Outer Islands

Zimbabwean doctor volunteers in Aitutaki

Wednesday 14 November 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Doctors in Aitutaki will receive an opportunity for a break from their hard work, thanks to Dr Grahame Jelley.

Outer Islands

Reef Express no longer in service

Tuesday 13 November 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

One of two Reef ships has been taken out of service – but Reef Shipping says their solution will have no effect on Rarotonga and will benefit Aitutaki with extra sailings.

Outer Islands

Dragon fruit name sought

Saturday 10 November 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

The agriculture ministry is asking members of the public to help them name a variety of dragon fruit introduced to the Cook Islands.

Outer Islands

Teaching lace making art from Atiu

Wednesday 7 November 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Australia-based artist and academic Regine Wagner has spent the past two years travelling, immersing in different forms of art and the cultures that bear them – papier mache in Italy, textile printing in Sweden, an installation in the Blue Mountains. This month, her journey landed her in the South Pacific paradise of Enuamanu.

Outer Islands

Maths quiz fun

Monday 5 November 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

The best maths minds were put to work on the night of Wednesday October 24 at the annual Cook Islands mathematics competition.

Outer Islands

Reef schedule changed after break-down

Saturday 3 November 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

There will be interruptions to the scheduled service of Reef Express after the ship broke down in Tonga recently.

Outer Islands

Third shipping licence granted

Thursday 1 November 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

The government has granted the country’s third shipping licence to local company Uma Shipping CI Ltd.

Outer Islands

Atiu hostel construction project labours on

Wednesday 31 October 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

The phrase ‘many hands make light work’ is ringing true for Atiu Nui Maruarua III project secretary-general Nga Teao-Papatua.

Outer Islands

Mauke and Mitiaro harbour works nearly done

Tuesday 30 October 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Work on the Mitiaro harbour re-development project is expected to be completed by mid-November after contractors from Pacific Marine and Civil Solutions out of Fiji began work at the end of August.

Outer Islands

Support for Mangaia, Mauke disabled

Monday 29 October 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

The outer islands of Mangaia and Mauke have been given better support in caring for their elderly and disabled residents through training and donated equipment from Te Vaerua.

Outer Islands

Big golf weekend

Wednesday 24 October 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

The Aitutaki Golf Club will have a double celebration this long weekend when the club celebrates its 25th anniversary as well as the Air Rarotonga Aitutaki Open Golf Tournament starting today.

Outer Islands

Manihiki fuel shortage averted

Tuesday 23 October 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Delays in fuel shipments to the northern group island of Manihiki meant the island had to borrow fuel from neighbouring Rakahanga plus send out an SOS to foreign fishing vessels in the north to buy fuel off them.

Outer Islands

Mapu Toa!

Saturday 20 October 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Louisa Purea and Aberahama Tauta will only just be coming down from cloud nine this weekend after winning the Maine Tiare and Tama Aito categories respectively at the Mire Tama competition on Thursday night.

Outer Islands

Association reels in another club

Saturday 20 October 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

The Cook Islands Fishing Association (CIF) reeled in another fishing club at its annual general meeting.

Outer Islands

Get into the 7s swag tomorrow

Friday 19 October 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

This weekend’s first round of the two week CITC Rarotonga Corporate Sevens tournament is set to be a scorcher and will be held at the BCI Stadium in Nikao kicking off at 2pm tomorrow.

Outer Islands

Market Day today

Friday 19 October 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Fresh fruit, vegetables and other novelty products are not the only things that will be sold at the National Farmers Market Day today.

Outer Islands

New group applies for licence to service Pa Enua

Thursday 18 October 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Making more use of the MV Mycon barge when it is in the Avatiu port is the motive behind a new group looking to service the outer islands.

Outer Islands

Showtime for Mire Tama hopefuls

Thursday 18 October 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Weeks of preparation will culminate in two winners in the second running of the Mire Tama competition tonight.

Outer Islands

Exciting plan for Aitutaki

Wednesday 17 October 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Extensive development of the Arutanga harbour in Aitutaki and surrounding area over the next five years will mean huge economic and social benefits for the outer island.

Outer Islands

Power restrictions on Palmerston Is

Wednesday 17 October 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

Palmerston’s acting island secretary Tere Marsters has called for more shipping services after revealing households on the island will only have power from 6am to 2pm until the end of January.

Outer Islands

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