
Community 'role model' on probation for assault

Thursday 24 October 2013 | Published in National

A man described as being a role model in the community has been convicted and sentenced to 12 months’ probation for assault on a female.


NZ Governor-General attends war memorial

Thursday 24 October 2013 | Published in National

In an emotional ceremony, New Zealand Governor-General Jerry Mateparae was present in full military regalia on Monday for the unveiling of Mauke’s war memorial.


Reunion for first bank in the Cook Islands

Thursday 24 October 2013 | Published in National

Over 50 former staff of the National Bank of New Zealand Rarotonga branch will reminisce and share stories of the early days when they gather for a three day reunion starting on November 27.


Pensioners launch demonstration today

Thursday 24 October 2013 | Published in National

Pensioner activist group Grey Power is poised to hit the streets of Avarua today to demonstrate against the taxing of their New Zealand-paid pensions.


Whanau tatou

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in National

The Are Pa Metua in Nikao was buzzing with cultural exchange and gift giving as members were treated to a day of cultural shows and a cheque presentation.


Governor-General visits Mauke

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in National

New Zealand Governor-General Sir Jerry Mateparae and Lady Janine Mateparae continued their first official visit to the Cook Islands yesterday by travelling to the outer island of Mauke.


Apii Avatea still closed today

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in National

Avatea School will remain closed today following a devastating fire on Sunday afternoon.


Students return to Nukutere College

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in National

Nukutere College students were smiling yesterday, despite the burned wreckage of the school’s west wing of classrooms in clear sight as they resumed classes.


Progress made on women's empowerment

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in Crime

The Cook Islands is leading the Pacific in achieving broad international goals around the empowerment of women, say officials.


Public meeting on EU fishing deal

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in Environment

The Ministry of Marine Resources is holding a public consultation today on the proposed Cook Islands-European Union fisheries partnership agreement.


Fishing deal worth almost $9m

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in Environment

The Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) is proposing a skipjack tuna fishing deal with the EU worth $8.7 million dollars.


Sheraton investors failed to perform

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in Local

New Zealand-based development company Mirage Group will not be funding the development of the derelict Sheraton Hotel site, says landowner Pa Marie Ariki.


NZ fire investigator on the job

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in Local

An investigator from the New Zealand fire service investigation unit got straight to work sifting through the ashes at Avatea School and Nukutere College yesterday.


Mateparae in Mauke

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in Local

New Zealand Governor-General Sir Jerry Mateparae and Lady Janine Mateparae were greeted to another ceremonial welcoming yesterday, as the Vice-Regal couple and their entourage descended on the island of Mauke.


Police appeal for info on fires

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in Local

The two school fires on Sunday are being treated as suspicious by police who are appealing to the community to help them in their investigation.


Quiz night for Te Vaerua

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in National

Te Vaerua Community Rehabilitation Service is holding its first quiz night tonight in an effort to raise funds.


Conference puts women in the spotlight

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in National

Women of the Pacific are being put in the spotlight this week.


Young women voice their concerns

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in National

Young women from across the Pacific are demanding better access to health services and an end sexual violence in the region.


Are Pa Metua hosts cultural exchange

Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Published in National

Mamas and papas at the Are Pa Metua received a treat yesterday when the New Zealand Defence Forces kapa haka group, the Creative Centre students and ANZ Bank staff gathered for a day of cultural exchange and gift giving.


Cultural ties further strengthened

Tuesday 22 October 2013 | Published in National

The close cultural heritage between New Zealand and the Cook Islands was furthered strengthened yesterday when New Zealand Governor-General Sir Jerry Mateparae and his entourage visited with Cook Islands Ui Ariki and Aronga Mana.


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