
Decision pending on merger of Avatea and Nikao

Monday 16 December 2013 | Published in National

A proposal to merge Apii Avatea and Nikao Maori School is awaiting a decision by the Minister of Education, amid widespread opposition from the parents of one school. The proposed idea is to replace the two schools, which are situated next door to each other, with a single new school. This follows extensive damage to […]


Police up the ante for festive season

Monday 16 December 2013 | Published in National

Police will be stepping up their efforts to stamp out incidents of burglary, domestic violence and drunk driving during the Christmas season. Detective inspector Areumu Ingaua said the amount of crime always spikes at this time of year, with more people on the island and homes stacked with presents. During the last festive period – […]


Te Aponga launches new solar opportunities

Monday 16 December 2013 | Published in Environment

Homes and businesses are now able to connect much larger solar systems to the grid in Rarotonga and be paid a tariff for any energy they supply. State-owned power authority Te Aponga Uira (TAU) announced on Friday that it has made “extensive investment” in new technology at its power station. Until now, there have been […]


Disused water well an option for Atiu

Monday 16 December 2013 | Published in Local

Officials are looking at tapping into a disused 40-year-old well in Atiu if other drinking water sources start to run dry in coming weeks. Residents of the island are currently dealing with drought-like conditions after months without decent rainfall. Although two water treatment plants and a desalination machine have been shipped to the island to […]


Fishing Fun!

Monday 16 December 2013 | Published in Local

These young anglers were among 80 keen junior fishing enthusiasts that took part in Saturday’s Junior Fishing competition organised and sponsored by CITC/Coca Cola, Avana Fishing Club and the Mooring Caf. Held at the Avana coast, mini anglers with their parents in tow took over the shores of Avana harbour with their rods and reels […]


Traditional leader angered by tree felling

Monday 16 December 2013 | Published in Local

A traditional leader has slammed the National Environment Service for allowing more than a dozen trees to be cut down on a beachfront property in Rarotonga. Turi Mataiapo Maria Henderson labelled the act “disgusting” and said too many beautiful parts of the island are being ruined in the name of progress. Last Friday, contractors felled […]


Australian researcher studies media and gender in Pacific

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

A visiting doctoral candidate from Australia was recently in the Cooks to look at the media’s role in development and gender equality. Tait Brimacombe, from the University of Adelaide’s department of anthropology and development studies, recently travelled across the South Pacific to conduct research for her post-doctorate thesis which looks into communication for development and […]


Stars of Oceania recognise leadership

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

Eight Pacific women were recognised at the “Stars of Oceania” dinner held in Hawaii on Tuesday last week. Started by director of the University of Hawaii’s ‘Pacific Business Center Program’ Dr Tusi Avegalio seven years ago, the event honoured women in the Cooks and other Pacific Islands for their leadership and contributions. Esther Kia’aina, deputy […]


Remembering the place of the vaka

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

In 1978 a Hawaiian Community Leader named Myron ‘Pinky’ Thompson would say the following after Hokule’a a Hawaiian voyaging canoe had capsised and crew member Eddie Aikau was lost at sea, and years later another voyage to Tahiti was being discussed: “You need to know the path that you are going and why you are […]


Changes to the Cook Islands tax system

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

On November 29, Minister of Finance Mark Brown outlined changes to the Cook Islands taxation and welfare systems. These changes will be progressively introduced, with commencement dates of January 1, March 1 and April 1 next year. Additionally, there will be some transitional arrangements in regard to the Value Added Tax (VAT) which will continue […]


Big aspirations for new Raro bike shop

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

Cook Islands cycling enthusiasts will be celebrating the opening of a new bike shop, whose owner is hoping to inspire a generation of local cyclists. After a hectic week of erecting shelves and assembling bikes, owner Brett Porter officially opened Ride Rarotonga yesterday. The 180-square-metre store is stocked with a full range of bikes and […]


Te au mea mamaata no te akanoonooanga i te au turanga o te akakoroanga no te vai

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

Ko te au turanga o te vai no te katoatoa ka akatupu ia i mua ake ite akakoroanga Te Mato Vai ka akamata mai i nga tuatau mua o teia mataiti ki mua. I teia Varaire kua aravei atu te Tuanga Akaaere o te Te Mato Vai e te au mema o te Putuputuanga Kite […]


Santa Parade shaping up

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in Crime

A tropical Santa Parade is shaping up to be a fun and bright event for all through the main street in Avarua on Thursday, December 19. The Tropical Christmas community group are keen to emulate the popular Santa Parades through the main cities of New Zealand and Australia with lots of colour, characters and of […]


National water standards priority for water project

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

National water standards will be developed in the lead up to the design phase of the Te Mato Vai water project due to begin early next year. On Friday Te Mato Vai’s (TMV) Project Management Unit met with members of the Institute of Professional Engineers Cook Islands (IPECI) to begin formulating Cook Islands National Water […]


Atiu airport to close because of disrepair?

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in Local

The state of Atiu airport was questioned by the leader of the opposition in parliament yesterday, following concern about Pukapuka’s airport being closed. Democratic Party leader Wilkie Rasmussen asked Atiu MP Nandi Glassie about the status of the island’s airport, saying a source had informed him that if nothing is done to repair its runway, […]


MMR develops catch data management

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

An official from the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) has visited the Cooks Islands to support information and data management systems for national fisheries management. FFA Systems Analyst Filimoni Lutunaika met with local officials from the Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) from December 9-13 as part of the agency’s direct service agreement with member […]


Parliament concludes final sitting

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in Local

Parliament concluded its final sitting of 2013 yesterday with the passing of a sweeping tax bill, season’s greetings, and a festive lunch for the nation’s lawmakers. Covering two weeks, it was a busy session with the passing of at least 11 bills and the presentation of parliamentary papers on a diverse range of issues. A […]


Brown persists with pension question

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

Minister of Finance Mark Brown made a second attempt yesterday in parliament to get an answer from the opposition on a question about the NZ-paid pension. Brown first addressed the issue on Wednesday, when he asked opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen why the previous Democratic Party administration, under then-Prime Minister Jim Marurai, agreed to have the […]


Ready to ura!

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in Local

Holly Johnston, Hanalei and Lahaina Wong at the ready to take to the stage for their performances at Takitumu School’s prize giving on Wednesday.


George slams removal of import levies

Saturday 14 December 2013 | Published in National

Atiu Member of Parliament Norman George heavily criticised the government yesterday for the impending removal of import levies on a number of consumer goods. The provisions to remove the duties are included in the government’s Income Tax Amendment Bill, which was passed by parliament yesterday. Import levies on eggs (50 per cent), pork products (50 […]


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