
Speaker's nomination challenged

Wednesday 29 October 2014 | Published in Politics

After a two week break, Parliament resumed yesterday to pick up exactly where it left off – the Opposition questioning procedures over the nomination of Speaker Niki Rattle to second term.


Missing $500k surplus questioned

Wednesday 29 October 2014 | Published in Politics

The opposition questioned the government on the alleged disappearance of equipment and materials used during the construction of the Telecom Sports Arena (TSA) stadium in Nikao.


'No lessons learned': George

Wednesday 29 October 2014 | Published in Politics

'On the eve of our 50th Anniversary of self-government, electoral corruption has re-immerged.'


Budget bill expected to be tabled today

Wednesday 29 October 2014 | Published in Politics

Finance Minister Mark Brown is expected to table the 2014-15 budget in Parliament today, almost four months since the beginning of the financial year.


Nuku celebrates arrival of the Gospel

Wednesday 29 October 2014 | Published in Local

On Monday, October 27, Members of the six Ekalesia on the island gathered together to celebrate, perform, and most of all acknowledge the arrival of the Gospel to the Cook Islands.


Te Mato Vai work sub-standard?

Wednesday 29 October 2014 | Published in Economy

Ring mains work not up to international standards: former TMV project engineer


Bro, grow a Mo!

Tuesday 28 October 2014 | Published in Health

Movember is about bringing men’s health issues into focus and this year we're focusing on prostate cancer.


Movember raising mo' awareness

Tuesday 28 October 2014 | Published in Health

Movember is a time to think seriously about prostate cancer – Derek Fox shares his experience.


Record number of drink driving offenders sentenced

Tuesday 28 October 2014 | Published in Crime

A record nine people have been sentenced in a single criminal court session for drink driving following multiple police checkpoints being set up over the past two months.


Taro patch crash leads to court appearance

Tuesday 28 October 2014 | Published in Crime

A woman was arrested for excess breath alcohol early Saturday morning after losing control of her motorbike and crashing into the taro patches at the Avatiu back road intersection.


Maritime operation nabs 12 vessels

Tuesday 28 October 2014 | Published in Environment

The FORUM Fisheries Agency's Pacific region annual maritime surveillance sweep of Pacific fishing waters has netted a record 12 vessels in potential breach of their fishing licences.


'Wonder Bra' wins awareness comp

Tuesday 28 October 2014 | Published in Local

Raising funds for the Cook Islands Breast Cancer Foundation and promoting awareness about breast cancer was the central message of the Knickers in a Twist bra competition.


Coasts bear brunt of 'lazy littering'

Tuesday 28 October 2014 | Published in Environment

Roadsides, stream banks and coastlines are baring the brunt of Rarotonga’s rubbish.


Parliament resumes today

Tuesday 28 October 2014 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna will be leading his razor thin Cook Islands Party-led majority Government into Parliament today when the House resumes sitting.


Important Super Fund meeting today

Tuesday 28 October 2014 | Published in Economy

Cook Islands Workers Association president Anthony Turua is urging all members of the Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund (NSF) to attend its general meeting this week.


Pension wait to be 'relaxed'

Tuesday 28 October 2014 | Published in Politics

The waiting period for Cook Island pensioners re-applying for the Cook Islands Old Age Pension will be relaxed under proposed amendments.


Sheraton re-development progressing

Saturday 25 October 2014 | Published in Local

Thel latest incarnation of plans to re-develop the overgrown site of the failed Sheraton hotel project in Vaimaanga are moving along through government bureaucracy.


Record levels for education budget: Government

Saturday 25 October 2014 | Published in Economy

Next week's budget will feature over $14 million in actual spending on education, says the Government, which it describes as “the highest amount ever allocated” for the sector.


Permits needed for seafood from Aitutaki

Saturday 25 October 2014 | Published in Environment

The Ministry of Marine Resources has issued a reminder to passengers travelling from Aitutaki over the festive season to respect the island’s by-laws for taking paua (clam) and other protected species to Rarotonga.


Probation term doesn't reflect gravity of assault: prosecution

Saturday 25 October 2014 | Published in Crime

A YOUNG local chef charged with assault on a female has managed to dodge prison and been sentenced to 12 months probation.


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