
Burglary accused ordered to contact lawyer

Thursday 2 October 2014 | Published in Crime

The High Court on September 25 was presided over by Justice of the Peace Tangi Taoro, who made the following judgements:


Teachers honoured through awards gala

Thursday 2 October 2014 | Published in Education

Cook Islands teachers will be honoured this evening for positively shaping young minds.


Raro honours metua pakari

Thursday 2 October 2014 | Published in Local

Local residents gathered at Te Atukura grounds yesterday to celebrate the nation’s elderly as part of the annual International Day of Older Persons.


Absent students a growing concern

Thursday 2 October 2014 | Published in Education

There are concerns at the national college over the large number of students absent from school due to Manea Games commitments and families taking advantage of cheap airfares.


Anger replaced by education, optimism

Wednesday 1 October 2014 | Published in Local

Nan Hauser to educate foreign fishing crews on local environmental practices and customs


Buzzing for recycling

Wednesday 1 October 2014 | Published in Education

4-year old Revas Hand of Takitumu Primary School was in a recycling buzz on Tuesday night.


Aitutaki youth offenders arrested

Wednesday 1 October 2014 | Published in Crime

Cook Islands police to implement youth development programmes


Clean water saves lives, helps you live longer

Wednesday 1 October 2014 | Published in Health

Attendees at a water safety plan workshop in Aitutaki were visibly shocked when tests showed that nearly all of their home water supplies tested positive for contaminants.


Man imprisoned for fourth traffic offence

Wednesday 1 October 2014 | Published in Crime

A man has gone to prison for his third drunk driving charge, while 12 others appeared before the courts for traffic offences.


Brown brushes up with Brunei's royalty

Wednesday 1 October 2014 | Published in Politics

Takuvaine Member of Parliament Mark Brown travelled to Brunei earlier this month to attend a regional telecommunications meeting.


A real Cookie scientist

Wednesday 1 October 2014 | Published in Education

Cook Islander Teuru Tiraa-Passfield is set to return home and apply her studies in marine ecology.


Killing animals not a control strategy by police

Wednesday 1 October 2014 | Published in Local

Cook ISLANDS Police Service say they are doing the best they can to deal with the roaming dog problem on Rarotonga with the limited resources they have.


Think pink in breast cancer awareness

Wednesday 1 October 2014 | Published in Local

Breast cancer awareness month is October – not just here in the Cook Islands, but globally.


October 8 likely Parliament start

Tuesday 30 September 2014 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna has advised the Head of State to summons Parliament for a sitting to commence on October 8.


Demo conference likely next year

Tuesday 30 September 2014 | Published in Politics

Current Leader Wilkie Rasmussen will be remaining at the helm of the Democratic Party until the Party chooses its new chief at a conference roughly scheduled for early next year.


20 arrested for driving offences

Tuesday 30 September 2014 | Published in Crime

20 motorists were arrested over the weekend and will appear in court this Thursday with charges of driving with excess breath alcohol.


Government workers brush up on policy

Tuesday 30 September 2014 | Published in Local

Senior members of the public service were in attendance yesterday for the first day of a workshop that hopes to improve government’s ability to implement policy.


Rubbish Roundup exceeds expectations

Tuesday 30 September 2014 | Published in Environment

The Pacific Islands Conservation Initiative team and volunteers took their rubbish round up efforts underwater on Clean Up the World Day hauling out general rubbish and tyres from in and around the Avarua harbour area.


OCI leave coalition doors open

Monday 29 September 2014 | Published in Politics

Despite having only two elected members, the prospect of One Cook Islands being a necessary partner in the nation’s next government is increasingly becoming a reality.


Westpac teller convicted of taking money

Monday 29 September 2014 | Published in Crime

An ex-Westpac employee, who stole $270 out of a till for lunch money, has been convicted and discharged.


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