Friday 30 May 2014 | Published in Crime
Outstanding trial fixtures took priority at a criminal call-over at the High Court on Wednesday where trial dates for three women alleged to have stolen money from their workplace at Westpac’s Aitutaki branch were discussed.
Friday 30 May 2014 | Published in Local
Rarotonga’s fuel wholesalers have officially run out of supplies of petrol, leaving motorists to fend for themselves until the next shipment of fuel arrives.
Thursday 29 May 2014 | Published in Local
Three “beautiful” Brownies, two Girl Guides and four Rangers were enrolled in the Nikao Girl Guides Company by their newly elected Girl Guide Captain, Mrs Teio Kea this week.
Thursday 29 May 2014 | Published in Health
It’s still early days but a small number of parents have already taken advantage of a recently-launched infant car seat rental scheme.
Thursday 29 May 2014 | Published in Economy
Telecom Cook Islands says its customers have hundreds of mobile phone applications to choose from if they want to monitor their personal data use.
Thursday 29 May 2014 | Published in Local
Rarotonga’s emergencies services are well-prepared to cope with the current shortage of petrol on the island, officials say.
Thursday 29 May 2014 | Published in Economy
Cook Islanders will not stop leaving the country to live overseas until the government decides to start funding industry in the outer islands, says economist Vaine Wichman.
Thursday 29 May 2014 | Published in Local
A petrol shortage in Rarotonga forced residents searching for fuel to wait in long queues yesterday.
Thursday 29 May 2014 | Published in Outer Islands
A proposal to deepen and widen the Arutanga Harbour entrance in Aitutaki has drawn strong opposition from two local groups.
Wednesday 28 May 2014 | Published in Local
Whale season does not officially begin until July, but a lone humpback has been spotted cruising in Rarotonga’s warm waters this week.
Wednesday 28 May 2014 | Published in Politics
The Democratic Party is gearing up to kick off its election campaign at an event to be held at the National Auditorium tomorrow evening.
Wednesday 28 May 2014 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands’ total estimated resident population has dropped by about 1000 over the past two years, according to the Statistics Office.
Wednesday 28 May 2014 | Published in Local
Cook Islands officials are warning about the misuse of multiplugs or powerboards, after the discovery that one of the electronic devices caused the devastating fire at Vaima restaurant earlier this month.
Wednesday 28 May 2014 | Published in Outer Islands
Avatiu Wharf was bustling with activity yesterday as building materials and cement destined for use in the Manihiki Harbour upgrade were loaded onto a barge.
Wednesday 28 May 2014 | Published in Local
Rarotonga will soon be facing a critical shortage of petrol.
Tuesday 27 May 2014 | Published in Local
Cook Islands women living in New Zealand hosted Her Royal Highness Princess Mele Siu'ilikutapu Kalaniuvalu Fotofili at a special event at the weekend.
Tuesday 27 May 2014 | Published in Politics
Officials probably couldn’t have picked a nation more different from the Cook Islands for a recent meeting than Kazakhstan, which recently hosted the 47th Annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank.
Tuesday 27 May 2014 | Published in Politics
The Puna family pearl farm’s chances of getting more aid funding from the Manihiki Pearl project appear to be zilch – unless it can be shown the farm meets the criteria to qualify for a grant.
Tuesday 27 May 2014 | Published in Environment
The Ministry of Agriculture is trying to work out when and how venomous black widow spiders managed to enter the Cook Islands without being detected.
Tuesday 27 May 2014 | Published in Politics
The Cook Islands Party is looking to head into July’s general elections riding on advances made over the last three and half years, hoping voters allow the party to carry through on initiatives already underway.
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