saturday 12 October 2013 | Published in National

Canadian visitor Randall Nelson is on a mission to raise some cash for Te Vaerua Community Rehabilitation Service.


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