
New supervisor appointed

Friday 23 January 2015 | Published in Politics

After bedding in the operations of the Te Mato Vai project for the last 14 months, Te Mato Vai Project Management Unit head Latu Kupa is stepping back.


Turning concern into action

Friday 23 January 2015 | Published in Education

Turning concern into action is the focus of a climate change conference being held at the University of the South Pacific in Rarotonga next month.


Iron steamer lightens load for busy hospital workers

Friday 23 January 2015 | Published in Local

Cleaners and laundry staff at the Rarotonga Hospital can now kiss away blistered hands and long hours spent ironing thanks to the donation of a new ‘steamer iron’ from the Rotary Club of Rarotonga.


Rotary club gift will encourage reading

Friday 23 January 2015 | Published in Education

Rarotonga school students will soon have their heads back in the books when they return to school next week.


Third place on obesity list good news says nutritionist

Friday 23 January 2015 | Published in Health

The Cook Islands has scored third in a new list of the world’s most obese countries, with a new study claiming a hefty 63 per cent of the country’s population is overweight. But while some people who have contacted CINews say it’s shocking, as far Cook Islands Public Health nutritionist Karen Tairea is concerned, it’s good news.


Dancer details

Friday 23 January 2015 | Published in Local

Dancer Alex Henry pictured performing a solo item at a friend’s 21st birthday celebration in Taupo.


Keeping Cook Islands women 'in the know'

Friday 23 January 2015 | Published in Local

Keeping Cook Islands women connected is the aim of an organisation known as Cook Islands Business and Professional Women (CIBPW).


New immigration head chosen

Thursday 22 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Kairangi (Nani) Samuela was yesterday appointed as the Cook Islands’ new Principal Immigration Officer.


Celebrations run into 'political turbulence'

Thursday 22 January 2015 | Published in Politics

The current turbulent political situation could explain much about the “perception of disorganisation” felt by many about the 50th anniversary of self-government celebrations, says Prime Minister Henry Puna.


Mystery solved

Thursday 22 January 2015 | Published in Local

The mystery of the Boeing 767ER passenger jet parked on the tarmac at Rarotonga Airport this week has been solved.


Plenty of interest in 'end times' message

Thursday 22 January 2015 | Published in Local

Two pastors from the Seventh Day Adventist Church in California, US and a preacher/pianist from France, say they’re getting plenty of interest from Rarotonga residents in a series of meetings they are holding at the Pukapuka Hostel until the end of February.


Here for the love of dancing

Thursday 22 January 2015 | Published in Local

Five years after his last visit to Rarotonga, New Zealand-born Alex Henry is back on the island to explore his heritage and fuel his passion for his culture and love of dance.


Season's second cyclone moves on

Thursday 22 January 2015 | Published in Weather

The second cyclone of the 2014-2015 season was yesterday afternoon passing to the north of Papeete and was expected to reach Rurutu, 572kms southwest of Tahiti by last night.


More look at returning

Thursday 22 January 2015 | Published in Local

As 50th anniversary celebrations get into full swing, more Cook Islanders are becoming interested in returning home.


Better life starts with water says Demo MP

Thursday 22 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Better quality of life starts with a drink of water, says Democratic Party MP and member for Ngatangiia Tama Tuavera as he launched a brand new water station for his people on Tuesday.


PM keeps close eye on Aitutaki electioneering

Wednesday 21 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna says he is keeping a close eye on alleged illegal behaviour by the Democratic Party One Cook Islands coalition in the run-up to the Vaipae-Tautu by-election.


Ripe mangoes too tempting for some

Wednesday 21 January 2015 | Published in Local

With the mango season in full swing, ‘ask before you pick’ is the policy fruit pickers are encouraged to adopt before entering private property to get to their favourite fruit.


Mystery jet lands

Wednesday 21 January 2015 | Published in Local

Mystery surrounds the origin of this Boeing 767-300ER aircraft which has been parked on the tarmac at Rarotonga Airport since last weekend.


Assault charge dropped

Wednesday 21 January 2015 | Published in Crime

Police officer Manuia Pareina had a charge of common assault dropped when he appeared in the High Court before Justice of the Peace John Kenning last Thursday.


Educators set for new year of learning

Wednesday 21 January 2015 | Published in Education

Returning Cook Islanders are among the new intake of teachers set to inspire Cook Islands students in 2015.


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