
Shark fin regulations must be enforced, says conservationist

Wednesday 5 March 2014 | Published in Environment

A key individual behind the creation of the Cook Islands Shark Sanctuary says regulations meant to protect sharks should be enforced, not applied arbitrarily by government officials at their own discretion.


Gentle giant gets up close

Wednesday 5 March 2014 | Published in Local

Anglers onboard the Bobi Marie were thrilled when a curious whale shark approached their boat and head-butted the outboard motor – twice.


Dynamic mixed touch rugby at Nikao today

Wednesday 5 March 2014 | Published in National

Women’s touch rugby team Bounty Hunters lived up to their names when they showed their experience and confidence by dominating their opponents FBI on Monday.


Inspiring equal rights aim of Women's Day

Wednesday 5 March 2014 | Published in National

Women’s equality has made positive gains but the world is still unequal.


Tutaka checks underway next week

Wednesday 5 March 2014 | Published in National

Tutaka health checks will be kicking off in Rarotonga next week and property owners are being asked to start cleaning up their sections.


Still no news on dengue confirmation

Wednesday 5 March 2014 | Published in National

Dozens of people in Rarotonga are waiting to find out whether they have the dengue virus.


Workshop aims for better health data

Wednesday 5 March 2014 | Published in National

Building a stronger health information system was the focus of a workshop yesterday, which was attended by government officials from a range of ministries.


Stack of tyres moved on

Wednesday 5 March 2014 | Published in National

Its new location may be a mystery, but a massive stack of old tyres has been moved and is no longer a risk to the public, says the Ministry of Health.


Fund wants more from Pa Enua

Wednesday 5 March 2014 | Published in National

Pa Enua non-government organisations are being encouraged to apply for a share of a $260,000 fund.


Albacore made up most of local catch

Tuesday 4 March 2014 | Published in National

The Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) has released its last quarterly catch data of the commercial and artisanal fishery for the 2013 calendar year.


SIF open for applications from groups

Tuesday 4 March 2014 | Published in National

Services for vulnerable groups can apply for a slice of a $260,000 civil services fund.


Seabed minerals policy revised

Tuesday 4 March 2014 | Published in National

The Cook Islands national Seabed Minerals Policy from 2008 has now been fully reviewed, updated and released to stakeholders and the public.


Licence time

Tuesday 4 March 2014 | Published in National

Police are reminding vehicle owners that it is time to renew their annual vehicle registrations.


Kiwi students begin programme on Atiu

Tuesday 4 March 2014 | Published in National

Working with elderly and disabled Atiu residents has been a focus for a group of Kiwi students since arriving on the island last month.


Locals turnout for Pasifika

Tuesday 4 March 2014 | Published in National

Cook Islands artists, craftsmen and women as well as some of the island’s famous eateries are set to spread the tastes and talents of the islands at the annual Pasifika Festival in Auckland.


Study's outcome will be to reduce domestic violence

Tuesday 4 March 2014 | Published in National

Results from a year-long family health and safety study is set to mobilise support working towards eliminating violence against women in the Cook Islands.


Super Brown's owner charged

Tuesday 4 March 2014 | Published in Crime

Super Brown owner and Mayor of Atiu George Taoro Brown has been charged with allegedly receiving more than $13,000 worth of stolen cigarettes.


Avatiu Stream to be unblocked

Tuesday 4 March 2014 | Published in Environment

Heavy swells have created a build-up of sand at the entrance to Avatiu Stream, causing the water to turn green and stagnant.


Opposition slams shark fin let-off

Tuesday 4 March 2014 | Published in Environment

Democratic Party leader Wilkie Rasmussen has blasted the response of officials after shark fins were recently discovered by police during the inspection of a foreign fishing vessel.


A chip off the old block

Tuesday 4 March 2014 | Published in Local

Ten-year-old angler Maeva Robati continues to prove he’s a chip off the old block and, maybe better than his legendary fisherman father Pupuke Robati.


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