Thursday 19 December 2013 | Published in Local
After previously forecasting a small surplus, the government is now predicting an operating deficit of nearly $2 million for the current 2013-14 fiscal year. During his $196.5 million budget speech to parliament last June, Minster of Finance Mark Brown said the government anticipated an operating surplus of $46,000. That number has been revised due to […]
Thursday 19 December 2013 | Published in Local
Santa’s little givers Lily, Saoirse and Jade Tierney presented Annie Fisher of Hospital Comforts with a cheque of $350 raised during a fun kids’ Christmas class organised by the team at Le Bon Vivant in Muri. Fifty kids gathered at the Muri eatery to create their own unique Christmas cards, bake and ice Christmas cakes […]
Thursday 19 December 2013 | Published in National
The junior fishing competition sponsored by CITC and Coca Cola is set to become an annual event, kick-starting Christmas holidays for Rarotonga kids. Over 80 young anglers gathered at Avana coast last Saturday for the fishing competition which also happened to be the first day of the Christmas school holidays. Youngsters and their parents made […]
Thursday 19 December 2013 | Published in National
Tamarua Member of Parliament Tetangi Matapo made a striking impression as she reflected on technology both past and present. Tetangi was among the first to view the new Telecentre equipment in the newly renovated Community Tourism and Information Centre surrounded by large photographs of times past on Mangaia. At the opening ceremony, Tetangi spoke of […]
Thursday 19 December 2013 | Published in National
Mangaia residents recently celebrated the opening of the island’s new Community Centre, dedicated to the advancement of the people. The mayor of the Mangaia island council Teremoana Atariki took great delight in applauding the persistence of the island’s tourism officer Taoi Nooroa to do something with the old resident agent’s residence that had been sitting […]
Thursday 19 December 2013 | Published in National
French naval vessel Prairial was recently in Rarotonga as part of a routine visit to the Cook Islands. The vessel’s presence coincided with visit of French Ambassador designate Laurent Contini to the Cook Islands, who presented his credentials to Queen’s Representative Tom Marsters on Monday during a morning event at Government House. The 93.5 metre […]
Thursday 19 December 2013 | Published in National
Telecom is giving customers a taste of its new high speed internet service ahead of the official launch of O3b next year. The company has been testing the O3b global satellite service since late last month, initially switching it on at few WiFi Hotspots to iron out any issues. It has now been rolled out […]
Thursday 19 December 2013 | Published in National
A man released on bail after being charged with burglary is back in jail for committing another offence the day he was released. Teremoana Saddler, 23, after being arrested for a spate of burglaries, was supposed to appear in last Thursday’s criminal court for a call-over. When the matter was called he was not present; […]
Thursday 19 December 2013 | Published in National
Arorangi passage had strong underwater currents and was a dangerous place to swim long before the new jetty was built, says the Ports Authority. Construction of the $2 million jetty, which opened with much fanfare in November last year, involved deepening and widening the nearby passage. A letter published in the CINews yesterday said the […]
Thursday 19 December 2013 | Published in National
I am a former resident of Rarotonga who lived there from mid-2007 until medical problems forced us to move back to Canada in late 2011. My medical concerns now behind us I have recently read the story in the Cook Island News Saturday December 7, entitled “Parliament discusses pine trees on Mangaia”. I wanted to […]
Thursday 19 December 2013 | Published in Technology
Global telecommunications giant Digicel is “kicking the tyres” and making another play at buying a majority stake in Telecom Cook Islands. Finance Minister Mark Brown said Digicel Pacific is currently looking at buying out Telecom New Zealand’s 60 per cent shareholding in the local company. “Digicel is back on the beach, they’re kicking the tyres […]
Wednesday 18 December 2013 | Published in Environment
Energy commissioner Roger de Bray says he agrees with the price being offered to home and business owners who sell solar-generated energy into the local grid. State-owned power authority Te Aponga Uira (TAU) announced a new deal last week designed to increase reliance on renewable energy in the Cook Islands. Anyone with a large solar […]
Wednesday 18 December 2013 | Published in Local
A special ceremony was held recently to introduce five distinguished individuals to the Cook Islands family, giving them honourary PR status. Pictured above is Suzzanne Fisher, Lady Marito Maoate, and Marian Gallagher. Maoate – the wife of the late Sir Terepai Maoate – and the lovely ladies were on hand to see Fisher and Gallagher’s […]
Wednesday 18 December 2013 | Published in Local
Aitutaki Member of Parliament Teina Bishop is calling for his own suspension from parliament. Since July, the education and tourism minister has been the subject of allegations of bribery and corruption, and a long-running police investigation into the matter is taking a personal toll and stalling his political career, he said. “It’s too slow,” said […]
Wednesday 18 December 2013 | Published in Local
A cabinet submission to merge Apii Avatea and Nikao Maori School has been approved. In a proposal dated December 10, Minister of Education Teina Bishop recommended that Cabinet approve the construction of one new school called ‘Apii Nikao’ to serve the area, accommodating students from both schools. The submission was supported by Cabinet. The proposal […]
Wednesday 18 December 2013 | Published in National
First timers and experienced Crossfit athletes sweated out a storm yesterday afternoon showing true grit through two tough workouts and soaring temperatures. Members of Rarotonga’s very own crossfit club – Tumuora Fit Club Cook Islands in Arorangi – along with first timers gathered opposite the Banana Court for a show of mental and physical strength. […]
Wednesday 18 December 2013 | Published in National
Members of the Rotaract Club of Rarotonga are calling out to everyone on the island – locals, visiting families from overseas and our tourist friends – to join them today at Punanga Nui market to celebrate Christmas Cook Islands style. Rotaract’s annual ‘Christmas in the Market’ event is scheduled to start at 4.30pm and is […]
Wednesday 18 December 2013 | Published in National
Companies competing for a major fuel storage contract in Rarotonga will have to wait a little longer to find out who the winning bidder is. Crown-owned power authority Te Aponga Uira (TAU) was supposed to announce the winning tender yesterday but said it needs more time. “With regards to the fuel hosting tender, the Fuel […]
Wednesday 18 December 2013 | Published in National
There were smiles as bright as the Christmas light displays in stores across Rarotonga when ‘Tropical Santa’ dished out prizes for the best lit up window competition. The competition initiated by the Tropical Christmas campaign saw businesses through Avarua light up their windows with colourful Christmas lights, further brightened up with Christmas decorations. The window […]
Wednesday 18 December 2013 | Published in National
Five distinguished individuals were given honourary permanent residency in the Cook Islands during a special ceremony earlier this month. Held at Government House, the event saw Richard Fisher, Shaun Peter Michael Gallagher, couple David Merrilles and Amanda Dawson, and Richard Reid bestowed with the honour by Queen’s Representative Tom Marsters. Richard Fisher and Shaun Gallagher […]
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