
Extra TMV funds needed for landowners

Saturday 5 April 2014 | Published in Economy

Additional funds will need to be appropriated if Government is to compensate landowners affected by the Te Mato Vai water infrastructure project.


Speech contest focuses on environment

Saturday 5 April 2014 | Published in Environment

National Environment Service Senior Biodiversity Officer, Elizabeth Munro was privileged to be part of the judging panel for Avarua School’s marine biodiversity speech competition yesterday morning.


'The World' - a ship with a difference

Saturday 5 April 2014 | Published in Local

Rarotonga was visited yesterday by a unique cruise ship called “The World”, which comprises 165 private apartments owned by residents who live onboard.


Opposition questioned on depopulation

Saturday 5 April 2014 | Published in Politics

The Opposition was put on the defensive yesterday in Parliament after a question on depopulation was put by Health and Internal Affairs Minister Nandi Glassie.


VAT legislation gets sign off

Friday 4 April 2014 | Published in Economy

Crown Law has ruled the Government passed its Value Added Tax amendment validly and is law.


TIS concerned with shark fin response

Friday 4 April 2014 | Published in Environment

Local conservation group Te Ipukarea Society is concerned with Government’s response to shark fins found aboard a Chinese fishing vessel.


Graduate researches seabed minerals

Friday 4 April 2014 | Published in Economy

There were no “eureka” moments for graduate James Davies, who has spent weeks in Rarotonga 'mining' seabed mineral data – but he did find mineral price sensitivity is more important to overall profitability of seabed mining than first thought.


Client frustrated at lawyer's absence

Friday 4 April 2014 | Published in Crime

Young offender Beniamina Patia has raised an issue with the court, saying he has been kept in remand for three months now.


Calm seas for Tai Marino launch

Friday 4 April 2014 | Published in Local

Koka Lagoon Cruises proudly launched its new glass bottom boat, the Tai Marino, this week.


Energy efficiency in the spotlight

Friday 4 April 2014 | Published in Environment

Cook Islands workplaces should end up becoming more energy efficient as a result of a training course being run in Rarotonga this week.


Telecom shares to be advertised locally

Friday 4 April 2014 | Published in Technology

Any locals willing and able to pay $23 million for the lion’s share of Telecom Cook Islands will soon get their chance to make an offer.


Govt holds tight to Telecom shares

Friday 4 April 2014 | Published in Economy

The Government will not be selling any of its stake in Telecom Cook Islands to global player Digicel, says Mark Brown.


New diversion policy begun by police

Friday 4 April 2014 | Published in Crime

Certain cases before the courts will now have a chance to be resolved through alternative means, after a new initiative by police was revealed in court.


Delays add up for Pukapuka airport

Thursday 3 April 2014 | Published in Outer Islands

Frustrating delays to the Pukapuka runway project mean financial costs are mounting up and work is unlikely to be finished before the end of April.

Outer Islands

Cook Islands News to go up in price

Thursday 3 April 2014 | Published in Local

Casual copies of the Cook Islands News will cost $2.10 from Monday – the first increase in cover price since September 2008.


Digicel dominates parliament session

Thursday 3 April 2014 | Published in Politics

The Government was put on the defensive yesterday over the recently negotiated conditional sale of Telecom New Zealand’s 60 per cent stake in Telecom Cook Islands to global telco player Digicel.


Grey Power returns to Parliament

Thursday 3 April 2014 | Published in Politics

Grey Power made good on its vow to return to Parliament yesterday, where they made a vocal demand to Government for the immediate reimbursement of approximately $30,000.


Digicel: too early to talk job cuts

Thursday 3 April 2014 | Published in Technology

Digicel says it is too soon to know whether it will cut jobs at Telecom and it will need more time inside the organisation to make that decision.


Picton Castle back in the Cooks

Thursday 3 April 2014 | Published in Local

Morning commuters were greeted to the stunning sight of the three-masted Picton Castle as she sailed gracefully into Avatiu Harbour yesterday.


Resignation delays BTIB investigation

Thursday 3 April 2014 | Published in Local

A resignation at the Cook Islands Audit Office has delayed its investigation into the Business Trade Investment Board.


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