
Election: Where and how to vote

Wednesday 9 July 2014 | Published in Politics

Roughly 10,540 electors are registered to exercise their democratic rights by voting in today’s General Elections.


Superfund grows by $13.7 million

Wednesday 9 July 2014 | Published in Economy

The Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund has announced its full-year results for 2013, showing members received an 8.86 per cent return on their investment.


Family tension leads to assault on sister

Wednesday 9 July 2014 | Published in Crime

Diversion is being considered for an assault between siblings over an apparent dispute over the family home.


Bikinis will be back, says Air NZ

Wednesday 9 July 2014 | Published in Local

Air New Zealand’s controversial ‘Safety in Paradise’ video – which features bikini-clad models demonstrating flight safety procedures – is on a temporary hiatus and will soon return, says a company executive.


Recall notice for dodgy spaghetti

Wednesday 9 July 2014 | Published in Health

“Disgusting” is the word used by one consumer to describe the murky contents of a tin of spaghetti she bought last week.


Election: View the preliminary results

Wednesday 9 July 2014 | Published in Politics

Keep up to date with the election results as they trickle in. This page lists the preliminary results from the July 9 vote.


Election: Voters head to the polls

Wednesday 9 July 2014 | Published in Politics

Cook Islanders have been lining up at polling booths today to cast their votes for the General Election.


Cultural competition unites students

Tuesday 8 July 2014 | Published in Culture

Cook Islands university students in New Zealand are putting their text books aside to get their hips swinging in this year's Taokotaianga cultural competition over the next seven days.


Bumpy ride continues in Avarua

Tuesday 8 July 2014 | Published in Local

Construction on the main road that would have provided a smooth ride for motorists travelling from the airport to Tupapa appears to be nowhere in sight.


CIP urged to explain purse seining stance

Tuesday 8 July 2014 | Published in Politics

With the election just one day away, Te Ipukarea Society is calling on the Cook Islands Party to front up and clarify its position on purse seine fishing.


Man in custody for market break-in

Tuesday 8 July 2014 | Published in Crime

A man has been arrested in connection with the burglary of a hut at the Punanga Nui Market two weekends ago.


Driver dies after crashing into pole

Tuesday 8 July 2014 | Published in Local

A 43-year-old man died on Sunday afternoon after crashing into a power pole in Arorangi.


Advance voting closes 1pm

Tuesday 8 July 2014 | Published in Politics

Registered voters hoping to get an early crack at voting in advance of tomorrow’s elections have until 1pm today to make their way to the Chief Electoral Office to cast their ballots.


One Cook Islands releases costings

Monday 7 July 2014 | Published in Politics

One Cook Islands released its costing report recently completed by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management yesterday.


Youth caught drunk driving

Monday 7 July 2014 | Published in Crime

A 16-year-old male has appeared in court after being caught driving at almost three times the alcohol limit.


Time to decide who will govern

Monday 7 July 2014 | Published in Politics

This is the week that Cook Islanders go to the polls to decide whether they prefer the “devil they know” or want to step forward on a new “path to prosperity”.


National pride on minds of Ui Ariki

Monday 7 July 2014 | Published in Culture

National pride, the marine park and the need for further discussions on giving the House of Ariki more decision making powers were key messages pushed by House of Ariki Kaumaiti (president) Tou Ariki during the Ui Ariki Day celebration on Friday.


Cable internet one step closer?

Monday 7 July 2014 | Published in Technology

A $65 million commitment by a New Zealand crown corporation has brought an undersea cable linking the United States to New Zealand one step closer, drawing further interest from the Cook Islands Government.


Crime victim calls for action

Saturday 5 July 2014 | Published in Crime

An outraged victim of home invasion is challenging political parties to step up and take the problem of crime in Rarotonga far more seriously.


Childhood obesity of growing concern

Saturday 5 July 2014 | Published in Health

Local and overseas speakers spent the first day at the annual Health Conference focusing on childhood obesity – described as a growing trend in Cook Islands.


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