
Manihiki pearl forum a success

Thursday 15 May 2014 | Published in Outer Islands

Policy guidance for the revival of production and marketing of Cook Islands pearls was adopted at the 2014 Pearl Forum held in Manihiki on Tuesday.

Outer Islands

TAU upgrade for renewable energy

Wednesday 14 May 2014 | Published in Environment

Te Aponga Uira says one of the main reasons it is carrying out a power station upgrade is to cater for Rarotonga’s gradual transition to renewable energy generation.


More burglaries reported to police

Wednesday 14 May 2014 | Published in Crime

More than $1500 in cash and goods were stolen over the weekend.


Don't rush into deep sea mining – expert

Wednesday 14 May 2014 | Published in Environment

Pacific Island countries have been warned to take their time and weigh up the risks before issuing their first licences for seabed minerals exploration.


Mystery surrounds local Telecom investors

Wednesday 14 May 2014 | Published in Technology

Details are sparse about the latest local consortium to submit an expression of interest for the purchase of shares in Telecom Cook Islands.


CIP plans local pension increase

Wednesday 14 May 2014 | Published in Politics

Local pensions would be given another boost by a victorious Cook Islands Party, says Finance Minister Mark Brown.


Bishop: Pensions should be tax-free

Wednesday 14 May 2014 | Published in Politics

Election Briefs: Keep up to date with the latest election developments ahead of voting day on July 9:


Marine Park campaign begins

Wednesday 14 May 2014 | Published in Environment

The Cook Islands Marine Park Steering Committee has kicked off its campaign this week to promote the Marae Moana Marine Park.


New fire fighters make their mark

Wednesday 14 May 2014 | Published in Local

The timing couldn’t have been better for the formation of Rarotonga’s newest volunteer fire fighting brigade.


Health ministry wants water treatment

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Health

Chemical disinfection continues to be a preferred method for supplying potable water to households, despite a Government decision not to include it as part of an upgrade of Rarotonga’s water supply infrastructure.


Deep sea minerals workshop today

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Local

A deep sea minerals workshop focusing on the financial aspects of mining is kicking off today at the Rarotongan Beach Resort.


New Zealand ex-cop may be deported

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Crime

A New Zealand ex-cop who has remained in the Cook Islands after serving jail time for drug offences may be deported.


Vaima fire investigated, Tupapa fire 'suspicious'

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Local

Detailed investigation of last week’s fire which destroyed popular restaurant Vaima began yesterday, with the participation of investigators from a New Zealand-based insurance company.


Bishop helps find Telecom investors

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Politics

Election Briefs: Keep up to date with the latest election developments in the lead-up to voting day on July 9.


New head for Price Tribunal

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Local

Tatiana Burn has been appointed as President of the Price Tribunal by Internal Affairs Minister Nandi Glassie.


Fishers urged to respect FAD rules

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Local

The Ministry of Marine Resources is urging fishers to be responsible in their use of Rarotonga FADs (fish aggregating devices) after two were found damaged last week.


BTIB audit report nears completion

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Local

The Audit Office has completed the field work in its investigation into the Business Trade Investment Board.


International Nurses Week celebrated

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Health

Cook Islands Nurses Association will join in the commemoration of international nurses week this week to celebrate nurses and their achievements.


Call for safe driving at TMV sites

Monday 12 May 2014 | Published in Local

A letter published in the Cook Islands News about an alleged case of dangerous driving has angered the Secretary of Infrastructure.


War survivor visits Cook Islands

Monday 12 May 2014 | Published in Local

Temperatures of minus 30 to 50 degrees are hard to imagine for anyone living in the balmy Rarotonga climate, but 89-year-old Ken Briggs can never forget experiencing them as a seaman on board a British destroyer escorting Artic convoys.


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