
Puna travels to Manihiki

Saturday 10 May 2014 | Published in Politics

Election Briefs: Keep up to date with the latest election developments ahead of voting day on July 9.


More than $111,000 on MP travel

Saturday 10 May 2014 | Published in Economy

More than $111,000 of public money has been spent on travel for Members of Parliament in the current financial year.


Reigning dance champ not eligible

Saturday 10 May 2014 | Published in Culture

“He doesn’t qualify for the 2014 competition as he is residing overseas” is the justification of the Ministry of Cultural Development, which disallowed defending champion Teariki Mateariki to take to the stage last night.


Manihiki harbour project steams ahead

Saturday 10 May 2014 | Published in Outer Islands

Work is well underway in Manihiki to complete a $2.7 million reconstruction of the remote northern island’s two neglected harbours.

Outer Islands

Economics of governing: Wichman

Saturday 10 May 2014 | Published in Economy

When the first outside contact came to our islands, they surveyed from their ships and found natural openings in the reef that would later become deep water harbours as entry points and access to the resources and bounty of the land and sea.


Assault on mother but avoids prison

Saturday 10 May 2014 | Published in Crime

A man sentenced for assault on a female has avoided a prison recommendation, and will instead be under probation supervision.


New fisheries field office in Pago Pago

Saturday 10 May 2014 | Published in Local

Officials with the Ministry of Marine Resources hope to improve monitoring, control and surveillance obligations for the tuna fishery with a field office that has been set up in Pago Pago, American Samoa.


Capture our biodiversity and win

Saturday 10 May 2014 | Published in Environment

Cook Islands students and the general public are encouraged to get snapping to enter the National Environment Service photography competition.


New plan to combat NCD crisis

Friday 9 May 2014 | Published in Health

Health leaders and stakeholders will be meeting this month to start devising a new plan for tackling the non-communicable disease (NCD) crisis in the Cook Islands.


Infant seat scheme launched

Friday 9 May 2014 | Published in Health

A major step has been taken to improve road safety in the Cook Islands with the launch of a scheme giving parents cheap access to infant car seats.


House saved from fire next door

Friday 9 May 2014 | Published in Local

A house located just several metres from the site of a fire that flattened a popular restaurant in Vaimaanga managed to escape the carnage, thanks to the efforts of professional and amateur firefighters.


Elephantiasis testing in northern group

Friday 9 May 2014 | Published in Health

Health officers will be heading to the northern islands later this month to carry out tests for filariasis, a tropical disease commonly known as elephantiasis.


BTIB aims to help local fishers

Friday 9 May 2014 | Published in Local

Government officials hope local fishers will benefit with a change in restrictions for a foreign fishing company that currently offloads its by-catch for retail sale in Rarotonga.


Bishop to campaign in Mauke

Friday 9 May 2014 | Published in Politics

Election Briefs: Keep up to date with the latest election developments ahead of voting day on July 9.


MP travel expenses released by govt

Friday 9 May 2014 | Published in Politics

After a long-running request from CINews, the Government has released travel figures for the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, and the other 22 Members of Parliament.


Mauke School marks term break

Thursday 8 May 2014 | Published in Education

Mauke School’s term one ended with what many said was the best day of that term – Mauke Day on April 16.


Rival local bid for Telecom to come?

Thursday 8 May 2014 | Published in Technology

Another local bid for a block of shares in Telecom Cook Islands is currently in the works.


Advance voting begins tomorrow

Thursday 8 May 2014 | Published in Politics

Election Briefs: Keep up to date with the latest election developments in the lead-up to voting day on July 9.


Cooks collector coins for sale

Thursday 8 May 2014 | Published in Local

Three new collector coins have been crafted by a German mint bearing the Cook Islands name and denominated in local currency.


Call for more women in Parliament

Thursday 8 May 2014 | Published in Politics

As the country moves towards a July 9 election, Cabinet Minister Nandi Glassie is calling for greater representation of women in the Cook Islands political scene.


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