
Dog control officer appointed

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Local

Newly-appointed dog control officer Donalder (Donald) Tua is an animal lover keen to rid the island of its roaming dog problem.


Confused tourist flees the country

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Crime

A German tourist cut short his holiday in the Cook Islands after hearing what he mistakenly thought were threatening comments made against him.


Students acknowledged with principal's award

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Education

Last term Tereora College students were acknowledged for their study efforts when they received principal’s awards.


Patrol boat departs for Cairns

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Local

Cook Islands Police patrol boat Te Kukupa departed Rarotonga for Australia yesterday, where it is scheduled to undergo an extensive refit.


Pukapuka land agreement worth $100,000

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Outer Islands

Landowners in Pukapuka have agreed to let the Government use a one-acre area of land to build a solar farm at a cost of about $100,000.

Outer Islands

Power woes in Palmerston

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Outer Islands

After just 60 hours of use, Palmerston’s new generator is experiencing problems.

Outer Islands

Youth development a focus for graduate

Monday 25 August 2014 | Published in Education

A new ‘Pu Ara’ health promotion model which emphasises strength-based and positive development outcomes is being shared through the Cook Islands community.


Heavy fine for drunk driving visitor

Monday 25 August 2014 | Published in Crime

The High Court on August 21 was presided over by Justice of the Peace Georgina Williams, who made the following judgements:


Bishop's plan to lower fuel prices

Monday 25 August 2014 | Published in Economy

One Cook Islands leader Teina Bishop says the government is making too much money from fuel and he wants to cut import levies on both petrol and diesel.


Economy contracts 4.8 per cent in 2013

Monday 25 August 2014 | Published in Economy

New data shows the country’s economy contracted by 4.8 per cent last year, although there were encouraging signs of growth in sectors such as agriculture.


'Stop purse seining immediately'

Monday 25 August 2014 | Published in Environment

Describing it as a devastating form of fishing, the Democratic Party is calling for a minimum five-year ban on purse seining in Cook Islands waters.


Te Kukupa departs for refit today

Monday 25 August 2014 | Published in Local

Cook Islands Police patrol boat Te Kukupa departs Avatiu harbour today for a scheduled refit, which will take place in Cairns, Australia.


Fierce bidding makes auction a success

Saturday 23 August 2014 | Published in Local

Strong bidding on a large number of art works saw BCA Gallery celebrate a lively and successful auction on Monday night.


CIP ship is sinking, says Opposition

Saturday 23 August 2014 | Published in Politics

Democratic Party leader Wilkie Rasmussen says a government announcement of heavy machinery destined for the outer islands is part of the Cook Islands Party’s broader post-petition agenda.


Couples counselling before cases go ahead

Saturday 23 August 2014 | Published in Crime

Two men charged with assaulting their female partners have been diverted for counselling before a decision is made on their cases.


Gender-based violence report released

Saturday 23 August 2014 | Published in Local

Strong action by government and community leaders is the first recommendation of a new report on gender-based violence.


Locals get lowdown on water project

Friday 22 August 2014 | Published in Local

Local contractors have been given an early glimpse of what the Te Mato Vai project could look like upon completion, and told how they could get a chance to participate in its construction.


Death benefits limited on CINSF policies

Friday 22 August 2014 | Published in Economy

The Cook Islands National Super Fund is today sending out written advice to individual members that, due to no contributions by their employers, they are not eligible for the death benefits under the scheme.


Attack on man after he gave the 'middle finger'

Friday 22 August 2014 | Published in Crime

A man has been convicted and fined after beating up a passer-by who gave him the “one finger salute” to his request to join his group in a drinking session.


Shark fin talks continue

Friday 22 August 2014 | Published in Environment

Local officials are continuing discussions with Chinese authorities over an incident involving the discovery of shark fins aboard a Chinese-flagged fishing vessel earlier this year.


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