Saturday 2 August 2014 | Published in Local
Cook Islands police patrol boat Te Kukupa returned to Avatiu port Wednesday afternoon after completing a 10-day regional fisheries monitoring and surveillance operation.
Saturday 2 August 2014 | Published in Local
A stack of towels containing residual oil self-combusted and caused a small fire at Snowbird Laundry’s Muri branch yesterday morning.
Saturday 2 August 2014 | Published in Local
Missed anything in the news this week? Stay up to date with this list of stories that sparked the most interest online.
Saturday 2 August 2014 | Published in Local
Weeks of drilling has resulted in findings that indicate a strong potential for usable groundwater resources in Rarotonga, says a company official involved in the search.
Friday 1 August 2014 | Published in Culture
Sharing the creation of kiriau (wild hibiscus) costume making combined with synchronised hip and hand movements by Enuamanu ura pau performers was one of the highlights of Wednesday night’s Te Maeva Nui cultural show.
Friday 1 August 2014 | Published in Health
Staff at Te Aponga Uira are powering up their health and fitness efforts to get in shape before the festive season arrives again.
Friday 1 August 2014 | Published in Local
Australia has announced a $10.5 million funding package for fisheries in the Pacific region, particularly targeted at coastal fisheries development.
Friday 1 August 2014 | Published in Culture
Traditional voyagers were welcomed to Rarotonga on Thursday morning as fellow Polynesians and family – not visitors.
Friday 1 August 2014 | Published in Culture
Members of the public were given plenty of notice about the price of Te Maeva Nui tickets and programmes, says the Ministry of Culture.
Friday 1 August 2014 | Published in Politics
The Democratic Party has hit back at comments made by Prime Minister Henry Puna.
Friday 1 August 2014 | Published in Local
Te Mato Vai officials say construction glitches with Rarotonga’s ongoing $60 million infrastructure project are being addressed by the project manager and contractor.
Thursday 31 July 2014 | Published in Education
Te Kura Uira, Digital School of the Cook Islands continues to provide meaningful and rich learning experiences to its remote Cook Islands students.
Thursday 31 July 2014 | Published in Weather
It might not be considered cold in many countries, but a temperature of 13.7 degrees Celsius in Rarotonga on Sunday was the island’s lowest since 1975.
Thursday 31 July 2014 | Published in Culture
Captivating costumes and elegant dancing graced the Te Maeva Nui stage this week, with performances set to intensify through to the final night of shows on Friday.
Thursday 31 July 2014 | Published in Politics
Lawyers representing election candidates who have lodged petitions are being told by the High Court they could be on the hook financially for fraud allegations made “without proper basis”.
Thursday 31 July 2014 | Published in Environment
American purse seiners operating in Cook Islands waters have been banned from using fish aggregation devices for a four-month period.
Thursday 31 July 2014 | Published in Environment
Efforts to crack down on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in the region have taken a step forward with the ratification of a major agreement.
Thursday 31 July 2014 | Published in Local
John Evans reckons the first time he set eyes on Aitutaki about 60 years ago he thought he’d arrived in a paradise of beautiful beaches and beautiful women.
Thursday 31 July 2014 | Published in Education
Three women have been awarded generous grants of $500 and $1000 by Westpac to help further their education.
Thursday 31 July 2014 | Published in Local
New Zealand has committed another $4.6 million towards improving the management of fisheries information in the Pacific region.
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