Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in National
Despite most of them getting sick, five foreign journalists say being at sea guided only by traditional navigation methods was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Traditional master navigator Teuatakiri (Tua) Pittman will next year begin offering four-day return voyages from Rarotonga to Aitutaki on the traditional vaka Marumaru Atua. Pittman sails without modern instruments […]
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in National
Rarotonga’s drinking water will probably be treated by ultraviolet light rather than chemicals in the future, says an official from the Ministry of Finance.
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in Environment
Current reviews of regional and global instruments for development must take into account government commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment. This was among the conclusions at the 5th Pacific Ministers for Women meeting held at the National Auditorium in Rarotonga on October 25, and attended by 19 Pacific Island countries and Territories (PICT). The […]
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in National
Love him or hate him, Norman George or Big Norm is a political survivor.
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in Environment
Climate change finance is a negotiation thread at the 19th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention to Climate Change in Warsaw, Poland. This is being followed by foreign affairs officer Amelia Fukofuka of the UN and treaties division with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and budget and economic policy manager Lavinia […]
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in Environment
Pacific countries are at the forefront of bringing forward the issue of gender at this year’s United Nations climate change global conference in Warsaw, Poland. The issue is being highlighted by media and public relations officer Nanette Woonton from the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, who’s currently in Warsaw and has written extensively […]
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in Environment
More than 430 water tanks have been installed under the government’s subsidy programme, which began in March and is scheduled to last three years. As part of the programme, which is administered by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM), the government provides a $1500 subsidy for households to install a water tank – […]
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in Local
Regular paddlers and supporters of Vaka Eiva, Nappy’s Reef Walkers of the Anuenue Outrigger Canoe Club, were part of the traditional vaka blessing ceremony that marked the start of the 10th Vaka Eiva Festival on Friday afternoon. The majority of the 1200 paddlers and supporters expected to take part in the week long festival enjoyed […]
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands High Court heard the first day of the much anticipated superannuation case yesterday. Proceedings began with Chief Justice Thomas Weston of the Cook Islands High Court laying out terms for a scheduled six days of court – with two days set aside for the defendant’s lawyer Tim Arnold, and two days for […]
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in Local
The court of appeal has ruled in favour of Tata Crocombe, in the latest instalment of the businessman’s on-going court case concerning his taxes. The managing director of the Rarotongan Beach Resort and Spa previously launched an appeal on assessments of his taxes on two grounds: incorrect assessments and improper conduct on behalf of the […]
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in National
It is easy for a child to fall through the cracks but with the proper processes in place, these children can be pulled out. This was a message delivered by acting inspector Kevin Kneebone of the New Zealand police at a youth justice workshop held on Tuesday. Policing, community and family intervention, education and spirituality […]
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in National
As the end of the school year rolls around, it is a time when many students are thinking about where they will be continuing their education next year. Inclusive education and assistive technology advisor at the Ministry of Education Ngaria Stephenson has been working over the past few weeks to ensure that all students in […]
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in National
Manihiki residents hauled in 733.5kgs of rubbish during a recent clean-up day, with plastic bottles contributing a hefty 150kgs to the collection. The National Environment Service (NES) co-ordinated a clean-up programme for half a day on the island of Manihiki on November 14, as part of their ‘Clean Up the World’ campaign. The arrival of […]
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in National
Students from Arorangi School had a hands-on science class last week, when they made a visit to the nearby Puaikura Volunteer Fire Brigade. The year three and four students are studying heat for science this term, with their teacher Luisa Tongatama deciding to use local resources to assist in teaching the topic. The class visited […]
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in National
Students from New Zealand were welcomed at Arorangi School recently, for a day of fun and cultural activities. Twenty-seven staff and students from Hawera Intermediate School in Taranaki made the trip to the Cook Islands, and immersed themselves in Cook Islands culture for the day. The guests were welcomed with a special assembly and kaikai, […]
Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in National
At 76, newly invested Puaikura Paramount Chief Tinomana Tokerau Ariki (Tokerau Munro) has faced many challenges in her life. On Thursday, she stood strong through the traditional Ariki investiture process while her rights to the title were criticized. The highly anticipated investiture was attended by hundreds of local supporters from across the island plus curious […]
Friday 22 November 2013 | Published in National
Au Maru Palace in Puaikura was the scene of tension, protest and, finally, celebration as 76-year-old Tokerau Munro was invested with the Puaikura paramount chief title Tinomana Ariki.
Friday 22 November 2013 | Published in National
Turoa bakery – one of the oldest in the country – will be taking up the offer for a concessional loan from a government agency to restart operations.
Friday 22 November 2013 | Published in National
Atiu residents are still confused about the government’s proposed tax review and believe they should have been more involved in developing it, says the island’s mayor.
Friday 22 November 2013 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands High Court will begin hearing the highly anticipated Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund case today. Legal observers are describing the case as one of the most important cases currently before the courts. In 2011, The Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund (CINSF) filed a notice of application, seeking a declaratory judgement which asks […]
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