
Ex-cashier sentenced for taking cash

Thursday 28 August 2014 | Published in Crime

A former supermarket cashier has been sentenced to 12 months' probation for taking an envelope full of cash left on her checkout counter.


Fuel application still in consultations

Thursday 28 August 2014 | Published in Local

An application by a foreign-based energy firm to gain access into a new market is currently in the consultation stage with no imminent decision to be made, says a government official.


Education budget in the works

Thursday 28 August 2014 | Published in Education

Officials are currently working out how much money will be provided by Government to the Ministry of Education for the 2014-15 fiscal year.


Poor record for Cook Islands ships

Thursday 28 August 2014 | Published in Local

Cook Islands-flagged vessels were the most often detained out of 15 flag states last year, according to a leading ship classification society.


Atiu residents sweep runway

Thursday 28 August 2014 | Published in Outer Islands

Atiu residents of all political affiliations lent a helping hand yesterday to tend to the island’s coral runway, days after an airplane punctured its tyre upon landing.

Outer Islands

Official Information fee must be 'reasonable'

Thursday 28 August 2014 | Published in Local

Government ministries should only charge a fee for the release of official information if that charge is “reasonable”, says the Office of the Ombudsman.


Triad opposes foreign company's plan to become 'sole supplier of fuel'

Wednesday 27 August 2014 | Published in Economy

A local player in the fuel industry is concerned with the plans of a foreign energy firm to expand its operations in the Cook Islands.


Scientists risk lives tagging whales

Wednesday 27 August 2014 | Published in Environment

Three scientists and an expert shooter are out on the water performing the highly dangerous task of tagging 10 humpback whales off Rarotonga this week.


Offender told to make a fresh start

Wednesday 27 August 2014 | Published in Crime

A first-time offender who admitted to assisting four burglaries on Rarotonga in June has managed to avoid a long probation sentence and been told to make a fresh start.


Celebrating Cook Islands culture at AUT

Wednesday 27 August 2014 | Published in Culture

Auckland University of Technology’s south campus recently celebrated Cook Islands Language Week with a variety of cultural activities.


Wharf cracks need to be sealed

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Local

Engineers have confirmed that cracks in the concrete surface at Avatiu Wharf are less severe than first thought but will need to be sealed.


Marine Park hub opens

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Environment

The Cook Islands has taken a step forward in ocean conservation by opening a new information hub where locals can have their say in designing the Marae Moana marine park.


Dog control officer appointed

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Local

Newly-appointed dog control officer Donalder (Donald) Tua is an animal lover keen to rid the island of its roaming dog problem.


Confused tourist flees the country

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Crime

A German tourist cut short his holiday in the Cook Islands after hearing what he mistakenly thought were threatening comments made against him.


Students acknowledged with principal's award

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Education

Last term Tereora College students were acknowledged for their study efforts when they received principal’s awards.


Patrol boat departs for Cairns

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Local

Cook Islands Police patrol boat Te Kukupa departed Rarotonga for Australia yesterday, where it is scheduled to undergo an extensive refit.


Pukapuka land agreement worth $100,000

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Outer Islands

Landowners in Pukapuka have agreed to let the Government use a one-acre area of land to build a solar farm at a cost of about $100,000.

Outer Islands

Power woes in Palmerston

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Outer Islands

After just 60 hours of use, Palmerston’s new generator is experiencing problems.

Outer Islands

Youth development a focus for graduate

Monday 25 August 2014 | Published in Education

A new ‘Pu Ara’ health promotion model which emphasises strength-based and positive development outcomes is being shared through the Cook Islands community.


Heavy fine for drunk driving visitor

Monday 25 August 2014 | Published in Crime

The High Court on August 21 was presided over by Justice of the Peace Georgina Williams, who made the following judgements:


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