
Busy week of promotions

Friday 27 February 2015 | Published in Local

The Cook Islands travel promotion team from Rarotonga had a busy week in the US before jetting off to Europe early this week.


January visitors short of record high

Thursday 26 February 2015 | Published in Local

Data released by the Statistics Office showed that a total of 6621 tourists arrived in the Cook Islands in January this year, 196 fewer than in the same month last year.


Bike smash kills woman

Thursday 26 February 2015 | Published in Local

A 37 year old Pue resident died on Sunday after her motorcycle was involved in a collision with a car near the Hartal Store at Upper Tupapa.


Presentation pleases Prime Minister

Thursday 26 February 2015 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna spoke on behalf of the Cook Islands to the New Zealand Government on Tuesday (our time) this week, asking for more flexibility in New Zealand superannuation laws.


Puna's NZ super presentations 'positive'

Thursday 26 February 2015 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna says his presentations to the New Zealand Parliamentary Select Committee on the Social Assistance (Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau) bill were very positive and well received.


Marae Moana gathers momentum

Thursday 26 February 2015 | Published in Local

More than three years since Prime Minister Henry Puna first announced plans for ‘Marae Moana’ the proposed Cook Islands Marine Park, little progress has been made.


Seven in court on assault charges

Thursday 26 February 2015 | Published in Crime

Seven people charged with assault appeared before Justice of the Peace John Kenning in the High Court on Thursday, February 19.


Policies about protection too

Thursday 26 February 2015 | Published in Politics

Hydrographic policies are not only about navigation, but protecting the waters of Pacific nations.


Nukutere news reporters

Wednesday 25 February 2015 | Published in Education

Nukutere College year 10 IT students are set to print their first newspaper next month and yesterday morning spent time with CI News deputy editor Matariki Wilson (centre) to learn the ins and outs of the art of creating newspapers.


Telecom sale 'disappointing'

Wednesday 25 February 2015 | Published in Politics

The Democratic Party is ‘disappointed’ the Government did not fight harder to keep Telecom Cook Islands locally owned.


Aitutaki welcomes new machines

Wednesday 25 February 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

Infrastructure improvement works on the island of Aitutaki will kick into high gear following the arrival of heavy machinery to the island over the weekend.

Outer Islands

Critic slams Triad pipeline ads

Wednesday 25 February 2015 | Published in Local

A local fuel company’s advertising campaign rubbishing a proposal to build an over-the-reef fuel supply pipeline is ‘hysterical and one-sided’, says one local critic.


Helping hand for young growers

Wednesday 25 February 2015 | Published in Local

Organic farmers’ organisations working with young farmers in the Cook Islands, Niue and the Republic of the Marshall Islands are at the centre of a new project called ‘Capacity Building for Resilient Agriculture in the Pacific’, aimed at reducing the vulnerability of rural people in the Pacific to natural hazards and climate change.


Meeting tackles issues confronting our ocean

Wednesday 25 February 2015 | Published in Local

The safety of navigation and protection of the Pacific Ocean’s marine environment is big news on Rarotonga this week, with an international conference tackling some big issues.


Strict bail conditions imposed

Wednesday 25 February 2015 | Published in Crime

Okirua Manuela faced a charge of threatening grievous bodily harm when he appeared before Justice of the Peace John Kenning in the High Court on February 19.


Electric scooter a vision of the future

Wednesday 25 February 2015 | Published in Local

One day, sometime in the future, the buzz of scooter engines on Rarotonga could be replaced with the sound…of silence.


Visitor turns learning into lots of laughs

Wednesday 25 February 2015 | Published in Education

When education consultant and artist Neal Nichols Jnr visited Takitumu Primary School last Friday he delivered what could be said to be a new way of seeing the world.


Grammar prefect has local links

Tuesday 24 February 2015 | Published in Local

Cook Islander Samuel Fortes, son of former Rarotonga residents Clem and Vicki Fortes, has been made a prefect at Auckland Grammar School.


Norman's day in court set for April

Tuesday 24 February 2015 | Published in Politics

Norman George is set to have his day in court in April, after suing the Cook Islands Government for $4 million.


Kind pair gift a pool

Tuesday 24 February 2015 | Published in Local

An act of kindness by two local businesswomen has seen an 11-year-old Rarotonga boy get the best birthday present he could have wished for.


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