
Visitor numbers strong in April

Saturday 17 May 2014 | Published in Local

Visitor numbers last month were the second-highest on record for an April month, continuing a trend of growth in the country’s biggest industry.


Election signs in the Cooks

Saturday 17 May 2014 | Published in Politics

Election season is in full swing, with various campaigns beginning to show their colours around Rarotonga.


CI students graduate in Wellington

Saturday 17 May 2014 | Published in Education

Cook Islands students at Victoria University in Wellington were among a group of Pacific Island students that received a special reception after their graduation ceremony.


Election: 8 weeks to voting day

Friday 16 May 2014 | Published in Politics

Election Briefs: Keep up to date with the latest election developments ahead of voting day on July 9.


Test flight to Pukapuka

Friday 16 May 2014 | Published in Outer Islands

Deputy Prime Minister Teariki Heather flew to Pukapuka yesterday on a test flight to check out the island's new runway.

Outer Islands

Hands off our huts – market stalwart

Friday 16 May 2014 | Published in Local

Hut owners at Punanga Nui Market should be allowed to sell up for whatever price they like, says a long-term vendor.


Arorangi fruit fly numbers dropping

Friday 16 May 2014 | Published in Environment

An outbreak of the highly-destructive oriental fruit fly in Arorangi appears to have been brought under control, says the Ministry of Agriculture.


Taxis to ramp up service

Friday 16 May 2014 | Published in Local

Groundwork is being laid to improve taxi services in Rarotonga and eventually Aitutaki, thanks to a number of initiatives by the Cook Islands Taxi Association.


Stick to the rules, warns Opposition

Friday 16 May 2014 | Published in Politics

Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen is accusing the Cook Islands Party of coming “dangerously” close to breaking electoral laws.


Dancer of the Year crowned for 2014

Friday 16 May 2014 | Published in Culture

Pacific Resort Rarotonga activities manager Matt Pierre has been crowned Cook Islands National Dancer of the Year at the 2014 Te Mira Ure competition.


New Mitiaro fishery officer

Thursday 15 May 2014 | Published in Outer Islands

New Fishery Officer Ngarouru Tou has been in Rarotonga this month working with Ministry of Marine Resources’ inshore division staff.

Outer Islands

Move to help end domestic violence

Thursday 15 May 2014 | Published in Local

Helping end violence against women is one of the main tasks for a gender project co-ordinator being sought by the Government.


Seabed mining: Need to protect environment

Thursday 15 May 2014 | Published in Environment

Attendees at this week’s deep sea minerals workshop heard about the environmental issues of mining on the seabed floor.


Seabed minerals worth 'vast amount'

Thursday 15 May 2014 | Published in Economy

Mining of deep sea minerals in the Cook Islands could provide an economic return which is at least equivalent to the tourism industry, says a government advisor.


'Legal' highs banned in the Cooks

Thursday 15 May 2014 | Published in Crime

People attempting to import legal highs into the Cook Islands are warned that they could face criminal prosecution, as the Ministry of Health announces a crackdown on party pills and other social drugs.


5 domestic violence cases in weekend

Thursday 15 May 2014 | Published in Crime

The high numbers of domestic violence cases and disqualified drivers caught at the weekend are a major concern for local police.


CIP leadership could be reviewed

Thursday 15 May 2014 | Published in Politics

Election Briefs: Keep up to date with the latest election developments in the lead-up to voting day on July 9.


Sky-high prices upset market vendor

Thursday 15 May 2014 | Published in Local

An outspoken vendor at Punanga Nui Market is calling on the Government to crack down on other vendors who are trying to sell their huts for “ridiculous” prices.


Coconut trees planted on reclaimed land

Thursday 15 May 2014 | Published in Local

Efforts to beautify an area of land next to Punanga Nui Market are moving forward, with the planting of more than 80 young coconut trees along the rock seawall.


Retailers in for pricing check-up

Thursday 15 May 2014 | Published in Local

Internal Affairs will be soon be carrying out visits to make sure retailers are labelling their products with the correct prices.


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