
Remembering the place of the vaka

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

In 1978 a Hawaiian Community Leader named Myron ‘Pinky’ Thompson would say the following after Hokule’a a Hawaiian voyaging canoe had capsised and crew member Eddie Aikau was lost at sea, and years later another voyage to Tahiti was being discussed: “You need to know the path that you are going and why you are […]


Changes to the Cook Islands tax system

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

On November 29, Minister of Finance Mark Brown outlined changes to the Cook Islands taxation and welfare systems. These changes will be progressively introduced, with commencement dates of January 1, March 1 and April 1 next year. Additionally, there will be some transitional arrangements in regard to the Value Added Tax (VAT) which will continue […]


Big aspirations for new Raro bike shop

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

Cook Islands cycling enthusiasts will be celebrating the opening of a new bike shop, whose owner is hoping to inspire a generation of local cyclists. After a hectic week of erecting shelves and assembling bikes, owner Brett Porter officially opened Ride Rarotonga yesterday. The 180-square-metre store is stocked with a full range of bikes and […]


Te au mea mamaata no te akanoonooanga i te au turanga o te akakoroanga no te vai

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

Ko te au turanga o te vai no te katoatoa ka akatupu ia i mua ake ite akakoroanga Te Mato Vai ka akamata mai i nga tuatau mua o teia mataiti ki mua. I teia Varaire kua aravei atu te Tuanga Akaaere o te Te Mato Vai e te au mema o te Putuputuanga Kite […]


Santa Parade shaping up

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in Crime

A tropical Santa Parade is shaping up to be a fun and bright event for all through the main street in Avarua on Thursday, December 19. The Tropical Christmas community group are keen to emulate the popular Santa Parades through the main cities of New Zealand and Australia with lots of colour, characters and of […]


National water standards priority for water project

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

National water standards will be developed in the lead up to the design phase of the Te Mato Vai water project due to begin early next year. On Friday Te Mato Vai’s (TMV) Project Management Unit met with members of the Institute of Professional Engineers Cook Islands (IPECI) to begin formulating Cook Islands National Water […]


Atiu airport to close because of disrepair?

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in Local

The state of Atiu airport was questioned by the leader of the opposition in parliament yesterday, following concern about Pukapuka’s airport being closed. Democratic Party leader Wilkie Rasmussen asked Atiu MP Nandi Glassie about the status of the island’s airport, saying a source had informed him that if nothing is done to repair its runway, […]


MMR develops catch data management

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

An official from the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) has visited the Cooks Islands to support information and data management systems for national fisheries management. FFA Systems Analyst Filimoni Lutunaika met with local officials from the Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) from December 9-13 as part of the agency’s direct service agreement with member […]


Wear green to support the environment - NES

Friday 13 December 2013 | Published in Environment

The National Environment Service together with CITC is conducting a ‘Go Green Day’ today, where the public is asked to wear green to show their support for the environment. The Green Day initiative is being carried out by the NES education unit and co-ordinated by senior education officer Matthew Rima. “The Green Day initiative is […]


Stocking stuffers!

Friday 13 December 2013 | Published in Local

Westpac’s customer loan processing support officer Teina Savage, senior customer service representative Tahiti Rangi Isaaka, team leader customer service representative Tokoa Harmon and business manager Massey Mateariki are pleased to see presents starting to come in for the bank’s ‘giving tree’ promotion – but many more are still to come. The promotion sees tags labelled […]


Pukapuka airport out of commission

Friday 13 December 2013 | Published in Local

Pukapuka is currently without an air link after severe rainfall caused damages to the airport’s runway. The issue was discussed yesterday in parliament when opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen posed a question to Pukapuka-Nassau MP Tekii Lazaro, asking him if he was “worried” that the airport has been closed, and in the event of an emergency, […]


Huge decline in agriculture: census

Friday 13 December 2013 | Published in Local

A dramatic drop in agricultural activity across the Cook Islands in the last decade is shown by a recently released agriculture census. The findings were revealed at a workshop on Wednesday at the Ministry of Agriculture in Arorongi. In Rarotonga, the census recorded a substantial decrease in agricultural land use, from 1143 acres in 2000 […]


Fuel prices drop

Friday 13 December 2013 | Published in National

Drivers will be pleased to hear the prices of petrol and diesel have come down at retailers supplied by Triad Petroleum. A new price order for fuel imported by Triad means its retailers had to cut their prices at the pump from Wednesday. Across the Cook Islands – but excluding Aitutaki – the cost of […]


Tweet brings Australian vet to the Cooks

Friday 13 December 2013 | Published in National

An Australian vet has been busy blogging about the Cooks after a recent visit to Rarotonga. Dr Anne Fawcett, 35, who is also a journalist and veterinary science lecturer at the University of Sydney, booked a flight to the Cook Islands after receiving a tweet from the Esther Honey Foundation Clinic, which suggested she write […]


Locals snap up Christmas prizes

Friday 13 December 2013 | Published in National

The CITC and Fonterra Christmas promotion is spreading the joy of the festive season, with $20,000 worth of Samsung prizes up for grabs. Mama Poko Vaineritua and Bill Rennie were all smiles as they arrived at CITC Supermarket to collect their new Samsung gadgets. Vaineritua says her granddaughter wanted to swap phones when she found […]


Cook Islands signs a tax agreement with Germany

Friday 13 December 2013 | Published in National

The Cook Islands has entered into an agreement with Germany designed to improve the flow of information about specific taxpayers under investigation. High Commissioner Tekaotiki Matapo yesterday put his signature to a document which brings the Tax Information Exchange Agreement with Germany into effect. The agreement enables either government to request information from the other […]


Girls Brigade members share Cooks culture in South Africa

Friday 13 December 2013 | Published in National

Three Cook Islands Girls Brigade members from the Avarua company are sharing the Cook Islands culture at a gathering in South Africa. Girls Brigade officer Teamita Akama, young leader Naomi Manavaikai and pioneer Lucianne Vainerere are taking part in the global week-long Girls Brigade Gathering from December 7 to 14. The gathering, also known as […]


Passing on the light at St Joseph's Primary School

Friday 13 December 2013 | Published in National

Much loved ‘honorary local’ Sister Celine is saying ka kite after 11 years at St Joseph School. Principal for eight years and a teacher for three, Sister Celine is content with the changes and improvements that have taken place at the primary school throughout the years. The humble principal credits the students, parents, Bishop Paul […]


Junior students celebrate at Tereora

Friday 13 December 2013 | Published in National

Junior students at Tereora College took their turn in the limelight this week, when the school held its junior prizegiving. The school and local community gathered to celebrate alongside the junior students with Queen’s Representative Tom Marsters, New Zealand High Commissioner Joanna Kempkers and Ministry of Education finance director Anthony Turua present to give their […]


Atiu water relief efforts discussed in parliament

Friday 13 December 2013 | Published in National

Efforts to alleviate the water shortage in Atiu were discussed in parliament yesterday. The issue was raised by opposition and Titikaveka Member of Parliament Sel Napa, who asked for details on government’s efforts to assist some of the southern group islands which are experiencing drought-like effects due to poor rainfall. Responding for the government, Atiu […]


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