Tuesday 9 December 2014 | Published in Education
Leaders within the Puaikura vaka were filled with pride on Friday when future leaders from Arorangi School were acknowledged and given awards for an outstanding year of learning.
Tuesday 9 December 2014 | Published in Local
Christmas can be a financially challenging time for individuals and families in Rarotonga and the outer islands.
Tuesday 9 December 2014 | Published in Economy
October 2014 visitor arrivals were 11,842, an increase of 399 (3.5 per cent) on the same period last year.
Tuesday 9 December 2014 | Published in Local
The ‘BROWNE for Crown’ campaign is gathering momentum as university student Antonina Browne goes through final preparations for the 2014 Miss South Pacific pageant.
Tuesday 9 December 2014 | Published in Crime
Lock up your homes and businesses before you go out and enjoy festive events.
Tuesday 9 December 2014 | Published in Local
Staff from Jetsave Travel brought to their office yesterday as part of the Tropical Christmas office space judging competition.
Tuesday 9 December 2014 | Published in Economy
Weaknesses in the public sector procurement have been addressed in a “gradual and methodical” process, says the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management.
Tuesday 9 December 2014 | Published in Environment
The latest scientific evidence being presented to delegates at the UN Climate Conference in Peru is adding weight to a push from the Pacific Islands for a 1.5 degree limit to global warming by 2100.
Tuesday 9 December 2014 | Published in Environment
Greenpeace is urging tuna traders and investors to fill the void created by the Western and Central Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)’s failure to manage Pacific tuna fisheries.
Tuesday 9 December 2014 | Published in Education
School kids around the Cook Islands are counting down the days till Christmas as the holidays are fast approaching.
Tuesday 9 December 2014 | Published in Politics
Most of Cabinet is sitting tight in Rarotonga this week with business as usual as the Christmas wrap up draws near.
Tuesday 9 December 2014 | Published in Local
Government House took on a new lease of life this week with a special Christmas party of Creative Centre guests.
Monday 8 December 2014 | Published in Education
It was an emotional time for ex-pupils, former teachers, principals, PTA and current members of Avatea and Nikao Maori school who all gathered together to capture the last memories of their schools on Friday.
Monday 8 December 2014 | Published in Local
Virtues Cook Islands (VCI) is holding its regular Virtues At Work morning tea event this coming Wednesday 10 December at Leadership House, Te Ipukarea Society.
Monday 8 December 2014 | Published in Environment
It has been a busy time for Te Ipukarea Society with many events activities, continuing their strong determination to create awareness of the environment.
Monday 8 December 2014 | Published in Politics
Financial Secretary Richard Neves says government agencies in the Cook Islands are not resting on their laurels when it comes to preventing corruption around procurement. Neves was speaking on International Anti-Corruption Day – a United Nations initiative which supports the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. “Corruption is a problem in all countries, some more so than others. We have a good reputation internationally and we work hard to maintain that reputation. “But by ensuring we have robust systems and processes in place we reduce opportunities for corruption. “If there is any sign of corruption it is imperative that it is handled appropriately, sending a clear message that such behaviour is just unacceptable.” Neves cited the government’s procurement portal (procurement.gov.ck) as a good example of the government’s anti-corruption practice. “This website is accessible to all, and has been updated to allow people to easily see what tenders are underway, which ones have just closed, and, once awarded, who the successful tenderer was and for how much. All government agencies are required to put their tenders on the procurement portal. “Often I get complaints that procurement processes take time and hold up work. Yes the process is probably not as quick as what would happen in the private sector where people sit down and work it out quickly between them. “But we don’t manage our own money, we manage public money and the public needs to be confident that value for money is being obtained by government with their money.” Neves said the government had put a complaints procedure in place so members of the public could raise any concerns about procurement directly. The procurement guidelines outlined the process and easy to fill out forms that would enable the public to raise their concerns.
Monday 8 December 2014 | Published in Health
A senior lecturer from the University of Otago has been on the island organising and conducting a research project of the mentoring programme offered by the Rotaianga men’s centre in Tupapa.
Monday 8 December 2014 | Published in Crime
Despite a vigilant and visible road safety campaign by Cook Islands police, they are still concerned at the high number of vehicle crashes and people having their vehicles confiscated after being caught driving after drinking alcohol.
Monday 8 December 2014 | Published in Politics
The Government is using today’s International Anti-Corruption Day to help the public understand how they can help keep the Cook Islands to be corruption-free.
Saturday 6 December 2014 | Published in Local
JICA, Japan are seeking suitable candidates to attend Sustainable Tourism Development Utilising Island Areas Training programme from January 7– February 28 2015, Japan.
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