
Wage review panel hears submissions

Friday 7 March 2014 | Published in National

People in the outer islands have called for a separate minimum wage to compensate for their high cost of living.


Burglar targets tourists

Friday 7 March 2014 | Published in National

Police are investigating three burglaries and one incident of theft committed in Rarotonga this week, with victims including visitors to the island.


Water tank for local vet clinic

Friday 7 March 2014 | Published in National

Esther Honey has received a new water tank to help solve recent water shortages at the clinic.


Fingers crossed for Pukapuka teachers

Friday 7 March 2014 | Published in National

Four teachers who have been stuck in Rarotonga waiting for transport to Pukapuka are likely to be leaving by boat next week.


Pa Enua cop huge swells

Friday 7 March 2014 | Published in National

Big swells have been battering some of the outer islands this week but no major damage has been reported yet.


Big waves at the Boiler

Thursday 6 March 2014 | Published in Local

Rarotonga’s fickle surf break The Boiler turned it on yesterday when a solid swell rolled in to town.


Electronic charts completed

Thursday 6 March 2014 | Published in National

New Zealand’s Land Information Minister Maurice Williamson and Pacific Island Affairs Minister Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga have welcomed the completion of electronic navigational charts for the south-west Pacific.


Strong interest in dog ranger role

Thursday 6 March 2014 | Published in National

Police are short listing their applicants for a new full-time dog ranger position in Rarotonga.


Big swell brings Boiler to life

Thursday 6 March 2014 | Published in National

Rarotonga’s fickle surf break The Boiler turned it on yesterday when a solid swell rolled in to town.


Outbreak could be zika, not dengue

Thursday 6 March 2014 | Published in Local

The Ministry of Health believes Rarotonga could be dealing with an outbreak of zika, rather than dengue fever.


Digicel is back on the island

Thursday 6 March 2014 | Published in Local

Digicel representatives are back on the island this week to talk with the Government about buying shares in Telecom Cook Islands.


BTIB says no to foreigners

Thursday 6 March 2014 | Published in Local

Foreign companies hoping to win contracts to work on the Te Mato Vai water infrastructure project have been advised by the Business Trade and Investment Board that they will not be given approval to operate in the Cook Islands.


Prefects in pink

Thursday 6 March 2014 | Published in Local

Araura College male prefects will stand out in their pink leaders’ shirts following their investiture last Friday.


Public take advantage of free health checks

Thursday 6 March 2014 | Published in National

Promoting awareness and preventing non-communicable diseases was the focus of an event held by the Ministry of Health yesterday.


Pink day in Araura

Thursday 6 March 2014 | Published in National

Araura College celebrated the investiture of its student representatives and student prefects last Friday in the school’s Prince Edward Hall.


CCECC septic system meets official criteria

Thursday 6 March 2014 | Published in National

A local resident is concerned over the close proximity of a wastewater treatment system in Avarua to Vaikapuangi stream.


Simple precautions help stop mozzies breeding

Thursday 6 March 2014 | Published in National

A local reader suspecting his wife has been struck with dengue fever began a search online that resulted in finding simple ways of preventing his garden becoming a mosquito breeding ground.


Tutaka checks underway next week

Wednesday 5 March 2014 | Published in National

Tutaka health checks will be kicking off in Rarotonga next week and property owners are being asked to start cleaning up their sections.


Still no news on dengue confirmation

Wednesday 5 March 2014 | Published in National

Dozens of people in Rarotonga are waiting to find out whether they have the dengue virus.


Workshop aims for better health data

Wednesday 5 March 2014 | Published in National

Building a stronger health information system was the focus of a workshop yesterday, which was attended by government officials from a range of ministries.


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