Tuesday 18 March 2014 | Published in National
Two animals were mauled by packs of dogs in the weekend, while police were also kept busy trying to catch dangerous drivers.
Tuesday 18 March 2014 | Published in National
Burglars cut their way into a Takuvaine store and stole more than $1000 worth of cigarettes on Sunday night.
Tuesday 18 March 2014 | Published in Crime
April 7 has been set aside by the Cook Islands High Court for a hearing to deal with an electoral petition regarding last month’s by-election in the constituency of Murienua.
Tuesday 18 March 2014 | Published in Environment
Necropsies conducted on the two rare young beaked whales discovered dead on the shores of Mangaia in earlier this year have found that the whales were shot and bludgeoned to death.
Tuesday 18 March 2014 | Published in Environment
Looking very pleased with himself is Junior Ioaba, co-owner of Marlin Queen fishing charters, seen drying out (showing off) the tail of a 327.4kg blue marlin mounted on his truck.
Tuesday 18 March 2014 | Published in Local
A spike in suspected zika cases over the weekend had taken the total reported number to 280, says the Ministry of Health.
Tuesday 18 March 2014 | Published in Local
Six people have been appointed to advise the Government on issues affecting the country’s telecommunications sector.
Tuesday 18 March 2014 | Published in Local
Cook Islanders are being warned to brace themselves for what could be the first tropical cyclone of the year, with damaging gale force winds on the way.
Tuesday 18 March 2014 | Published in National
Cook Islands ‘Just Play’ project manager Michelle Paiti has been involved in the award-winning programme since its inception.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in Local
The Government is not being honest with its proclamation of a surplus of $4.7 million in the December Financial Quarterly Review, according to Opposition Leader Wilkie Rasmussen.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in Local
While on Mauke, science observer Oliver Clarke from England was very excited to see and hold his first coconut crab which was then released back into the makatea.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in National
Predicted wet and wild weather is sure to make things a little bit more challenging for open men’s and women’s touch rugby teams returning to the Nikao field today.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in National
First Secretary Reki Kataoka, of the Japanese Embassy will visit the Cook Islands from March 18-22, 2014 to finalise support for two new projects valued at almost NZ$300,000, which involve youth vocational skills and maire cultivation.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in National
Local employment website, Cook Islands Jobs has named John and Jeanette Sadgrove of Deli licious Cafe in Muri as Employers of the Month, after running a competition throughout March to find Raro’s best boss.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in National
The Cook Islands Airport Security Service welcomed eight new members to its team after yesterday’s graduation ceremony.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in National
With an announcement for the first sitting of Parliament for 2014 imminent, Cabinet will be in country all week.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in National
Burglary victims Amber-Lee Marsters, Ben Seve (far right) and their three children were delighted to receive a free trip out on Muri Lagoon on Friday, thanks to the kind-hearted team at Koka Lagoon Cruises.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in National
Lucky winners of a recent CITC promotion will be very popular, after winning a 12GB Playstation 3 console each.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in Crime
Defence lawyer Norman George has laid blame on the Rarotonga Hospital for “failing to operate” on 22-year-old crash victim Kulani Takai Elikana.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in Environment
Sand mining in a known turtle nesting area on Mauke could be having a major effect on the number of turtles left.
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