
Infrastructure working overtime on potholes

Saturday 28 June 2014 | Published in Local

Heavy rain in Rarotonga this week has crews busy at work repairing numerous potholes around the island.


Policy costings done but MFEM will not release them

Saturday 28 June 2014 | Published in Politics

A qualified assessment on what party election promises will cost has been completed by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) – but voters will not know what they are unless the individual parties decide to make them public.


Drilling in search of water

Friday 27 June 2014 | Published in Environment

An investigation into groundwater resources continued yesterday with the drilling of a site in Arorangi by a New Zealand based engineering firm.


DABOSS is back

Friday 27 June 2014 | Published in Local

Clem Fortes was on hand at the airport in the wee hours of Thursday morning to pick up his stolen, and now infamous, ‘DABOSS’ rego plate. Taken from the 51-year-old store owner in Arorangi earlier this month, the story concluded with a happy ending after a friend, Gail Lewis brought the plate to Rarotonga on her flight, after having them delivered by the same New Zealand man who admitted to taking them while on vacation with a mate and their girlfriends.


Ponia at Tokelau ministers meet

Friday 27 June 2014 | Published in Economy

Management of fisheries will be the focus of next week’s Pacific Islands ministerial meeting in Tokelau.


Demos plan tax on packaging

Friday 27 June 2014 | Published in Politics

Applying taxes on imported goods will alleviate an impending waste management problem in the Cook Islands, says the Democratic Party.


Hit and run killed dog says pet owner

Thursday 26 June 2014 | Published in Local

Nikao resident Kana Story is devastated after learning her pet dog was killed in what she is describing as a hit and run style incident.


Broadcasters work on emergency plans

Thursday 26 June 2014 | Published in Weather

National broadcast stations of eight Pacific Island countries will have Climate and Disaster Resilience Plans developed by April 2015.


BTIB staff train inmates

Thursday 26 June 2014 | Published in Education

Business Development staff of the Business Trade and Investment Board has been conducting a business planning workshop for inmates at the Corrective Service’s facility in Arorangi as part of a rehabilitation initiative programme for the last two weeks.


Compulsory six month wait for drunk drivers

Thursday 26 June 2014 | Published in Crime

Anyone disqualified from driving for excess blood/breath alcohol charges will now have no choice but to wait six months until they can apply for a conditional licence.


'DABOSS' plates on way home

Thursday 26 June 2014 | Published in Crime

Two Kiwis who found themselves in a little trouble after a recent trip to Rarotonga have made the conscious decision not to mess with ‘DABOSS’.


Te Kukupa part of surveillance mission

Thursday 26 June 2014 | Published in Local

Police patrol boat Te Kukupa departed Avarua port Monday morning to participate in a multi-national fisheries surveillance operation.


Flu vaccine on its way?

Thursday 26 June 2014 | Published in Health

Influenza vaccine supplies could be in the country as early as this week after shipping issues were resolved with a new manufacturer.


Alleged kidnapper faces more serious charges

Thursday 26 June 2014 | Published in Crime

New information about the charges faced by kidnap accused Chris Lewe Michael Rimamotu shows they are more serious than previously reported.


Second term for seabed advisor

Thursday 26 June 2014 | Published in Economy

The Cook Islands has just been funded by the Commonwealth Secretariat for a second two-year term of service with the Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority by minerals expert Darryl Thorburn.


Brown slams Demo fishing policy

Thursday 26 June 2014 | Published in Politics

Finance Minister Mark Brown is continuing to hammer at the Democratic Party’s pre-election policies after the release of a statement reaffirming a pledge to phase out purse seine fishing from Cook Islands waters.


Burglaries on the rise again

Wednesday 25 June 2014 | Published in Crime

Burglary has been identified by police as a major concern that is hurting the economy and the lives of locals, as more properties are broken into.


Free chiropractic service back in Raro

Wednesday 25 June 2014 | Published in Health

A group from the New Zealand College of Chiropractic is back in Rarotonga to treat locals with free spine checks and adjustments.


Mystery surrounds million-dollar lawsuit

Wednesday 25 June 2014 | Published in Crime

Mystery surrounds a million-dollar civil suit involving private company Fidelis Limited and someone from Cook Islands Trust Corporation.


Life may turn around for young offender

Wednesday 25 June 2014 | Published in Crime

Seventeen-year-old Beniamina Patia has been given the benefit of the doubt and avoided adding more time to his probation term.


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