Outer Islands

Atiu airport to get $4m upgrade

Tuesday 7 January 2014 | Published in Outer Islands

Atiu’s run-down airport will be given a $4 million upgrade over the coming months as part of a long-term plan to boost the island’s tourism economy.

Outer Islands

Red Cross keeps emergency phones open

Tuesday 3 September 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

The Cook Islands Red Cross raised $7300 as part of their door knock appeal to keep the satellite phones on the outer islands turned on during the cyclone season from November 2013 to April 2014.

Outer Islands

Coastal management talks in Mangaia

Saturday 31 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

Another successful meeting was held in Mangaia to discuss coastal fisheries management recently.

Outer Islands

Toddler wins Atiu baby show

Thursday 29 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

The island of Atiu held its baby show on August 15, with a total of 25 children entering the event.

Outer Islands

Coastal fisheries talks in the north

Saturday 24 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

Coastal fisheries are of vital importance and should be supported by government is the feedback emerging from the Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) consultations in the northern Cook Islands.

Outer Islands

Red Cross launches door knock appeal

Saturday 24 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

Cook Islands Red Cross will be conducting a gold coin door knock appeal on Wednesday, August 28 from 4.30-6.30pm.

Outer Islands

Tahitian yachts visit Raro

Saturday 24 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

Fifteen yachts have docked at the harbour since August 1 to date and five are still in the harbour.

Outer Islands

More support for meals on wheels

Friday 23 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

A meals on wheels project has received further funding to continue providing food to Atiu’s elderly residents.

Outer Islands

Pukapuka reports on disability funds

Friday 23 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

Money from the Social Impact Fund (SIF) is helping people with disabilities get more involved in the community, according to a report from Pukapuka.

Outer Islands

Ei of Mauke a 'beautiful' book

Wednesday 21 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

A book describing Mauke and its traditional ei making has been written by a group of school students from the island.

Outer Islands

Pukapuka monster raffle extended

Tuesday 20 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

The draw of the Pukapuka monster raffle has been postponed until Friday September 27.

Outer Islands

Book donations for school's first library

Monday 19 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

An outer island school’s Facebook post requesting book donations for its first library has ignited a huge response.

Outer Islands

Junior sailors ready for next level

Thursday 15 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

Rarotonga and Aitutaki junior sailors have enjoyed great sailing on the Aitutaki lagoon over the weekend in the Aitutaki Challenge regatta.

Outer Islands

Pukapuka dictionary goes live

Wednesday 14 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

A dictionary of the Pukapukan language is now online.

Outer Islands

NCD screening for the outer islands

Wednesday 14 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

A screening programme for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) will be rolled out in the outer islands by the end of the year.

Outer Islands

Aitutaki residents trade in old fridges

Wednesday 14 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

Around 30 Aitutaki households took advantage of the government’s fridge/freezer replacement programme last month.

Outer Islands

Researchers find healthy marine life

Tuesday 13 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

Healthy coral and plenty of fish were some of the findings of researchers who recently returned from an expedition to survey parts of the marine park.

Outer Islands

Hostel progression set in concrete

Monday 12 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

The second floor of the new Pukapuka Hostel was filled with concrete last Thursday, in preparation for building the walls and roof.

Outer Islands

Mauke celebrates Te Maeva Nui

Friday 9 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

There is only a small population on Mauke Island, but it didn’t deter everyone from enjoying their float parade to start off Te Maeva Nui celebrations on the island.

Outer Islands

Unlocking the mystery of Atiu's caves

Wednesday 7 August 2013 | Published in Outer Islands

Two New Zealand-based anthropologists are visiting Atiu to conduct a multi-week study to unlock some of the mysteries of a burial cave on the island.

Outer Islands

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